End Nuclear Proliferation Act (failed)

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End Nuclear Proliferation Act
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament Strength: Strong Proposed By: Free Outer Eugenia

"The doctrine of mutually assured destruction perpetually sets our entire planet on the brink of a worldwide nuclear apocalypse"

- Maxwell Freeborn Pierce, Anarchy's Regional UN Delegate

We, the assembled Nations of the UN body must do our part to preserve the Earth for future generations. Weapons that utilize deadly and harmful radiation poison the land for many centuries after the conflicts in which; and the very nations by which they had been deployed will have long passed out of human memory.

Be it therefore resolved that all UN member nations immediately cease all production of nuclear weapons including but not limited to: Fission bombs, fusion bombs, neutron bombs, 'dirty bombs' and depleted uranium ammunition.

Be it further resolved that all UN member nations dismantle and safely dispose of all such weapons in their arsenals no later than a decade after the passing of this resolution.

Be it further resolved that a UN ENPA (End Nuclear Proliferation Act) Enforcement Agency be set up to oversee the implementation of this resolution.

Votes For: 7787
Votes Against: 9955
Voting Ended: Thu Jun 10 2004

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