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Acrian is a sosi on the northern point of Borrados. It sits across a narrow strait from Sicinia Salis. The history of Acrian started around the 200 B.C.E. with the start of the Kingdom of Ac'ran under the ambitious King Zhalot Litzohtah (Zhalot the holy), who united the entire T'Lazh region in holy war against parts of present day Borrados, Avalya, and Sicinia. Over the next several hundred years, Acrian became a wealthy center of trade. During the 400's C.E., Acrian began it's decline when the previously Sicinian sections of the kingdom rebelled with the help of Latzonian influence. The next blow came to the kingdom when, in the 500's and 600's, Avalya, under the newly founded Avus dynasty took back much of the western realm of the kingdom. Over the next 500 years, the empire continued to shrink, untill it consisted of only the northern peninsula of modern Borrados. In 1217, faced with the growing threats of Avalya, the newly founded Confederation of Borrados, and Sicinia Salis, civil war broke out in the failing, but still wealthy naiton. The western territories, collectively called Rifia broke off to asscend to membership of the new nation of Borrados, while Acrian held on for 147 years of further independance, eventually becoming a sosi of Borrados in exchange for additional protection of the strait with Sicinia.