Dauvan Atreiadeias

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Dauvan Atreiadeias

Return to Akaeia

Born in 1700 C.E., Dauvan Atreiadeias hails from a long line of Atreiadeian military service, in particular in the Imperial Armies. His namesake defeated Sicinii forces in the crucial Battle of Dauvanatris and was fundamental to the rapid reconquest of most of modern Akaeia. Dauvan spent the majority of his early years at the Atreiadeian manor in Dauvanatris, where his mentor, Raiaxan Tenientos, gave him a traditional Akaeian education: literacy, morals, and arms. As the oldest child of the current Atreiadeias generation, Dauvan is expected to uphold the family honor as well as sire more children into the lineage. Because he comes from one of the 5 major Houses of the Reconquest Empire, his support for the government is almost as important as the same support from the whole of the city of Taeana.

In 1710, Dauvan Atreiadeias applied to the military academy in Dauvanatris and was accepted. In his studies there he was the head of his class. In 1714 he began basic training. When he became a man in 1717 he was posted to the Crownguard for two years. During those years he became a close personal friend of Ioshuad Iardaneios II. The friendship between Dauvan and the Crown was complemented in 1718 by the appointment of Iaas Ekotaleias as Captain of the Imperial Barge. Iaas Ekotaleias, who was responsible for the attempted counter attack on Denard during the Three Day's War, worked with Dauvan Atreiadeias to reinforce the power of the Crown and help him through the recent death of his parents. Dauvan developed a strong defensive trait for the young Crown and a fierce loyalty to the crumbling Declaration government.

In 1719 Dauvan was appointed to command the garrison of Kataleia, and in 1723 he was appointed to command the 4th Imperial Army in Akaseia. He returned to Akaeia in 1724 for the 17th birthday of the Crown. Following the main festivities, he retired with the Crown and Iaas Ekotaleias to the Imperial Retreat, where they spent a month together. The tension within the Empire and a sense of insurmountable crisis hung over the event. Disturbed, Dauvan returned to Akaseia. where he began to write letters in support of the Declaration government. Some progress was made in gathering support for a series of reforms that Ioshuad Iardaneios put forward to the Prolekteion that year.

The Iardaneian reforms of 1724 met with support early on. Laying out reforms in everything from finances to education. The well thought out act sought to curb the power of the Houses while appeasing the various ethnicities of the Empire and stabilizing the volatile Akaeian economy. The act was doing well in the Prolekteion when a coalition of Eskinaxas and ethnic jingoists, working with delegates from Houses concerned by the new restrictions, began agitation to veto the measure. Because of the wide scope of the act, a 75% vote was necessary to pass it, although the Crown could legally pass it at 65% approval. A mudslinging campaign bewteen the two sides ensued, and the matter remained deadlocked for months. At last, afraid to exercise his power to pass the act, Crown Ioshuad Iardaneios II backed off his support of the act and retreated ot the Imperial Retreat in a state of depression, leaving the country in the hands of the Primary and Secondary Speaker.

Dauvan's support of the act contributed to the favorable reception it received in the north of Akaeia, but it was at this time too late to really stop or slow down the forces which would, in a matter of months, reduce the Empire to ruins. He, also, felt depressed and sapped of strength following the defeat of this last effort to save the state from wreckage. In 1727, a short time before his departure to Akaeia to attend the Crown's 20th birthday, the Sicinians began the Three Days War.

As news of the attack flashed across the Empire by signal beacon, Dauvan prepared to defend the city from the Sicinian onslaught. Most of the 4th Army was, at that time, scattered across the provinces of Okkoreion and Kambresseia as garrisons.