Aerion People's Liberation Army

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An Aerion insurgent organization led by Colonel Rakodeth Rodal, it has some socialist leanings though its main focus is for democracy for the common Aerionian.

Declaration of Purpose

"Why we fight the Aerion Monarchy"

1. Because it is not legal
The Aerion Monarchy, and the Royal Government is unresponsive to the voice of the people. It serves the Aerion people in no way other than for its own reasons. It oppresses citizens when they resist its tyranny. It offers no democracy on the national or provincial level, only those whom the King, and his Privy Council directly appoint. It does not allow free market, as the King charters out only certain corporations to hold monopoly on certain goods, and leaves little choice of employment for many citizens. The higher classes are immune from legal prosecution, and exempt from certain laws.

2. Because it is not moral
As a monarchy with genuine accountability, it uses force to maintain its reign of terror over the citizenry. It enforces taxes without respect for the needs of its citizens. It ignores the hundreds of thousands of homeless in the streets while indulging in its own excesses.

3. Becase it is not socially responsible
As a force of totalitarianism, it suppresses free thought and communication. It censors those who speak against it. By force it rules over the people, separating itself behind walls both literally and figuratively. Public education is terrible, only providing up to the 8th grade, and all of the elite send their children to private schools or can afford to send them to Royally chartered universities.

4. Because it is corrupt
Every single member of the Royal Government is required as an unnofficial rule to join Aerion Freemasonry, and swear vows to each other. Even down to the provincial, and local officials are part of this Freemasonic system to the point that it has become a "secret government." The executives of corporations, and the leaders of academia as well as many well-known clergymen are also members. Freemasonry does not reveal its members, or locations of its lodges. Though the membership is well known. King Wasterin X himself is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, and on the Supreme Council. The men that are part of this organization use it totally to their own gain through networking, and power. The elite live off of the people of Aerion like a leech, indulging in wild excesses as people starve in the street or can barely get by.

Therefore, the People's Liberation Army of Aerion has declared that it is at war with the current oppressive regime of Aerion, and the "elite" who oppress us. As this is a war, the People's Liberation Army of Aerion will use force against these oppressors. We feel we have the right, and the reason to wage war against this government. We are not terrorists, but freedom fighters. We will use guerilla, and covert methods to accomplish our goal of liberation of the Aerion people. However, we will seek to minimize civilian casualites as in any war. We encourage the people of Aerion, and the peoples of the world not to see us as terrorists as the Monarchy will falsely label us but as freedom fighters.

Colonel Rakoteth Roidal
Leader of the People's Liberation Army