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Forum: Region of Moperville
Population: 37 nations
Delegate: Markodonia
Founder: Markodonia
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Moperville is a strange but hardly terrible region containing many greatly varied nationstates.


See article: History of Moperville

The continents of Mopergaea, Progalu and Inactivo and surrounding smaller landmasses were first discovered and claimed by the expansionist Markodonian people, who named the region “Moperville”. The Markodonians were not however the oldest race ever to inhabit the region – shortly after their arrival the nation of Bunnidom was founded after these ancient peoples arrived under the leadership of Major Kerina. It was not long before other nations were founded and prospered. Talk began of forming a vast military alliance and crushing other nations before the might of the peoples of Moperville, but in the end the national governments decided to settle down and concern themselves merely with aiding or suppressing their own citizens.

Great civilizations rose and fell, but of these early states only three remain to this day: Dikala, Markodonia and Yuppers. Dikala has never been active in international affairs but Markodonia and Yuppers sustained a long friendly rivalry.

It was Inev of Yuppers who carried tales of the bountiful lands of Moperville to those who dwelled far and wide across the oceans, leading to the Second Great Wave of settlement in the region.


The nations of Mopeville are rather free to govern their own selves as they wish. However there are a few exceptions to this rule. For instnce, the nations of Moperville are still subject to the United Nations and the Not Very Interesting Convention (the NVIC). also

The continant of Progalu is also an acception to this rule, this small group of nations has the council. This council acts more like the's earth's NATO more than a governing body however.


In prehistoric times Moperville consisted of one giant supercontinent known as Mopergaea. Great parts of the large landmass gradually drifted apart and formed much of Moperville as we know it, with the modern continent of Mopergaea to the east and the smaller continents of Inactivo and Progalu to the west, as well as a number of other continents and islands. However a recent cataclysmic disaster occured whitch radically changed the face of modern Moperville. The super-advanced but rather eccentric nation of Fox Beings quite literally launched itself into space, leaving a massive inland sea in the centre of Mopergaea to attest to their former lands. However it wasn't long before a mysterious accident brought Fox Beings crashing back to earth, causing massive tidal waves and a number of major volcanic eruptions. Currently the climate and political situation is re-stablising in the wake of this event.

Climate and physical geography varies a great deal across Moperville, from the cold, barren ice wastes of Cryoanticia to the massive and often deadly forests in the nearly inpenentratable (to outsiders at least) island of Kunori, from the towering mountains and deep fjords of Greater Perolijk to the frankly dull, orderonium scattered plains of Inactivo. Larger Mopervillian nationstates such as Randomocitia tend to contain a great number of different landscapes.

Some less obvious features of the region are the Undermoperille - a large network of caves that extend deep into the bowls of the planet - and a rougue drifting continent that randomly floats around bumping into other landmasses.

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Natural Resources

Moperville is home to many strange and unique substances, the most important of which are explored below.


Main article: Randomite

Randomite is a mysterious material that tends to make more random, unlikely events occurs more frequently.


Main article: Orderonium

Orderonium is a material that actively resists change. It promotes stagnation and mindlessness. Those who experience its effects find their imagination sapped away, as well as their will to do anything new.

List of Mopervillian nations


Greater Perolijk