Amerigan War

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The Amerigan War, also known as the Slaver War or the Amerigan Slaver War, was a conflict early in NationStates history and sometimes referred to as WWIV by those who have been counting.

The war began with the public revelation that Amerigo still practiced Slavery. Several coalitions developed to either liberate the slaves, conquer Amerigo, or defend it, and numerous other nations became involved as a cascade effect.

After much diplomatic breast-beating, Amerigo was blockaded, and then later invaded, with most of the major players of the time participating in one fashion or another. Kitsylvania was elected to moderate the RP by common popular consent, although not in any official game capacity - this preceded actual moderators selected from the player base - and somehow it all worked, according to all the old farts who hang around and talk about Role Playing.

Tahar Joblis played a prominent role in organizing the threads with indices OOCly, and ICly loomed until such point in time as Tahar Joblissan TJF-3 Mongoose fighters engaged EOTED M#s, with surprising results for all, and a Yavin submersible aircraft carrier captured a solar powered submarine from Tahar Joblis, which detonated a nuclear device in its hold, bringing the war to a very tense moment.