Subaru Worldsystems Inc.

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Subaru Worldsystems Incorporated
Headquarters: Extra Solar Union of Systems/Union of Free Worlds
Nationality: Arizona Nova
Specialty: Automotive/Heavy Industry
Storefront: Union of Free Worlds


The largest super-corporation in Arizona Nova, Subaru Worldsystems is the heavy automotive industry of the Empire - but it produces much more than cars. It makes the drive systems that power Arizonan capital ships, the generators which power its populated worlds, and a huge number of civilian vessels and transports vehicles.


Subaru has its beginning early on. After the discovery of Earth radio and television transmissions, the Sonatu Corporation saw that the adoption of Earth culture and values was sweeping their world. Always innovative, they decided to abopt a name similar to their own that was in the occasional "commercial," Subaru. This transformation was so complete that they considerd the Arizonan Subaru corporation to simply be an arm of the Subaru corporation on Earth. After the Attack and Fall of the Slavers, Subaru was once again on the cutting edge as it acquired technology in the scientific revolution that swept Arizona, soon outstripping and then totally demolishing their competition in the field in their adaptation and development of technology. The growth of Subaru and other companies was one of the motivators behind forming the Imperial Corporate Nautocracy - a fear that if it became too powerful, it would overwhelm all sectors, but a fear that restricting it would hurt in the long run. Thus, Subaru is one of the three major sectors of Arizonan rule - the Corporate of Imperial/Corporate Nautocracy.

Subaru's Role

Subaru today is the number one player in the Arizonan economy, and it's various allies - such as the multinational corporation United Federal Shipbuilders - are the pillars of the Arizonan economic juggernaught. Being so closely interconnected with the government and navy makes transitions from peace to wartime production easy, and funds can fluidly transfer across all mediums, making the financial super-structure of the empire essentially one big creature as opposed to many small ones. This particular strength give the Empire great strength in both industrial and commercial ability, and every year the GDP of the nation rises substantially. Subaru, while being the biggest and essentially the only player in Arizona, is nonetheless not ruthless in pursuing profits, and the government structure also makes it so that Subaru's treatment of employees does not need to be formally regulated, but is nonetheless acceptable and equitable.