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Halls of Memory Member
Region: DeKalb

A nation in the region of DeKalb that is known for its massive military buildup and threats of aggression. Chaote is rumoured to have destroyed the nations of KIAZ and perhaps De Draak and Feniks KIAZ, as well as for having committed the assassination of the mysterious man known as Rutabaga.

State of the Country

Chaote is a Corporate Police State. Civil rights are unheard of and political freedoms are rare. The economy is all-consuming for the people of Chaote as they rush to produce the most military weapons of all the nations in the world. At 14%, the taxes in Chaote are the lowest of all the nations in DeKalb.

The Basics

Chaote is ruled by a dictator named Dark Lord Revan. The man (or perhaps even a woman?) is so secretive that no one now living is known to have seen him/her or to have heard his/her voice. He/she lives in a fortress in the capital city of Revanite (population: 65 million).

Early History

Long, long ago a mighty ruler named Dark Lord Revan united various provinces and formed a country known ever since as Chaote in honour of the Occultist guild in Achaea. Originally the country was located in the Pacific but soon afterwards Revan called upon a fleet of ‘copters to move his country to the region called Internet Infidels. While Revan had been surfing the web that stretches all around the world (known in the official state religion of Chaote as “The Force” because no-one besides Revan has access to a computer in the country) he discovered a site called Internet Infidels. The people there impressed him and to his surprise they had a Nationstates region so he gladly moved there. The region was relatively active and the newly formed nation was peace loving so the people rejoiced.

Middle History

As Revan traveled the Web yet again he discovered a new place called Stormfront. He was impressed by what he saw and pleasantly surprised when he discovered that they too had a region, and that that region was relatively active and had fifty members (considerably more then the Infidels’ region). He gave his apprentice, Malak, a small country of his own and instructed him to stay in the Internet Infidels region and report anything that happened while he himself called for another fleet of ‘copters and moved the country to Stormfront. There Revan learned the benefits of militarism and the military buildup in Chaote began. The massive weapons manufacturing led to a thriving economy and though the people’s civil and political rights were almost completely nonexistent, they were happy.

Later History

After a time though, the Internet Infidels region began to grow inactive and more and more nations ceased to exist there. Malak begged Revan to get him out of the dying region so Revan consented and Malak’s country joined Revan’s in Stormfront. Eventually Stormfront too began to die out though, and Revan decided it was time to start a region of his own and thus DeKalb was formed. Revan called for a few friends to join him and soon Malak came, along with KIAZ, Annaronamie, and Bellaronamie. Revan didn’t abandon his old region though-he gave his chief minister, Count Fett, control of a small piece of land and instructed him to report on any events that unfolded in Stormfront.

Recent History

KIAZ and Chaote didn’t get along wonderfully and soon a Cold War emerged. KIAZ was destroyed eventually under questionable circumstances. Less and less was going on in Stormfront so Revan recalled Count Fett to DeKalb. Feniks KIAZ, Bromels, and De Draak emerged from the shell of KIAZ and soon afterwards Feniks KIAZ and De Draak also were destroyed under questionable circumstances with Chaote taking much suspicion. Also, Chaote is the chief suspect in the assassination of a mysterious man named Rutabaga.

The End

Dark Lord Revan went into a deep sleep beginning around November 7th, 2004. Without a strong leader present to guide them the people of Chaote panicked. The army did their best to keep order but were eventually overrun after mass defections of soldiers to the civilian side. Cities burned. Destruction ran rampant, and when Revan woke again on December 17th, after a 40-day sleep all was destoyed. Revan turned the knife on himself, ending forever the country known as the Revenant of Chaote.