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The City of Nenya (AKA The Dawn City of Nenya)

The City

The beautiful capital city of the ICEL (Iluvauromeni Commonality of Everlasting Light), Nenya has the largest tourist industry of all the locales in the Commonality. Recieving an average of thirty million tourists a year, Nenya has a fluctuating actual population depending on season, but the underlying population is now steady at around 375 million sentients. The majority of the population live and work in the vast underground caverns that make up the majority of the true city, with much of the surface buildings oddly being given over to the strange combination of entertainment - such as the famously orgytastic Flesh Palaces - and government departments - such as the Public Maintenance Department.

The 'city' actually lies over a mile beneath the surface, in excavations that were developed over several hundred years during a time of increasing population and increased environmental impact on the culturally important Nenya Forest. The eventual development of the city is relatively recent; two years ago, there was no official habitation of the city, and it was not even considered a part of the old political units that made up what is now the Commonality, usually referred to as a the Forbidden Place. There was even a mythos regarding a mysterious resistance force based in Nenya, but those claims were never proven conclusively, despite the fall of the old regime and the rise of the new.

The city was re-inhabited so rapidly due to overpopulation difficulties throughout the Commonality; the Home Exchange Program allowed people to exchange their current home for one of double volume in Nenya in return for government ownership of both homes - in trust. Vast numbers agreed to the HEP - a system now used throughout the Commonality to ensure the correct housing is allocated to the correct people: by the people themselves.

The Forest

The forest of Nenya is several thousand square kilometres of green land that is unique to the Commonality in that many of the species found therein are not found anywhere else on Earth. There are the usual insect varieties for the tropics, however the plant varieties are more temperate in styling; this unusual setup is augmented by thick, porous soil that acts as a soaking agent for the heavy rainfall the area sees. This rainfall is largely diverted into Lake Nenya, more commonly known as the Aelinenya, via a complex system of underground streams and rivers; the city is built beneath this complex, and is reached via old diverted channels created originally by running water and added to by sentient hands. A complex plumbing system augments the natural properties of the land, increasing the water-richness of the soil without flooding; as a result, the trees grow higher here than any other place in the Commonality.

Routinely soaring to a couple of hundred metres tall, the Nenyan oak - found only in the Forest of Nenya - is a tough but pliable hardwood, but appears to be utterly resistant to fire - when living - for unknown reasons. Thousands of years of warfare have not taken their toll on the forest - due to widespread use of fire against forest inhabitants in the past, one would expect to see similar devastation as is seen in Turath.

According to mythology, the forest is protected by magic; when that magic fails, and along with it the forest, so too will fail the Nenyan species. As a result, the forest is guarded more carefully than any other area in the Commonality; the result is a battery of defence towers spread throughout the forest, fitted with the latest Iluvauromeni defence technologies.

The Individual

'Nenya' is also the correct form for a single individual of the Nenyar species, rather than the Anglacized 'Nenyan'.