The Anarcho Communist Alliance

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The Anarcho Communist Alliance
Population: approx. 50 nations
Delegate: Anarchic Tribes
Founder: Workers Communes
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

World Factbook Entry

This region is dedicated to the spread of social anarchism throughout the world. Although originally an anarcho-communist region, we equally embrace mutualists, collectivists, syndicalists, anarcho-christians, pacifists, anarcha-feminists, green anarchists, primitivists, post-leftists and all other supporters of true, anti-capitalist anarchism. Together we hope to bring about nothing less than the emancipation of all living things.

Regional Forum:

Brief Summary

The Anarcho Communist Alliance was originally founded by The Anarchist Federation of Workers Communes, a former member of both The Proletariat Coalition and Anarchy regions. This new region was intended as a home specifically for nations of a libertarian socialist/anarcho-communist persuassion who felt their beliefs were not being represented by any other Nation States region. Soon the region developed into a large, friendly community and broke free from its restrictive adherance anarcho-communism to embrace social anarchists of every stripe, with a particular concern for ecological issues. Although we do have several UN members and a delegate, our attitude towards the UN is now generally one of relative indiferrance. Recently there was an attempt by one nation to use multiple UN nations to gain control of the delegacy, however they were quickly found out and the offending nations were ejected.

Today we number some fifty nations from all over the Nation States world and can boast a very active regional forum and even a regional map, thanks to the enthusiasm and creativity of our members. At the time of writing we remain possibly the largest region dedicated to the principles of social anarchism.

List of Key Members Throughout Region's History

  1. Allers
  2. Anarchic Tribes
  3. Anarchist Assemblies
  4. Anarchy In Motion
  5. Anticapitalist Anarchy
  6. Autonomous Peers
  7. Bakhuninikov
  8. Black And Red Juntas
  9. Bloodthirsty Squirrels
  10. Clapton Pond
  11. Co-Confederacy
  12. Free Outer Eugenia
  13. Great Beer and Food
  14. Hydrachia
  15. Mentarior
  16. Michelaccio
  17. No Breaks
  18. Righteousnesous
  19. Sacco and Vanzetti
  20. The Catholic Worker
  21. The Yellow Spot
  22. Tovah
  23. VequalsV0plusat
  24. Walter and Theodor
  25. Workers Communes
  26. Wyrm Tribe
  27. Zigtag