Space Station Phoenix

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Space Station Phoenix

The all new space station, "Phoenix" was designed by The Phoenix Milita to replace Space Station Fox

Like the Fox, it will be useed as a base of operations for astronomical and scientific experiments, assembly and refueling of spacecraft in orbit, providing intelligence data, relaying communications, monitoring weather and repairing satellites. After a grueling 9 year construction, the Phoenix, which was only supposed to take 5 years to build, was completed on 9\14\2014

Service Module, berths 5 astronauts and houses many key systems
Hab Module, berths 8 additonal astronauts
4 Docking Nodes
5 Laboratory Modules
PD-55 WD-1 TopaZ Nuclear Reactor
Communications and Observation Module
6 Large and 6 Small Solar Panels for aux power
Large Engineering Bay (for assembly, repair, and refueling of space craft, probes and satellites)
2 20mm CAAR CIWS turrets and 1 PD-421 THEL laser

Other features include radio, infared, ultraviolet and optical telescopes, sattelite and microwave relay systems, and a panoramic view of the earth and stars via polarzed glass.

An 3-D rendering of the station:
  • phxsta.jpg