Horatio Gates Nelson

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Horatio Gates Nelson
56 Standard Years
181 cm / kg
Grand Admiral



In the spitting image of his ancestor, the brilliant British Admiral, Horatio Nelson, this commander is known for his brilliance in command. At once chosen for fleet command, Nelson entered the navy as a Commodore, rising swiftly through the ranks to the rank of Grand Admiral after distinguished campaigns against various nations, becoming the first naval commander to achieve that prestigious rank.

  • Doctrine: Offensive and Defensive
  • Specialty: Space Naval Combat and Planetary Assault and Bombardment
  • Qualities: A brilliant commander, who excels in commanding the Combined Five Civilized Nations Navy, Horatio Gates Nelson has been known to prevail against seemingly unsurmountable odds, his tenacious nature refusing to give up even if there seems to be no hope left. In addition, his brilliant mind allows him to tactically make seemingly idiotic moves, which at the end are brilliant. Some have said that he possesses the ability to tell the future, but that has been continuously discounted.
  • Flaws: He detests the idea of planning out campaigns, believing that all plans are shot when the shooting starts. Therefore, he refuses to prepare for any possible space conflict with another nation or empire until the last minute.
