Losing Christina 1: Fog

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Losing Christina 1: FOG
Director Alex Throton
Producers Allison Gaskins
Alex Throton
James Howard
Starring Zoe Orimoto
Miriah Tucker
Richard Gere
Maggie Smith
T.K. Taikashi
Tai Kamiah
Koji Minamoto
Matt Yoshida
Music Taji Ikari
Script Anya Fitzgerald
Alex Thorton
(From the Novel by Caroline C.)
Editing Yukiko Ikari
Distribution Black Hawk Films Ltd. (in Kanami)
Screen Gems (World Wide)
Release Date June 1, 2003
Runtime 180 minutes
Country Kanami
Awards 4 Kanami Academy Awards Wins
Sound Editing
Film Editing
Supporting Actress
Supporting Actor
another 9 Nominations domestically, and over 25 world wide
Language English
Budget K$12,503,280
Rating Kanami: MA-13
Aqua Anu:OC-13
Edoniakistanbabweagua: NB-13
Edward City: 16+
Emerald Springs: T
Granade Turquesa Isla: M/12
Magic Sorcery: MA-13
Maraque: Parental Guidance 13
side'tes 12
Umeltia: Banned
Vuhifellian Federation: C-12


13 year old Christina Romney prepares for middle school on the mainland, she's excited and has great ambitions for her middle school life. However her dreams become a crushing reality when she meets her caretakers, the Shevvingtons. Little to her knowledge, they have plans for her and her class mate Anya Rothrock. They are prepared to make Christina's year a living hell for her, by emotionally tormenting her and Anya into submission. Christina is the only one who seems to feel something is very wrong, but no one will belive her when she says. Can Chrissie advert a tragedy in the making? Or will she become a lost soul?


Much of the filming for part one was done on location in the port town of Ocean Serenity in west Kanami. Alex chose the location because of the one steep hill in the entire town which would be used for Break Neck Hill The house for the mannor was placed on an Elevated Platform that would be mobile, on the backlot of Black Hawk Films Ltd.

Although much was shot on location, many sceens such as the climactic storm scene were shot on stage.


The school was Alex Thorton's old middel school. Due to tight production schedual and the fact they were trying to make it look in season, much of the filming had to be done during school hours, much to the dismay of the principal. In order to not disturbe the classes, the crew put up paper on all door windows. An entire office was taken up for Mr. Shevvignton's office.

The cove along with break neck hill was filmed on location excpet during the climax.

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Miraiah Tucker filming her scene

Thorton also chose to film at low angels, or at the eye line of the children when they were alone to capture their sense of the situation. Whenver the youth cast were with the Shevvingtons, the angels were especially low to show the overpowering presence of them. Much of the film was also colorized in a greenish tint, but blended with real colors.


For the casting of the teenagers Alex chose a lot of unknowns from all over the country and a few overseas. The adult cast presence was very minimal compared to the presistant youth cast, (due mostly to the Novel context) The only major adults were the Shevvingtons and Christina's Parents. (Whom were both played by Zoe Orimoto's parents) While Anya's parents were refered to, non were seen. However with the role of the Shevvingtons, Thorton looked to very profesionall actors and actress. Having a long desire to work with Maggie Smith, he asked her to be in it. Alex was also impressed by Richard Gere after seeing him in an another film, and he also asked him.


Alex teamed up with his long time partner yet again, but also wanted to bring in the sonic styles of TOMANDANDY to mix with the orchestral score. Ikari and Tomandandy made a combination of a dark orchestral with a sonicscape.


Upon the films release domestically it proved to be a hit, especially amongst the teenage crowd (Whom of which the film was intended) The film domestically was released through Black Hawk Films Ltd. and Screen Gems. Screen Gems also overs saw the whole international release.

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Screen Gems


The film grossed over 1.27 billion dollars world wide, despite it's lenght and emotional intensity. The film was critically well recived as well. However it had to compete with some top films that year such as Finding Nemo and The Lord of the Rings Saki Katsuma gave the film a perfect score, which was a rareity for her.

Incredible and powerful acting, combined with flawless direction, vast and intresting cinematography, and a plot that leaves you guessing, this is the best film of the year.

Some countries however placed heavy restrictions on the film due to it's length and strong emotional content. Although this was a select few, domestically it had it's problems. Some theators refused to show the film because of the dipiction of emotional torture.


The film was nominated for 11 Academy Awards in Kanami, including Best Picture, Director, and techincal awards for Sound, and Cinematography, as well as production design. The film took awards for acting and it's technical achivements. This was the first film to be nominated for an Original Song that wasn't written for the film.