Iansislean Peerage

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Iansisle, like many countries across NationStates, has a large and well-defined [wikipedia:peerage]. During the Grand Empire of the Shield, peers of the realm were those noblemen who would sit in the Râmane when it was called. Under the United Kingdom, peers have no independent political voice, but were allowed to retain their property and titles.

Hampton’s Rules of Etiquette, first published in 1727 and endorsed by the crown, formalized many of the 'unwritten rules' regarding formal address.


A Duke (f: Duchess) is the highest in the order of precedence of the Iansislean peers and the only one allowed to be addressed as “Your Grace.”

Formal Address

Example: The Duke of Dorchet and Marquess Suster, surnamed Bradin

Announced: His Grace, the Duke of Dorchet

Addressed in speech: Your Grace (non-peers) Duke (peers)

His Wife: Her Grace, the Duchess of Dorchet

His Heir: The Most Honorable, the Marquess of Suster

Younger Children: The Lord/Lady (first name) Bradin


A Marquess (f: Marchioness) is the second highest in the order of precedence of the Iansislean peers.

Formal Address

Example: The Marquess of Teritam and Earl of Eastern Lillyhaven, surnamed Duquen.

Announced: The Most Honorable the Marquess of Teritam

Addressed in speech: Your Lordship (non-peers) Lord Teritam (peers)

His Wife: The Most Honorable the Marchioness of Teritam

His Heir: The Right Honorable the Earl of Eastern Lillyhaven

Younger Children: The Lord/Lady (first name) Duquen


An Earl (f: Countess) is the third highest in the order of precedence of the Iansislean peers. The word ‘Earl’ is derived from the Ancient ShieldianEara, Eram,’ which is most properly translated as ‘chief.’ Prior to the Sentrian invasion on the 550s, it was the highest rank of nobility on the Shield but was later eclipsed as the Sentrians made the Earar swear fealty to their Emperor.

Formal Address

Example: The Earl of Dunerbridge and Viscount Riveran, surname Portman.

Announced: The Right Honorable the Earl of Dunerbridge

Addressed in speech: Your Lordship (non-peers) Lord Dunerbridge (peers)

His Wife: The Right Honorable the Countess Dunerbridge

His Heir: The Right Honorable the Viscount Riveran

Younger Children: The Lord/Lady (first name) Portman


A Viscount (f: Viscountess) is the fourth highest in the order of precedence of the Iansislean peers.

Formal Address

Example: The Viscount Nawleon and Baron Prattbury, surname Seriman.

Announced: The Right Honorable the Viscount Nawleon

Addressed in speech: Your Lordship (non-peers) Lord Nawleon (peers)

His Wife: The Right Honorable the Viscountess Nawleon

His Heir: The Honorable (first name) Seriman

Younger Children: The Honorable (first name) Seriman


A Baron (f: Baroness) is the lowest in the order of precedence of the Iansislean peers.

Formal Address

Example: The Baron Desitian, surname Alabaster.

Announced: The Right Honorable Lord Alabaster of Desitian

Addressed in speech: Your Lordship (non-peers) Lord Alabaster (peers)

His Wife: The Right Honorable the Lady Alabaster of Desitian

His Heir: The Honorable (first name) Alabaster

Younger Children: The Honorable (first name) Alabaster