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Supreme Dictator
Frisbee Freaks
Border Collie

Juun (Pronounced June) is the supreme dictator of the Frisbee Freaks. She is an Oppressive dictator and enforces the laws of balls and frisbees. Juun was born on Branchwater farms, and for the first 8 weeks she lived there, takling her brothers and sisters, and thinking she was god's gift to the world. She moved into a home, and discovered her freakish love of balls and frisbees. Juun then declared 5000 sq miles of land in dinosaur planet hers. She founded a new nation in a sparsly populated planet. Juunotorum was built and became capital. One could get a lot of land quick in this new republic. It was promising, so thousands imigrated from more crowded, and less desirable land came and became citizens. Juun was pleased. It wasn't long before Juun abused her powers, and Cassie rebeled. After Cassie disapeared Juun has claimed no responsebility for it. Juun Is afrade of many things. She has expressed fear of groundhogs, doors, puppies, fish, water, computers, foxes, tom and jerry, ice cream, trashcans, mud, dirt, books, apes, bugs, the dark, the light, sprinklers, poles, maps, cassie, tank, cows, crows, crystals, and anything new. She is even afraid of cats, and she is a dog! Yet she still thinks she is a tough-guy.