Lawton Park

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Lawton Prk, founded on the 24 January 2005, created a region called The Anumist Alliance with an old Ns User called Magdalen Yard, now known as Mr Banucha. The regionwas taken over by actual members of The Fascist Party. The TAA Fascist Party was founded after the member Fascistaitalino (Ex-Nation) moved to TAA. In the consitution it said all were welcome to TAA no matter what believe. By this time there was 12 Nations in TAA, 8 of which were members of the fascist party, which was founded on the 9 February 2005, and took over the anumist government by force on the 17 February 2005. That day Lawton Prk was deleted, for offensive TG's. TAA was under rule of of The Fascist Party until 9 March 2005, when the revolution came. Taking the delegacy back and ejecting the fascists.

TAA was unsafe, with out founder control it was open for any fascist invader to come back.

Today Lawton Park is IP banned from NS.

  • To Be Continued*