Mount Spooteh

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Mount Spooteh
Nation: Spooty
Capital: N/A
Leader: Mr Spoot

Mount Spooteh lies roughly in the center of the island, it is surrounded completely by the State Maskerade and has a small population of 500 Volcanologists.


when the Island was created the first two people to claim were Mr Spoot and the Belgian Volcanologist team, Mr Spoot had already claimed the rest of the Island before the Volcanologists and so the two were forced into cohabitation, soon they had become so closely linked with eachother that Mount Spooteh merged with Spooty in 1994, ever since the Volcanologists have becoma an integral part of Spooty culture.


Mount Spooteh

The dormant Volcano and the ramshakle camp below it are home to some 10,000 tourist's every year, the springs dotted around the mountain base are also extremely popular, it is said that Spootopolis can be seen from the summit of the Mountain.