Ki Menoshi

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Ki Menoshi
Age: 27

Sex: Female

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 124

Body Type: Anthing she wants.

Eshirian President

Background: Ki Menoshi was born on Mar’en 23rd, 2540, a small world in the Ca’len sector near the out fringes of the Sovereignty. Born into a small family of hydro-farmers, she was the last person anyone would have expected to become the future president of the newly reunified Sovereignty. At the age of 17, Ki joined the Sovereign Space Command (SSC) as a combat medic where she was rapidly promoted to a field command. After the last of the Expansionist Campaigns in the early 2600’s, Ki opted to retire and return to civilian life as a member of the Town Committee in her home town. From there, her political career sped of until her election as president in 2610. Around the later years of her term, the Sovereignty saw incredible prosperity, and entered into a golden age of technological and cultural advancement. The borders of the Sovereignty also saw the greatest expansion in over millennia. Ki is currently in her fourth and final term as president of the Eshirian Sovereignty, however, rumors are abound that the senate has reviewed proposals that would extend the four term limit.