Darth Malice

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Darth Malice
Dark Lord of the Sith
6'1/139 lbs
Female Human


Darth Malice's personality is certainly unique amongst Sith Lords. She is far more approachable then others before her, and unlike most Sith Lords, she does not kill one of her advisors/subordinates every other hour for small mistakes, but rather simply replaces him with someone more competent.

One thing malice does pass out the death penalty for, however, is treason. She demands loyalty to her cause, and will strike down anyone straying from their chosen path...

And while Malice is approachable, the air around her is very uncomfortable. It is cold, icy and lifeless. Completely devoid of happiness, and full of bitterness. So all but her Handmaidens prefer to have little to no contact with the Dark Lord.

A Mysterious Past

The Dark Lord's past is a mystery to almost all of her underlings, but she has apparently revealed some of it to certain Handmaidens. The story goes:

"Lord Malice was born and raised on Tatooine, born to a family of moisture farmers. She was an extremely powerful force sensitive, but her parents remained oblivious to this of course.

She was the third born child to the family, and had two sisters. The family was apparently loving, and cared for Malice deeply. How ever, one day(Malice's age at this time is not known, but the Handmaidens place it at eight or nine) a group of Tusken raided the farm.

Malice hid while her family fought the Tusken, and were slaughtered. Malice bore witness to this whole event, and was for ever scared by this event. She began to hate her self for her cowardice.

She wandered the desert for days before encountering the mysterious and powerful Darth Vandral, whom promised her revenge against the Tusken. Malice accepted, and became the Dark Lords apprentice."

Many think that seeing her family slaughtered before her had physical, as well as psychological effects on her, as no one has ever heard Lord Malice's true voice, and many think her a mute.

Lord, not Lady

Darth Malice is holds and is addressed with the traditional title of "Dark Lord" rather than the feminine variant of "Dark Lady". This has lead many of her troops to believe she is in fact a he. Her tall and masculine appearance may also contribute to this.

Only her Handmaidens and a select few of her commanders know the truth of her gender. Malice has made no attempt to reveal her true gender to the masses, and several theories as to why are circulating with the upper-echelons of the Sith Order.

Perhaps Lord Malice fears misogyny within her ranks, and prefers to kept them under the guise that a man is leading them? What ever the truth is, Malice's gender is a heavily guarded secret within the Empire.

Force Neutrality

Malice's force ideology also differs from other Sith Lords. She teaches that no side of the force is truly superior to the other, and stresses neutrality within the force to further one's power. Unfortunately, few of the Dark Jedi under her have embraced her ideology.

The Woman behind the Mask

It is unknown if anybody has ever seen Malice's true face, or for that matter the rest of her body, which is normally buried beneath her robes to hide her figure. How ever, some of her Handmaidens have claimed they have seen her without her normal garbs on. The most descriptive entry is:

The Dark Lord Malice is actually quite beautiful, despite what some may think. The Dark Side has not twisted her body in any visible way. She is lithe of limb, has a perfect and slender body, her arms are slightly muscular due to her daily exercises. She has long, curvaceous legs, long raven black hair and dark green eyes. Her skin is pale, but not disgustingly so, but rather like soft winter snow...


As mentioned before, Lord Malice is a mute. So how does she issue orders? Quite simply. She channels her will through the force it self, and injects a voice into the minds of her soldiers. Many describe it as soft whispers with a slight hint of a feminine tone. Many of her commanders have allegedly eventually gone insane from 'hearing' her voice, because for some reason, it is deeply disturbing to most. How ever, the Handmaiden sisters appear to be immune to the psychological effects of the Dark Lords voice.

Preceded by:
Darth Vandral
Dark Lord of the Sith
Followed by: