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Velfodnerset are a species native to the Shadowstorm Imperium Ruins.



Velfodnerset are humanoid creatures, typically ten to twelve feet in height. Their skin is a deep red-brown and they have clawed fingers and toes. They are highly muscular and have sharp teeth. Atop their heads are sharp horns. Velfodnerset are completely hairless.


Velfodnerset intelligence is similar to that of humans, however, their long lives allow them to obtain a great deal more experience and knowledge.

Long lives

Velfodnerset live very long lives. It is believed that they do not age at all, and only die from serious injury.

Physical abilities

Velfodnerset have great physical abilities. As well as being strong and tough, they are fast and agile, something often found surprising, considering their size and weight.


Velfodnerset typically conquer and rule "lesser" people. The title of "King" is common amongst them, as all adult Velfodnerset are expected to rule over some land.

The Velfodnerset have their own language, with both spoken and written forms. It is a very difficult language to learn, and is never taught to non-Velfodnerset.

As Velfodnerset acquire knowledge, they typically write it down in books, copies of which are given to their children as they grow up.


Velfodnerset tend to be prejudiced against each other depending on what family they come from. Reputation depends on power and wealth. Velfodnerset parents typically attempt to arrange their children's marriages, so that their child marries someone from a family of equal or higher reputation.

Notable Velfodnerset

  • Dorusceronis YlimNeicna, King of Niogoul-Maeromirpli.
  • Atanracnad YlimNeicna, brother of and second-in-command to Dorusceronis.