History of Latao

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Early Antiquity

The Latins ancient ancestry is the southern region of Ille de France. During the millenniums, the Latin culture traveled to the region of Atlantian Oceania, where ancient eternal curia was founded, by the lords Lixus and Delaria as the legend tells.

Sent from the outer realms, the rulers of the eternal curia managed to make their city well known in the area of today’s District with the same ancient name. They started to organize structures to manage food and protection.

The legend says that Lixus killed his own sister after she refused to born a son of clean blood.

During the first two centuries of the ancient nations, the situation was unclear. Historical sources report of numerous priests and emperors during that area.

After that period, the first “renaissance” in the curia began. The first democratic-like structures were founded by the son of a rich olive dealer named Itanius. He probably could get this position thru inheritance from his father.

Itanius was fascinated by the ideas of the ancient writings related to Demokratia. With the support of mighty war lords, he forced the creation of the first Senate in Atlatiantian Oceania, named Senatium with him, Itanium on top.

This position of concentration of power, quickly leaded to trouble. After a rough period of a estimated century long, Itanium and most of his Senators got murdered sooner or later.

After these times of internal instability, the Senatium got forgotten. Until a new man entered the stage of the eternal curia: Sidanus.

The brilliant mathematician and scientist went up the social hierarchy quickly with his revolutionary discovering of physics and theology.

After the death of the high priest of the curia, he reached the top of the eternal city-state. He quickly reorganized the old, corrupted Senatium that wasn’t much more than a shadow-assembly and created the office of the emperor.

The emperor was after Sidanus, the emperor was voted by the members of the Senatium, which consisted of military generals, priests and rich dealers. The new stability achieved in this era allowed the eternal curia to bring itself quickly into the center of the ancient world. High priests of surrounding city-states joined the eternal curia, which allowed them to create the first modern army in southern Oceania. This new instrument empowered the curia to extend its territory. This process was the fundament of the Imporio Latinum; the eternal realms. During the centuries, the curia growed rapidly and conquered the entire southern island of Atlantian Oceania.

The curia Latinum spread the base for trading, science and theology in the known (southern) ancient world. The curia Latinum was an empire, consisting of states, ruled by generals, while that building was hold together by the Senatium, which was finally taken nearly completely by traders, who gained fabulous wealth thru the new territories. The emperor was now elected by the Senatium. Though he had full control over the entire empire and often killed local generals that refused to follow him, he was a marionette of the Senatium.

Based on this fundament, emperor Luciaria took over the curia, which was now an integrated realm, even provided with roads.

Ancient Integration

Luciaria replaced the local generals and let the people from all city-states elected their represantives into the Senatium. The creation of a common currency accorded to be highly conducive to the integration era of the empire. He tricked the generals and finally gained full control over the military and secured its support in the Senatium and the citizens of all city-states with money and personal benefits. Under his leasing, the eternal curia Luciaria (what then was the official name) become the mightiest empire in the known world.


For reasons, that aren’t clear yet for today’s historical scientists, the ancient empire collapsed. The citizens of the ancient city-states formed new, independent nations during the centuries and the Latin culture vanished in these areas outside the borders of today’s Latao.

The eternal curia however stayed, but the original ancient city lost relevance as the city of Luciaria was the central point of the Latin culture now.

Medieval Times

With the collapse of the ancient empire, the dark and rough medieval times began in the region. Wide parts of the know-how discovered and developed by the ancient empire was lost during the centuries.

The cities inside the mainland of today’s Latao started to go their own ways. Most of them were ruled by the wealthy or religious priests with more or less dictator-like methods.

The Latin cities, ancient city-states started to battle for territory which formed the District’s we know from today. As these were dangerous times, the local leaders of these states (as the districts were called) began to create contracts, where they agreed not to attack themselves and to protect the lands from foreign aggressions. The parties of these contracts however had the right to expand their territory on areas not hold by members of the contracts.

During the centuries, these contracts brought a new form of state organization: The “oath council”. This council came together a few times per year and discussed issues that affected all Latin states. This form of state organization worked fine until the modern era.


As the centuries went by, the democracy demanded its power back. The oath council, that was assembled only of rich and upper nobility couldn’t stand the pressure from the people anymore.

Revolutions broke out in more and more states, which lead to the collapse of the oath council. As the (in some states bloody) revolutions all had similar goals, the new powers came together and negotiated about a common future for the Latin people.

The idea was finally born to create a new state for all Latin people; by keeping local freedoms the states have been hard-earned for centuries.

It should have taken another 50 years until these ideas became reality.

The reformatory hold a referendum to legitimate their ideas. This voting wasn’t as free and unforced as today’s elections. After the referendum was held, the oath council agreed that it’s been replaced with the institutions declared by the new constitution.

The Confederacy of Latao was born. The former states that inherited the millenniums-old culture of the eternal curia’s city-states were united as Districts and formed a new sovereign nation from that day on. The young parliament decided Luciaria to be capital city of the new formed nation.

Modern History

During the last 50 years, Latao was an inconsiderable country, with a well-functioning local economy, but was not really rich or mighty.

Latest Developments

Information Incomplete