Al Salma

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The Emirate of Al Salma


Provincial flag Coat of Arms
Motto As-salam al-malaki al-urdoni.
Capital Zardaqaman
  - Official
  - Unofficial

  Emir -

Mohamed Burhânneddin

176.215 km²
176,220 sq mi
Region United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel
 - Total (2007)


Al Salma (Arabic: الاباما سلمي), officially the Emirate of SaleemiqaAl Salma, is an emirate of the United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel, located north-west on the Pellina Island. It is bordered by the Emirate of Saleemiqa, the Emirate of Moodiqa, the Emirate of Hassia and the Emirate of Shadiaq. The capital city is Zardaqaman.


For ancient history see the Pellinese Empire.

Al Salma (The Peaceful Lans) was an Emirate of The Pellinese Empire between 2000 BC to 1200 AD. It's borders have remained unchanged since 954 BC when the council of Elders of the Pellinese Empire divided the empire into 19 Emirate's ruled by local warlords. Al Salma was awarded to Saragon the Great (Salim ibn Saragon), a legendary Pellinese warrior.

Around 1205AD, Shah Muhamed of the Pellinese Empire called for an army to be raised and asked all the Emirates to send 10,000 men each to fight the Emirate of Samah Island, who had declared itself independant of the Pellinese Empire. The Emir at the time, Saud Ali Al-Zamakhsharî declared Al Salma neutral and declined the Shah's request for military aid. This prompted Shah Muhamed to call for all the Emir's who failed to provide soldiers to be arrested and executed. This sparked the War of the Pellina Island Succession.

The war lasted three months, only ending when Shah Muhamed and his family were killed by Emir Jamal Al Baqara of the Emirate of Salehstan. During the war, Al Salma fought battles on it's borders against the Emirate of Moodiqa and the Emirate of Shadiaq.

On March the 18th 1206, the 19 Emir's of the former Pellinese Empire met at Intisar (Emirate of Makaoui) and the Treaty of Intisar was signed by all 19 Emir's granting independence to the Emirates.

Since gaining independence, the Emirate Al Salma has avoided regional conflicts and internal disputes and has remained one of the most peaceful and stable regions in Pellina.

Recent History

On the 21st of November 2007, Emir Mohamed Burhânneddin requested for the Emirate of Al Salma to become a part of the United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel, making the region a federal emirate.


Al Salma is an emirate located on the north-western point of the Pellina Island, bordered by the Emirate of Saleemiqa to the east and the Emirate of Moodiqa, the Emirate of Hassia and the Emirate of Shadiaq to the south.

Al Salma consists mostly of arid desert plateau in the east, with Highland area in the west. The Great Rift Valley of the Al Salma River separates Al Salma and the Emirate of Moodiqa. The highest point in the country is Jabal Ümmühan (1,734 m; 5,689 ft).

Major cities include the capital Zardaqaman in the northwest, Al-Zamakhsharî and Abdalacus, both in the north and Rabbath Tirrah and Rabbath Talifah in the south.

The climate in Al Salma is dry and hot, since the country is mainly desert. However, the western part of the country receives greater precipitation during the rainy season from November to March.

Administrative divisions

The Emirate of Al Salma consists of 9 administrative divisions.

Al Salma.jpg

Al-Dîn District
Al-Chagmini District
Al-Taftazânî District
Al-Suhrawardî District
Al-Uzunçarsili District
Al-Vedat District
Al-Zaganos District
Al-Rahim District
Al-Selâniki District


Zardaqaman Al-Zamakhsharî Abdalacus Rabbath Tirrah Rabbath Talifah


Zardaqaman Al-Zamakhsharî Abdalacus Rabbath Tirrah Rabbath Talifah


Al Salma is a small emirate with limited natural resources. The emirate is currently exploring ways to expand its limited water supply and use its existing water resources more efficiently, including through regional cooperation. Al Salma also depends on external sources for the majority of its energy requirements. The government has emphasized the information technology (IT) and tourism sectors as other promising growth sectors.

Textile and clothing exports from Al Salma to St Samuel shot up 2,000 percent from 2000 to 2005, following trade agreements.

Al Salma is classified by the World Bank as a "lower middle income country." The per-capita GDP was approximately $1,817 (€1,479) for 2003 and 14.5% of the economically active population, on average, was unemployed in 2003. The GDP per capita in 2005 is at $USD 4,200. Education and literacy rates and measures of social well-being are relatively high compared to other countries with similar incomes. Al Salma's population growth rate is high, but has declined in recent years, to approximately 2.8% currently. One of the most important factors in the government’s efforts to improve the well-being of its citizens is the macroeconomic stability that has been achieved since the 1990s. However, unemployment rates remain high, with the official figure standing at 12.5%.

The emirate's main export commodities are phosphates, fertilizers, potash, agricultural products and since 2007, the emirate has been the largest exporter of melons in the region, with large growth in the melon sector. In early 2008 the St Samuel government announced plans to develop Al Salma's west coast and since then development on the Al Salma Riviera has begun.


Main industries include phosphate mining, petroleum refining, cement, potash, light manufacturing, tourism.


Main agriculture includes products such as wheat, barley, citrus, tomatoes, melons, olives; sheep, goats, poultry


Tourism is a very important sector of the Al Salmanian economy, contributing between 10 percent and 12 percent to the emirate's Gross National Product in 2006. In addition to the country's political stability, the geography offered makes Al Salma an attractive tourism destination. Al Salma's major tourist activities include numerous ancient places, its unique desert castles and unspoiled natural locations to its cultural and religious sites.


Al Salma has a population of 37.5 million. 95% of Al Salma's population are Arabs. Al Salmanian Arabs make 55% of the population and a large portion of the population (approximately 40%) are from Shadiaqian and Moodiqan origin, who fled from Shadiaq and Moodiqa to Al Salma and gained citizenship after the The Second War of Greater Holdinia, the remaining non-Arabs of the population are mainly Samuelonian, but have integrated into the Al Salmanian and Arab cultures in the country.

According to Labour Ministry figures, the number of guest workers in the country now stands just over 300,000, most are Hassian who makeup 227,000 of the foreign labor, and the remaining 36,150 workers are mostly from Yasmia, Salehstan and Ibbyan. Throughout Pellinese history many Christian-Arabs have settled in Al Salma seeking refuge from persecution.

Christians permanently residing in Al Salma form approximately 16% of the population and have 20% of the seats in parliament. Most Christians belong to the Greek Orthodox church. The rest are Roman Catholics, Eastern Catholics, and various Protestant communities including Baptists.

Other Al Salmanian's belonging to Religious Minorities, Include adherents to the Druze and the Baha'i Faiths, which fall administratively under Islamic denomination, the Druze are mainly located in the Eastern Oasis Town of Bayakurt and the city of Ozalan, while the village of Yilmanziyeh boardering The Al Salma Valley is home to Al Salma's Baha'i Community.

The official language is Arabic, but English is used widely in commerce and government and among educated people. Arabic and English are obligatorily taught at public and private schools. Italian and Latin is taught at some public and private schools but is not obligatory. Radio Salma offers Official Radio Services in Arabic, English, Italian and Latin.


The culture of Al Salma is based on Arab and Islamic elements. Notable aspects of the culture include the music of Al Salma as well as an interest in sports, particularly football (soccer) and basketball as well as other imported sports mainly from St Samuel. Al Salmanian's are renowned for there liberal and tolerent nature, which has resulted in many seeking asylum have fled to Al Salma.


Arabic is the official language of Al Salma. English is widely understood among most Al Salmanian's , degrees vary upon educational levels and Demographical concentration. Middle and Upper Class Citizens tend to be fluent and consider English as the Second Language. Italian and Latin is understood by most business entrepreneurs, government officials and University educators or graduates of The St Samuel Schools. With the influence of St Samuel music amongst the younger generations, Latin and Italian is becoming more widely spoken.


Al Salma has given great attention to education in particular. Its educational system is of international standards and its secondary education program is accepted in world-class universities. Al Salma now has amongst the highest literacy rate in the Pellina Island and it is still growing.