Talk:Roll the Bones

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Revision as of 08:38, 10 August 2005 by Sadildir (Talk | contribs)

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Malecki Clan - This is hitting into nearly everyone elses visions of play. RTB has no right to invade! What if 90 nations banded together and invaded Roll the Bones? How RTB would feel? Think about it. Give ppl freedom of opinions on Policies!

Dark Celene's reply

Quoted from NationStates' FAQ:

Q: Can I invade other people's regions?

A: Yes. The practice of "region crashing," where a group of nations all move to a region with the aim of seizing the UN Delegate position, is part of the game. Certain groups within NationStates are particularly adroit at this, and can attack very quickly.

If you read NationStates' FAQ, you'd understand that we HAVE right to invade, as long as no griefing takes place. And Roll the Bones is very generous towards the regions it conquers: we ejected no natives in any of the regions we overtook, not to mention that we allow natives to continue with whatever home policy suits them, and even offer them to participate in governmental activity.

- Sadildir, Dictator of the Dark Celene

Racing Bowser's Reply

Invading does not go against everyones point of view. It is another way to exploit the game and make it more fun. It establishes brilliant strategists and spies. As long as invading power is not abused, it is a positive impact on the game.

- Bowser, representative from the government of Racing Bowser

Aequitas is not an ally of RTB. We have an embassy in your region, and you in ours. -NMP