George Pita (Democratic Union)

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George Pita
President and Chancoller of All Germany
Duration of office
November 4, 1993 - Present
Date of Birth
November 4 1979

Early Life

George Pita was born on November 4, 1979 in Vienna, Austira. He dreamt of Being a lawyer and was a teacher's dream. He was destined for Greatness. He was a member of the Model UN at his school and began early in his International Politics carrer. He was facinated with Germany. He considered it his home land. He moved to Germany to start his political carrer. That was Until the Great War

Service in the Four day war

Pita joined the Imperial Army during the Great War. He and his unit fought and where never defeated. A story tells that He was in a trench and he heard his name. he moved toward the spot where he heard his name being called and then he heard a big noise. He looked behind him at the spot where he was standing and he saw that a stray artillery shell land o direcly where he was standing (this would later serve as invaluable propaganda). THis strenghted his belief in the Fact that he was chosen by God in some way.

Return from the war

Pita was shocked by the defeat of All Germany. the Monarchy was overthone and replaced with a Democracy. He was furious at this and formed a political party called the National Capitalist Imperial Elitist Party. He quickly gained support.

Rise to Power

Munich Coup

With his support growing. Pita saw an oppertuinity. He and his brown Shrits moved from Munich to Berlin to Overthrow the Government. He moved to Coglone and the Police did battle with the brown shirts. The Brown shirts where defeated and Pita was placed under arrest with his liutenents.


Pita was convicted of treasion but due to his popular support not killed but placed in a nice prision. He served only 2 years out of his 10 year sentance. He wrote in this time the Book called "Mein Kamfpt" of My struggle.

Relase and elections

After his relase he decided to "Use the flaws of Democracy aganist it" and ran for president. He was defeated in a close election but in an attempt to stop another much better organized Coup gave Pita the Office of Chancoller.


He became President after the death of the Previous President. The Reichstag capital building was burned down by the Imperialists and he was given Dictatorial power by the Parliment. He then began many reforms. The flag of the Former Government was outlawed and all dissedents where killed. He also began a campign aganist the Floydists. Church property was confiscated and National-Capitalist Monumnets where put in their place. Floydists also are rounded up and taken away to only god now where by the SS

The Collapse of the Imperial Race

After the deletion of the Imperial Race by the Moderators Pita turned the German Provinces into All Germany It is Idential to the Imperial Race is every small detail.