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Poirih (pronounced "poytich" with a Spanish P, an American T and a Scottish CH, X-SAMPA ["pOI.4ix]) is the dominating language in Yuunli.

Spoken in: Yuunli

   Upper German


There is a different dialect in every province. Standard Poirih is actually an artificial construction with elements of both Mich-Inzl and Chirachi dialects. See Poirih dialects for details.


In the following picture, capital letters are black, lowercase letters blue, and the Latin transcription red:

Two diacritics are used: a horizontal bar above a vowel indicates an -A diphthong, a c-shaped hook open on the left above the vowel indicates an -I diphthong.

Pronunciation of the letters in the Latin transcription (Standard Poirih):
A [6], B [b], CH [C], E [E], F [f], H [x], I [i], K [k], L [l`], M [m], N [n], NG [N], NK [Nk], O [O], P [p], R [4], T [t], U [u], Y [j], Z [z]

see Poirih dialects for regional variations


Word Order

The basic word order is:
subject - finite verb - object - nonfinite verb
The word order does not change in questions and subordinate clauses.
Note that verbs show person, number and in one case (3rd singular) even gender. That's why personal pronouns are usually omitted.


There are three noun cases in Poirih:

  • Nominative for the subject of a sentence
  • Accusative for the direct object of a sentence
  • Dative for a beneficiary or indirect object of a sentence


All nouns in Poirih are either feminine or masculine. The gender distinction is only visible in singular, though.


Definite Article

fem masc pl
NOM t t ti
AKK t ten ti
DAT tea tem ten

Indefinite Article

As in many other Germanic languages, there is no indefinite article in plural.

fem masc
NOM a a
AKK a an
DAT oana oam


Adjectives are not declined.


  • Infinitive: -a or ending with a nasal consonant
  • 1st person singular: -i
  • 2nd person singular: -st
  • 3rd person singular feminine: -tsi
  • 3rd person singular masculine: -ta
  • 1st person plural: -ama
  • 2nd person plural: -ana
  • 3rd person plural: -atsi


There are four groups of dialects:

  • Standard Poirih
  • West Mich-Inzl
  • East Mich-Inzl
  • Chirachi

People in Honkoa speak a dialect with western and eastern Mich-Inzl elements.


See Poirih dialects for details.