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The following pieces of literature are accounts of The Second Thorin War, written during the conflict.

Lugonomekian press release from start of war

It all started just before dawn on a chilly morning in December in the year 826 AF, on a day known to the people of Thingamajiggers as “The Day of the Hydranjan Martyrs”. “I thought something as odd from the beginning.” Said Yosekton Arkani, who has recently fled from Pyranj, a small town just ten miles west of Thingamajigger’s border with Lugonomeks. “I had gone out to get the paper, and noticed all these military vehicles and tractor-trailer trucks on the highway coming in from all directions. I thought this was odd, since it was a holiday and the military is usually down at the capital for this day to honor those who died in the revolution. Once they got into town, the vehicles stopped and some men got out and started setting up road blocks. The trucks opened up and more men with guns came out. Some of them ran into town and began ordering people out of their houses and into the town’s square at gunpoint. I noticed that all of them were wearing light green uniforms with red stars on each shoulder. Once everyone was in the square, a man who had a red-hilted dagger in his belt began barking out orders to the others in Lugonomekan. One of the men came into town and lowered the flags, and then doused them in gasoline and burned them. After that, he raised a Lugonomekan flag. Other men ran around the town and searched through the houses. After a few minutes, they came back carrying fireworks, gasoline, kitchen knives, and nearly anything else that could be used to make a weapon, and began dumping them in the trucks. Then, the man with the dagger came and began talking to another man standing in front of the townspeople. This man, who I assume was the translator, began shouting out orders in Du-Hickazn. He began pointing out various people and assigning them to specific tasks, occasionally stopping to shoot those who objected. One of the soldiers whispered something in the translator’s ear, and the translator pointed out a girl I recognized as my neighbor’s daughter, Herranna, who couldn’t have been any older than 15. She came forward, and the man who had whispered to the translator forced her out of her clothes and raped her on the spot. Her father yelled in protest and ran forward, and the soldier shot him in the head with a pistol. The general resumed talking to the translator, who resumed barking orders at us.” At almost the exact same time as Pyranj, over two dozen other small towns near the Lugonomekan border suffered the same fate. The attacks continued throughout the morning. All the attackers wore the same green uniforms, and had with them at least one man with a red-hilted dagger. This uniform and dagger are known in Lugonomeks as symbols of a society known as the Order of the Red Stag. The president of Lugonomeks, Tom Lanterfirmar, was ignorant of the attacks for over an hour. When he was made aware of them, this was his response: “These attacks are despicable. They are inhuman. The Lugonomekan government does not support them at all. In fact, I’m going to send in the military immediately to put a stop to this nonsense. I’m also going to send somebody to look in on this Order of the Stag, as they seem to be responsible for all of this.” Benedict Adamek, a senator from the Lugonomekan state of Rifuruzh and member of the Order of the Stag, responded to the president’s statement with this: “I support the invasion of Thingamajiggers one hundred percent, as I am sure any Unleimek in the country does. I cannot be part of a country that is so actively against it. As of today, I resign my position as senator and declare myself til arkto of Unleimeks!” Within minutes of this declaration, Rifuruzh and Lugonomeks’ western territories seceded. The people in these areas as well as in the conquered towns lowered the Lugonomekan flags and burned them as they had done to the flags of Thingamajiggers. In their place, they raised a new banner: a bundle of sticks bound around a dagger on a green field. The invaders continued west throughout the day, capturing the entire province of Oosay by noon. By sundown, they had surrounded Hydranj, the capital of Thingamajiggers. The Dominion of Unleimeks is formed, and they won’t stop until they have completely conquered Thingamajiggers.

Transcription of televised speech by Sharnkai Ernestrri, Karnbeln of Thingamajiggers addressing the nation on December 27, 826. Transcribed by Wenrob Neccleston for the Quid Daily Gazette.

"My fellow Thingamajiggeri,

"It is with deep sadness that I address you this evening. We stand here today, an invaded nation, separated by armies but united in sympathy for the suffering and in our mutual concerns for the futures of ourselves and our kin.

"Thingamajiggers has been invaded by the Order of the Red Stag, the army of a shadow government working behind the curtains in Lugonomeks. As of 5:27 PM Western Thorin Time, this shadow government has appointed itself the government of its own country, named Unleimeks after the old Lugonomek tribe.

"Unleimeks entered the region, as you are all aware, on a national holiday, when our defenses were down and our citizens of uniform were being honored in the capital. This, combined with the lowered size of our standing army in an effort to keep recent tension in Thorin from escalating, has allowed for a nearly unchecked blitzkrieg. Unleimeks has captured the province of Oosay and parts of Edan, Heiow, and Fedation. Their armies have traveled up the Greater Gis River and the Green Falls Waterway, capturing the island of Iskatensal, the center of our capital. Our citizens have been killed, tortured, separated...

"Yet, all is not lost. For any weaknesses they may have exploited are mixed blessings. Our standing army was recently lowered, but that is merely our standing army: millions of our soldiers are at home, and standing by to rejoin with their brothers in arms. Soldiers now are in occupied areas, hidden from the Lugonomeks by their current civilian lives and able to strike at the beast from the inside. Our army, seeming cut off from their countrymen by the siege of Hydranj, is a concentrated fighting force that has kept our government alive and functioning despite the siege, which would not be possible against this large of a force if this were any other day. Our Air Force, whose primary air bases are far from the invaded territory, is virtually untouched and still the finest in the region.

"Ban together, my countrymen! Together, their is no force we can not overcome!

"And this brings me to my final comment to you tonight: Two percent of our population is full-blooded Lugonomek, and a rather large portion of our population has Lugonomek blood in their ancestry. Remember, the enemy is wearing the other uniform, not civilian clothes in the house across the street. We are all Thingamajiggeri, all part of one nation. Now, more than ever, we need unity, not division.

"To those of you listening to this on the radio in the dark, stuck behind enemy lines: Our hearts are with you. We will not rest until you are with us once again. We are coming.

"To everyone under our sky, good night, and may the star of hope shine always, never extinguishing, burning forever."

Briefing by Vandaruruk to the officials of his administration upon entry into war

It is 826 AF, and Xerconia is in a state of major disrepair.

For the past 300 years this backwater existence has perpetuated itself on a poor, albeit "fair", democratic consistency. The Xylpzax, now something of a Senate, has been unable to make any decisions, and as a result corporation has run unchecked. But for what it has done, the liberality of the country has remained extremely high - bordering on anarchy.

The armed forces - known as the Black Army, once a dreadful symbol of power, order, and formation in the land of Thorin, - have all but dwindled. A shadow of its former self, it has been renamed the Justice Guard, in a feeble attempt to cover up Xerconia's totalitarian, warmongering past.

But in the past year, a great general rose through the ranks of the Justice Guard, named Vandaruruk, and he has established himself as a great soldier, as a protector of Xerconia. Vandaruruk, while he had no actual political influence, had great militaristic influence - he retooled the Justice Guard to not only be more efficient, but more loyal - to him. Vandaruruk's Justice Guard became not only larger - through shrewd political dealings with corrupt Xylpzax officials - but more powerful, and it rapidly increased in strength. The military of old was once again realized, finally, in October of 826 AF... but for the name.

Xerconia, still down on its luck with a weak industry and imploded military, found itself with a military the likes of which the world has whence not known. And Vandaruruk was proud - ever so proud - of his military, and he knew that his adjustments would be carried on for generations to come. He did not, however, have much in the way of a legacy, although he knew the Justice Guard would defend Xerconia from attack, and perhaps - with luck - the Xerconian Democracy could realize itself.

But in December, 826 AF, he realized it - and so did all of Thorin - that Xerconia was no longer the holder of the most disciplined, fearsome military.

It was a new enemy.

Xerconia responded to Unleimek's invasion with jumbled feelings. The Xylpzax was unready and unconditioned to do anything about it, and they did not have any strong feelings. Though Xerconia resented Unleimek's actions - for in recent centuries Xerconians came to accept Thingamajiggers not necessarily as a friend, but a rival which could be respected, and the Xerconians also generally ignored Lugonomeks.

Vandaruruk was, however, finally unconvinced that Xylpzax could do anything for Xerconia. Since when was there any reform, or any passing of new bill into law? Xerconia was a dormant democracy, and nothing had happened since that Democratic revolution so long ago.

Vandaruruk then realized, in the darkest hour on the darkest day, when Thingamajiggers was crippled, that the Xylpzax needed to be... silenced. And he realized his army, loyal to him, and only him, for their country was - they knew it, he knew it - a hellhole, a miasmatic cesspool. And the only thing that could make Xerconia great again was the same thing that had triggered the past revolutions. Not any bloated monarchy, but an empire, like long hence, a mighty empire.

So Vandaruruk and a battalion of over five-hundred-thousand soldiers marched the capitol, and story has it Vandaruruk walked right into the Xylpzax, accompanied by several squads, and said "This is a coup. Please get out."

Xerconia, with its unremarkable citizenry, did not respond with much anarchy or disorder, but watched in awe as Vandaruruk addressed the nation.

He said "My friends, you know this, and I know this, that this- was not working out. And your Xylpzax - how has it responded to the outrage of Unleimeks? It hasn't. But I shall - I give you, not the Justice Guard, but once again our mighty Black Army, but we shall not ravage Thorin given our dictatorial rule. No, we shall give you what Xylpzax failed to - we shall give you soap, and radio and bread, and we shall give you what you deserve - your country, a country, a country which you can be proud of. Stories centuries from now - all over Thorin - will tell of us. How? Because we shall play a part which no one hence expected, and we shall join together with our rival Thingamajiggers to conquer the even greater threat of Unleimeks. We shall prevail. People shall speak, of the Xerconian's greatest hour, on this greatest day, in 826 AF, that Xerconia marched forth to avenge justice. And let me tell you," he concluded, with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk, "our greatest quarrel with Unleimeks: they messed with Thingamajiggers. Nobody but us can do that."

So Vandaruruk took up the reins of the nation, initiating several high-speed reforms to better industrialize Xerconia for war, and to improve potluck agriculture. Once these were set in motion, in about a week, Xerconia responded to Unleimeks - with a military of over one and a half million soldiers.

The War, said Jean-Baptiste Stewart, a beloved television personality, had begun.

"Lugonomeki-Thingamajiggeri Lynched" by Kattya Lingwas From "Glen Free Journal

Ruhhyde, Nassaw- It was a grizzly sight in a small town today; Pleading for mercy, a Lugonomeki-Thingamajiggeri family was beaten and hung by an angry mob of their fellow citizens, some their own neighbors.

"They're all alike!" shouted Inrail Massi, rallying the mob on while brandishing a steel pole over his head. "These barbarians walk among us! Among our children! We can not allow this travesty to go on any longer! Death to the Lugo slime! Thingamajiggers for Thingans!"

As he shouted, the crowd took up his cry. Chants of "Thingamajiggers for Thingans! Thingamajiggers for Thingans!" rang through the square as the angry mob ran hoisted the family into the air.

Similar reports have come in all across the country.

"Hydranj Airlifted" by Mikhailza Barrik From "Hydranj Daily Star" via "Kirq Press"

Iskatensal- The status of the siege of the island Iskatensal of Hydranj was changed today by a special operation of the Air Force Special Ops units Rescue Sun and Fighting Goshawks. In a surprise action, the rescue unit successfully landed on Iskatensal, picking up 2/3 of the entrenched ground troops, key members of the government, and as many civilians as possible.

The civilians were chosen via a random lottery of social security numbers. Approximately 500 were rescued. The Karnbeln refused to go with the operation, insisting that the executive was just another citizen and someone less responsible for the current situation than himself deserved the spot on the plane. He transferred his control as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces to General Leenam Zan.

The rescue party escaped successfully, thanks to the selfless actions of the Fighting Goshawks unit, who provided cover for both the take-off and landing. Over half of the unit died in the operation, but not in vain as not a single Rescue Sun plane was shot down.

Shortly after the escape, the Unleimeks army was able to invade the city, overpowering the diminished military forces of the island. This reporter will continue to report in as the situation continues.

Day 1, December 23rd, First Day of the War Diary of Xerconian Private Musafa Niktu

Dear Journal,

We have mobilized and moved out. Currently our legion - and two others - are heading south into Lugonomeks to take advantage of a rail system to get to Unleimeks. The other seven legions have taken varying routes, most of them sneaking along the Heavysuit-Shadowy Goodness border for a sneak attack at the heart of Unleimeks. Vandararuk is planning a two-pronged attack, to place pressure on Unleimeks from the north and the south. Once in, he expects to employ divide and conquer, beelining for the capitol. It is, however, becoming very cold, although we're making diligent progress to the first rail system. We hope nothing will impede our progress, but we don't expect too much attrition.

Musafa Niktu, Private of the 6th Legion

Transcription of televised speech by Sahrimnir, king of New Valhall addressing the nation on December 29, 826. Transcribed by Reffotsirk Lrak for the "Hillvalley Post".

"My fellow Valhallians,

Our Thingamajiggeri brothers and sisters in the west are under attack. Even though we at the moment don't have much of an army, we must do what we can to help.

I am sending half of our army to Thingamajiggers' aid, while the other half stays here to protect New Valhall. I have also given funds to space weapon research. We will soon be able to strike Unleimeks from above.

If Thingamajiggers falls, New Valhall might be next. This is a time to fight. We can not let Unleimeks win.

Good night, and may the Aesir be with you."

Announcement from General Fred Veshar, five-star general of the Lugonomekan army:

"My friends, I speak to you from the industrial town of Kantif, five miles from the coast of Unleimeks. Only yesterday, we left from Insilmid, an island in between Hinotashi and the mainland, and we learned something interesting about the Unleimekan millitary: although their army is equal to ours and they were plenty prepared for an attack by land from Lugonomeks, they clearly did not expect an attack by sea and their navy consists of less than fifty small fishing boats hastily converted into warships. We met one of these ships on our way to the mainland, and were able to overtake it and capture the soldiers on board with incredible ease. Once we arrived on the mainland, we met not one Unleimekan soldier until we were upon the town. We surrounded the town and the people surrendered within hours, promising to give up the soldiers in the city, as well as give us information about the Unleimekan millitary's plans. I thought this very suspicious at first, but we have occupied the city for nearly eighteen hours and have seen no sign of foul play. I wish good luck to our Thingamajiggeri allies, and our Xerconian ones as well, for to tell you the truth I was at first worried they would take up arms against us. It is my dearest hope that we may soon return to the peace and prosperity this region has known for decades. Good day, and good luck."

Day 5, December 28, Fifth Day of the War Diary of Xerconian Private Musafa Niktu

Dear Journal,

Our legions have made it to our respective railway rendezvous. We are currently en route to the war front, where we shall make for the push. Things seemed to be going well, until we got word from Legion One, the legion leading the march through the Heavysuit-Shadowy Goodness borders. As it seems, the legions became under attack by several guerilla forces from the region. As it were, our Commander was furious, because from the captured guerillae it seems the bulk of them were of Heavysuit ethnicity. The same is true of Vandaruruk, who is leading Legion One, and he has sent Heavysuit an ultimatum: "Control your citizenry, or else." It seems tensions are high, but nonetheless it is expected we will be able to begin our attack on December 31st... New Year's Eve.

This is of course my personal opinion, but it seems to me that we can't afford a war with both Heavysuit and Unleimeks. I think that there was a grave, political error... if the Leader of Heavysuit does indeed support the guerillae, then they may well join forces with Unleimeks. The Empire is still new, and a war with Heavysuit would endanger Xerconia where it can't afford to be hit - at home. We could find ourselves in a war greater than any previous one.

Still, Unleimeks has to pay, and pay it shall.

"Report from the Occupied Capital" by Mikhailza Barrik From "Hydranj Daily Star" via "Kirq Press"

Hydranj- Chaos reigns in the former capital of our nation. Within an hour of the capture of the city by Unleimek forces, the city was awash in misery.

The Assembly Chambers, Executive Chambers, and Hall of Justice, echoing the well-known images from the Day of Terror 52 years ago, have all been burned and razed to the ground. The remnants are still smoking. The statues of the Karnbeln Brothers and the Angel of Hope have been toppled. The sculpture of the provincial animals has been scorched and covered by the green banner of the Unleimeks.

Last night, in public display in the center of Central Plaza, the Unleimeks army put the Karnbeln to death, nailing him to a board with fasces, the symbol on the new flag of the Unleimeks, then running him through with a pike. "Justice is served!" shouted the ranking officer at the event. "We have come to take back what is rightfully ours, nothing more. And all this... everything you hold dear... is rightfully ours. Such was the logic behind the motives of your forefathers... and such will be the logic today. Justice."

As the days have passed, I have seen terrors the likes of which I never wanted to even imagine. Pregnant women have had their stomachs cut open, with soldiers taking bets on the gender of the child carried. People have been shot randomly. Women have been raped repeatedly on the spot, in the middle of everything, then put to death. The Unleimek army holds nothing but contempt and maliciousness for Thingamajiggers; there is no motive but revenge, returned fold for every year since the taking of their country by our ancestors.

Goodness help us all.

Day 6, December 29, Sixth Day of the War Diary of Xerconian Sergeant Mutak Kcsupo

Dear Journal,

We of the Second Legion have faced a horrible tragedy. Because of the guerilla warfare by these Heavysuit ingrates, we have been forced to split the Legionary movements in separate directions down the path. Because of the ultimatum, we know we can move through Heavysuit territory - either on account of attrition or right of passage. The Second Legion took a long-cut which would take us to an advantageous position on the Unleimekan border- but this has already proven fatal. Less than 8 miles down the road, we were besieged suddenly by several hundred roadside bombs, seemingly set up by mercenaries our guerillas, and our Legion was ravaged. We still live, some of us, but we can no longer call ourselves a legion. The death count tallied close to 60,000 soldiers. Word has been sent to Vandaruruk, but we have received no reply. So here we are, deep in Heavysuit territory, nursing our wounds. We know not if friends, or foes, surround us.

Sergeant Mutak Kcsupo

December 29, 826 Medical Journal of Dr. Renlad Frinsketti, Thingamajiggers Army Medical Division, Oosay Regiment 302

It has been 2 days since my regiment reformed behind enemy lines... or rather, half of it. Many were unable to reach the designated emergency rendezvous point, whether by death or enemy restriction on movement within the city. We quickly formed a plan.

There were rumors of a transport of weaponry for the Unleimek army approaching the city by road. What exactly the type of weaponry it was we did not know at the time, although we learned by observing the way the army was handling its goods that it must be biochemical.

At the proper moment, the soldiers of my regiment jumped into action, attempting to take the weaponry by force. In the chaos, a bullet hit the tanker. A concentrated burst of gas hit a nearby soldier before the memory polymer the tanker was constructed of closed the bullet hole. Eventually, under heavy fire, we were forced to retreat. I took the wounded soldier into my makeshift medical headquarters. He had an intense fever.

The next day, he had extremely patchy skin, brittle and scablike. One of his eyes had frosted over. When I took his hand, I felt his thumb fracture.

As realization dawned on me, I felt more scared than I have in my entire life.

We rushed the soldier into an underground bunker. The clinic was burned, as well as the land around it. The entire regiment went into the bunker and sealed it off.

Dear God, let me be wrong about this. PLEASE let me be wrong.

Dr. Renlad Frinsketti

Day 7, December 30th, Seventh Day of the War Diary of Xerconian Private Musafa Niktu

Dear Journal,

We have arrived on the border, our three legions currently look out onto the plain of Unleimekan territory. We have not received any response from Legion One, or any other Legion for that matter, but we do not expect the worse. Regardless, we intend to head out for tomorrow, for better or for worse, and to display a show of force. Our army is indeed fearsome, as though it were something out of one of the fantasy movies - our soldiers are strong and noble, several of them are scarred, many of them are tall, and all are wearing advanced battle armor modeled after the old Empire's uniform. We do intend to deal serious damage, and tomorrow will be judgment day for these Unleimeks.

Announcement by til arkto Benedict Adamek of Unleimeks

"My comrades, I have wonderful news! Ever since the Order of the Red Stag heard about the outbreak of the disease known as the pyramic plague over twenty years ago, they have wondered if some divine force was on their side. For here was something nature seemed to have designed specifically to their ends: a disease that targets no one but their hated enemies, the Thingans. We have since acquired cultures of the microbe that causes the plague, and have been growing it for years. Just a few days ago, I was informed that the cultures are finally ready for combat. We have loaded it into trucks and are currently transporting it throughout our conquered territories in case it may become necessary to use it. One of our truck convoys was attacked the other day, and a few gallons of culture was lost, but other than that, it has been transported throughout the nation without obstacle. Every general in our armies should be in possesion of the culture in a few weeks, but I hope the occasion never arises that shall force us to use it. Until then, fight on, my soldiers! ¡Vivuts an madots par Unleimeks!"

Announcement by Tom Smidar, head of Lugonomeks' Institute for Disease Research

"I am afraid that Adamek may be telling the truth. Years ago, when the pyramic plague first broke out, I and a few other doctors were sent through the then-uncontrolled territories to get cultures for the pyramic plague to take back to the labs. We have had samples of it in the lab for all that time, and I can name at least five doctors who have worked for us that were members of the Order of the Red Stag who quit their jobs just after the invasion and moved to Unleimeks. We must not dismiss his claim as a bluff, but make all preparations for biochemical warfare. I wish good luck to our armies and our allies, and hope to God that this may all be over before an entire people is wiped off the face of the earth."

Day 8, December 31st, New Year's Eve, 8th Day of the War, Judgment Day Diary of Xerconian Private Musafa Niktu

Dear Journal,

We got up early this day, and the brisk, winter air had a sort of calm in it. It was very dark, which was expected, but it remained so throughout the day. It all seemed calm... like the quiet before a summer storm. We marched directly into Unleimekan territory, receiving absolutely no response. Farms we passed were abandoned, which was odd, and eventually a recon humvee drove into the vicinity.

Few of us saw it, as it was off a short ways, but immediately after coming out from behind a hilltop it paused after coming after us. It seemed to realize the danger, and well it should: the dagger with the sticks bundled around it was adorned on its hood. We knew it was an Unleimekan scout- our first encounter! Eventually, shouts went up around the legion, and the air was made loud with the roar of rockets.

The rockets beelined for the humvee, which didn't stand a chance. It went up in a spectacular explosion. It was really an amazing sight, much like the fireworks we would see on Liberty Day. But it was so much more, in many ways, because we knew we had taken life.

This didn't fill us with remorse however, and we knew that they had informed their allies of our presence. Somehow, we didn't feel it need have done - we think they already knew we were here.

And this suspicion was confirmed. Right now I write this from a trench - we are currently engaged in battle with what can be nothing else but an Unleimekan division.

We fight bravely, though. And much optimism is in our squad, because of our fiery willingness for battle. But though it is much hope, there is no real hope - only a fool's hope. Nothing will come from this war but blood - of friend and foe, but both are essentially brothers.

Telegram from the government of Heavysuit

December 31st

After consulting my council,I decided to offer safe passage to anyone....for a price to our church coffers of course. In the form of the dead. As I want dead folk.

Gimme your dead bodies you fools.

Telegram - 1/1/827 From: Vandararuk To: Masdafarkul

My most trusted general, you have no doubt received a transcript of the extortionate demands of Heavysuit's lord. This is without a doubt a signal of cultism and oppression taking place, and he has foolishly revealed this to us. I have only this to ask of you: take the Third Legion and join the Second Legion where we last heard from them. I take their silence as the Second Legion having fallen from greatness... we cannot risk what happened to the Fourth Legion to happen again. You must commandeer the Second Legion and occupy Heavysuit. To our people, we will say their demand was an act of war. I am in the process of editing a prior telegram from their lord to me to read that... "We shall create your dead bodies for you if none can be given." This can be interpreted as a threat. As such, this war will be justified... as far as anyone knows. I will take the rest of our Legions on a swath of destruction through the rest of Heavysuit to reach Unleimeks. I wonder what the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Legions have done.

As for the Fourth Legion... well, may Amut be with them.

January 1st-Leader of Heavysuit

Preparations begin for the festival,and now a war is being claimed on us by. Why can't we be left in peace with our ways? Our demands were simple: Bring us your dead. So,with zero hour for the festival,we are short on bodies. I may have to offer some of the citizens up to the gods to gain their favor,and protect the borders from anyone without payment for the toll. I shall send a telegram to Xerconian troops in our borders with some troops of our own,to show we are trustworthy,and offer more for their dead.

From the journal of the afformentioned Fred Veshar:

After a throrough search of the town of Kantif, we can find no evidence that the citizens are lying to us. I left the town in the control of the very competant Colonel Edward Smidar, and have gone forward, hoping to meet the Xerconian divisions within a week's time, although we haven't heard anything from them since we discovered they have crossed into Unleimeks. I have heard that the tiny Unleimekan navy has been completely obliterated, and that there are currently at least five Lugonomekan aircraft carriers anchored right off the coast of Unleimeks. Still no news from Thingamajiggers, but I hope they're faring well. We hope to reach the border of Thingamajiggers within a few weeks, but until then, my sympathies go to them.

January 1st 11:50 PM Speech made by Patriarch of Heavysuit

"There have been many threats made against us,but in 10 minutes,all shall be made right. The piles of dead that lined our coffers shall be offered up,in exchange for protection against the countless foes who will no-doubt strike us to further their own needs. The time has come for everyone to take arms,and defend the borders! We shall hold our ritual in peace until it is completed!"


The country of Heavysuit has been moved and is flying above the ocean temporarily until the war is over. The land that used to be there has been turned into an unlivable wasteland,and all unwelcome folk still reside there.

Xerconia Annexes The Heavysuit Waste by Niki Nkruma January 2, 827

The Xerconian army has fully occupied the land where Heavysuit once resided. Now rendered an unlivable wasteland due to burnt land tactics, it has become something of an industrial paradise. Great amounts of iron ore were found deep in the mountainous terrain of western Heavysuit, so in a unanimous movement the Kylpzax agreed to annex the territory. Mining equipment and industry has been sent to the land where operations already began to go underway. Said the chairman of the Kylpzax, when prompted: "The industry the land will lend us will greatly aid our war effort. Unleimeks shall know the magnitude of their error." However, although the land is rich in minerals, the life quality of the area is almost nonexistant. For this reason, Xerconia still finds herself in need of "vakulschkrom", or "living-space". It hopes to gain land from Unleimeks. The location of the Heavysuit people is unknown. It is expected their primitive, god-fearing practices forced them to sacrifice themselves.

Order of the Red Stag Member Jailed By Elizabeth Smidar, of the Stadpræst Daily Post

Earlier today, Harold Ablomek, a member of the Order of the Red Stag and secretary of the governor of the state of Lanterkut, was found guilty of supplying information on the Lugonomekan army's strategies to the government of Unleimeks and sentenced to five years in prison. Ablomek is one of over a dozen Order members living in Lugonomeks who have been found guilty of aiding the Unleimekan government so far.

War Protest staged in Stadpræst By Christopher Morsar, of the Lugonomekan Times

Just today, a crowd of over 20,000 arrived in Stadpræst to protest Lugonomeks' involvement in the war. "The pigs that are running this country keep saying they don't care about land, so why did they get us involved?" yells protest leader Henry Homarn from atop til arktosubre's palace. "It's not like they care about keeping justice in the region, and it's not like it's our responsibility to in the first place. We shouldn't be involved at all. It shouldn't be our place to keep countries from doing to each other what they please. And as for the so-called atrocities the Unleimeks are committing, that can be put down to the government interfering with the media in an attempt to justify their blood-thirsty, imperialistic desires." The protests continue to escalate throughout the day and into the night. The annual New Year's celebrations in the capital were canceled, and currently a small domestic unit within the capital are trying to handle the protesters.

Day 11, January 3rd, Eleventh Day of the War Diary of Private Mako Asowol

Dear Journal,

We have begun the long, grueling march into the Unleimekan territory, and things appeared dismal. Black clouds hang over this land, unbroken but for small, hopeless slivers of light. However, things began looking up when we saw in the distance the glorious Lugonomekan banners. Our spirits soaring, we hastened to meet the banners, and were delighted to see a Lugonomeks regiment. There was much rejoicing, on both our ends. It seems Lugonomeks has been searching for our Legions, so as to begin a combined assault on the Unleimeks capitol. We were much gratified to see the Lugonomeks army, for they had several rations which we were short on - as the Heavysuit guerillas did horrible damage to our supply caravans. As such, the night was certainly full of rejoice. We can't help but remark how curious the Lugonomeks uniform looks to us. Indeed, we have seen little of any uniform but that of the old Justice Guard, and it is always interesting to see the tailorwork of other nations. It has only come to our attention, then, how fearsome we must look to others. The Lugonomeks plain olive-green uniform, sometimes adorned with medals or insignias, greatly contrasts our deathly black, high-tech, full-body battle-suits. And perhaps we instill our dread visage unknowingly, for I think I recall a look of doubt or uncertainty on the Lugonomekan faces as we met them. It is unknowable - to us - so we can only imagine.

Regardless, tomorrow we begin our march for the capitol. May Amut be with us.

"The Snake to Aid the Eel?" by Clarrine Laktinas published by "Naris Chronicle"

Thorin- In dark times, any light is welcome, so welcome that one must wonder whether or not that light is really off in the distance, or an illusion concocted by one's own imagination. In our current darkness, the people of Thingamajiggers find themselves wondering this very question. A current rumor sweeping the nation regards a possible ally, one few would have foreseen. Some have claimed that help is coming through the army of Xerconia.

The idea, which has spread from the edge of the country inward, is one that, according to the best polls we can manage in our current state, 10% of the population believes to be true. Everyone seems to have heard the tale from a friend of a friend of a friend of a former husband of a friend of a cousin's ex-roommate's, to put it bluntly, however. As of yet, we have not been able to find a single person with a credible source for the rumor.

The administration's answer to our inquiries on the subject have provided no answers. The government maintains that it has still not been able to contact Xerconia or any other country via communication networks. The government, of course, has been in the dark since the jamming shield was erected by Unleimeks hours after the start of the invasion. "The only contact we have received since then is via a messenger from New Valhall that managed to slip across the border before Unleimeks captured all of our borderland, carrying only word that Valhall was considering giving us an unspecified portion of their small army. No follow-up has reached us," says Colonel Wenton Riji of the Thingamajiggers armed forces.

However, someone may have been more successful. According to one variation of the rumor, a woman received a text message during a quick, random fluctuation of the jamming shield. The message, from a friend in Heavysuit, said that Xerconian troops could be seen out her window.

Some, of course, don't see it as likely or, in the event of the rumor being true, a blessing. "Now, just wait a minute," says a pedestrian. "What was the LAST country we had to push out of our homes? The Xerconians, perhaps? They'll drive out the Lugos then stay for dinner. We're in a mess, and them Zeercos will just make it messier."

Day 12, January 4th, Twelfth Day of the War Diary of Xerconian Private Musafa Niktu

Dear Journal:

We have recently broken through, eliminating the standstill with a powerful artillery brigade. It was a mighty push, and our soldiers completely tore through the enemy lines. This battle was ours, and though it lasted so long, we find new vigor.

We have finally received word from the Northern Xerconian Branch that they are planning to siege the capitol. Realizing this, our commanders have decided to push west into Thingamajiggers to begin a liberation movement. An attack in two places, in one no less something of guerilla warfare, and in the other a distracting siege; we will without a doubt cripple and destroy Unleimeks!

We have realized, however, that to coincide and perfectly synchronize we'll have to carry on 500 miles in a day. Tomorrow, we'd have to reach the border. Needless to say, our commanders took up the whip, even in this freezing cold. But we are diligent. Still, our commanders admire us. I overheard: "This bunch can come straight out of the heat of battle and march sixty miles per hour. Damn, I'm proud of these men!"

But signs are becoming worse. It's been twelve days... who knows what horrors have been leased on Thingamajiggers?

From the journal of General Veshar

"We have met and combined forces with the Xerconian legion. Although I was at first unsure whether or not it was wise to join forces with such fierce-looking soldiers, we must take whatever allies we can and not judge by appearances. After discussions with the Xerconian general Vandaruruk, we have decided to lay siege to the Unleimekan capital of Samyulstad. I was at first unsure about this because I had heard the Unleimekan army posessed strains of the pyramic plague, and that they might unleash it on Thingamajiggers in retaliation. After discussing this with Vadaruruk, we decided we must first cut off Samyulstad from the rest of the nation beforehand. This should not be so difficult, as the city is less than ten years old and nestled in the mountains, and therefore does not have much in the means of communication. We hope a successful siege of the capital should force the Unleimeks to surrender."

Transcript of audio report transmitted by Mikhailza Barrik

Barrik: This is Daily Star reporter Mikhailza Barrik reporting from a basement within a Hydranj hotel. Above me rages a battle between the Thingamajiggeri resistance and the Unleimeks! The fight had gone on for about... two hours? About two hours now. It-


(unidentified): Shakt! That was a close one!

Barrik: It, it seems that the resistance is putting up quite a fight with the Unleimeks, and for a time it seemed that they might be able to turn the tide of city's capture. However, without the main army, which has been too busy trying to push back the enemy lines to attempt to take back such a heavily guarded city to (static, 8 seconds) keep up the fight and is close to defeat. In fac-

(unidentified2): THEY'RE UPSTAIRS!

Barrik: The Unleimeks seem to have decided not to discriminate between civilian and soldier and the streets are littered with bodies! The resistance has been... oh sh-

(unidentified1): AAAAAAH!

(gun shots)

Barrik: FRA-GH! AUGH!

(machine gun fire, 5 seconds)

(unidentified3): Move out! Move! Move...


Military Report by Vandaruruk January 5th, Day 13

Our armies marched to the precipice beyond which stands the Unleimekan capitol: Samyulstad.

Although we are not too tired, or battle-scarred, this moment fills us all with a sort of anxiety. We look out onto the city, and we realize that here, all our suffering and our anguish, from all our countrymen, comrades, and even foes, will come to a peak. It is here that the fate of Thorin shall be decided.

After this quiet moment we moved out. We instantly split into preassigned command groups and moved to our positions. Several squadrons each were assigned to destroy any and all radio connections they could find according to a pattern based on a map of the city. They were to cut any and all wires leading into - or out of - the city.

This they did, with what we hope must be precision. For if the job wasn't properly done, then the Unleimekan til arkto could let off a command for the release of what Veshar tells me is Pyramic Plague, the same plague which decimated Gis Mone several decades ago. It can only affect Thingans, but at the rate we are told it can spread, it could destroy all of Thingamajiggers. Could this be human decency? We must destroy our attrition with the Thingans, that although we are two different cultures - separated by centuries of hatred and warfare - the basest human qualities can overpower all.

Tonight, at midnight, we'll let the first bombshell fly.

Bloodshed in the City of Peace, Four Dead By Christopher Morsar

Earlier today, in Stadpræst, the recent war protests escalated again, leading to the millitary opening fire on the protesters and four people dead. The protest against the war on Unleimeks in Stadpræst has been going on for two days now. It seemed to have calmed down on New Year's Day, with the protesters merely camping out in the city, but in the early hours of the morning, the protesters became active again. As a group of five women, one identified as Angela Rowildar, one of the president's secretaries, were leaving the capitol building, one of them shouted something at the protesters. The women were immediately surrounded by protesters. They grabbed them and carried them off to til arktosubre's palace where the protesters were camped out. The Capital Security Guard, a small domestic branch of the millitary stationed in Stadpræst, heard the commotion and arrived on the scene. As soon as the protesters spotted the Guardsmen, they began pelting them with rocks. The Guard began shooting tear gas into the crowd and tried to push through to retrieve the captives. Most of the protesters scattered, but some stood their ground. Some of the protesters began blindly tossing handmade explosives towards the Guard. Some of the Guardsmen panicked and opened fire into the crowd. Four people were killed, and at least twenty people have been injured. The protesters have mainly left the city, but some have remained in the camps.

Military Report by Vandaruruk January 6th, Day 14

We began to bring on the pressure as we let our rockets fly, beginning our bombardment. Evidently, the attack was not entirely unexpected - we made our presence and intentions unmistakably known.

This is not too big of a hurdle, however, because I and General Veshar have decided to do a three-pronged blitz tactic. Our soldiers will spread out, striking vital economic centers and suburbs near the city, lifting the pressure. Once this is done, the city will be surrounded, and forced to supply for far too many citizens. Then when the time is right, we shall strike - quickly and without mercilessly.

Meanwhile our main front shall hold the line, and maintain artillery pressure. This shall be a great victory for Xerconia - once again her power shall be known! First Heavysuit, now Unleimeks. Soon all of Thorin will stand in awe of the magnanimity of the Supreme Empire of Xerconia.

VICTORY IN THE WEST Army takes back western coast; Communications Re-Established with Region by Kattya Lingwas From "Glen Free Journal"

Thokran- In a surprise maneuver today, the armies of Thingamajiggers broke off their assaults on the heavily occupied territory in the east. For the past weeks, the armies have been broken up, attempting to push back the enemy lines. However, during the night, all at once, the armies broke off their attacks and turned around, uniting and hitting a solitary point: a small town on the the west coast in Purnad called Enda. Here, the occupation forces were especially weak.

The full power of the Thingamajiggeri army easily brought down the city. The jamming shield generator located in the city was destroyed, removing a ten mile wide swath of the shield from the coast to roughly the center of the nation, effectively returning communications to Thingamajiggers.

Continuing the momentum, the army quickly split into two units and headed along the border. All borderland in Soab, the eastern border of Purnad, and all coastal land in Brood was captured before the armies, now spread thin, were finally slowed by the regrouping Unleimeks.

This effectively restores the transfer of communication signals in and out of Thingamajiggers for a third of the country. Reports of the status of our allies will come as we receive them.

The gross disabling of the shield also allows the Air Force to go outside the borders. Air traffic is unable to pass through the shield as the interference from the shield effectively acts as a strong electro-magnetic pulse, crashing the electronic components of the fighters. With the shield down, the Thingamajiggeri Air Force will be able to take the fight to Unleimeks.

Today has been a great victory, which may turn the tide of the war.

From the journal of General Veshar

"We have arrived in Samyulstad and successfully surrounded it. This is a great victory, but there are many things that worry me. For one, when we arrived in the city, we found that we were not completely unexpected. The Unleimeks knew we were coming to attack the capital. This does not mean much for our divisions, since they were still vastly outnumbered and unprepared for an attack on the capital, but I wonder what it means for Thingamajiggers. I know that the Unleimeks are in possesion of the pyramic plague, since we have found stores of it just outside the capital. I worry that the Unleimekan government may have had time to tell their generals to use it. Second, I worry about the ambitions of General Vandaruruk. He seems to be in this war to conquer, not to liberate Thingamajiggers. It was my hope, as well as the hope of the Lugonomekan government, that Unleimeks may be left to themselves once this war is over, for we feel that trying to conquer them would lead to more strife and unrest than anything. Third, I worry for the people of Unleimeks. How many of them are truly loyal to til arkto, and how many are merely here because they wanted to go west, and now cannot leave? The people of Kantif seemed for the most part to be against Unleimeks and the invasion. Could this be true for the rest of the country? Despite all this, I am sincerely glad that the end of this war seems close. I again pray that we may soon return to peace and prosperity."

Announcement within Surkaph


You read that right, people, the military needs anyone they can get for a war currently taking place that they have decided to take part in to help a country in need! Our enemy, a shadow government called 'Unleimeks'. We do not know much about the enemy, but we know that they're attacking without any real reason and creating a real mess of things.

Journal of an anonymous Surkaphi soldier - day 1

We have been informed that we must get ready for... for a war... I have a bad feeling about this... Something seems... wrong... I don't know why...

- *name smudged*

Leaked Transmission from Surkaph

person 1: is this lin- -re? person 2: ...I do- -w... person 1: the- -e shou- -e this quick... person 2: our arm- -eparing to enter the wa- -on't believe that anyo- -side- -igher-ups in th- -overnment an- -w the truth abou- -y we're fighti- -ide- person 1: -ne heard this... you ju- -ght have aroused suspicion in a go- -f people... lets end this cha- -fore anything that shou- -wn is leaked. person 2: goo- -dea.

  • static*
  • transmission ends*

Personal log entry of General of the Air Force Breetal Mark, February 15th, 827.

I am recording this personal log several miles above the planet, from within an L-43 Needletail. We have amassed together nearly all of our aerial forces, preparing to begin an aerial attack of the besieged Samyulstad and bring this war down to one, final battle. We fully expect the entire Unleimek Air Force to meet us there in our bombing run. While it is important that we destroy their air force there, the main purpose of our attack is rather to be a distraction. While we keep the Unleimek Air Force at bay, we will begin a surprise attack with our secret weapon: the K-01 Albatross.

The K-01 is a new breed of military aircraft. It is a stealth fighter/bomber that is amphibious. The small planes, shielded from both sonar and radar detection, travel along the ocean bottom. When the order is given, they spring out of the water and attack the unsuspecting enemy. These brand new glidecraft (as we have taken to calling them, due to the fact that they are more than just aircraft) are perfect for this attack, as the rather awkward territory of our enemy consists of a long, thin strip of land running along the coast. The K-01 are ready to strike all the important military installations of our enemy while they are left nearly undefended.

However, we are going into a battle we very well may not come back from. While no fighter the Unleimeks possess is equal to the Needletail in terms of technology, the sheer size of their air force, like the rest of their military branches, is amazing. We are vastly outnumbered. Naturally, we turned to our allies for help.

The Lugonomeks have been fighting this war since the start, and their forces are exhausted. A large chunk of their military was taken by the Unleimeks in the split, and in no area is this more true than the air force. Between this hit and losses in battle, few of their planes remain. They have chosen, rather than to throw their forces into this all-or-nothing attack, to keep what few planes they have left to defend themselves should we fail and the Unleimeks attack them next. They continue their ground siege, however.

The Xerconians still have a large air force, but refuse to participate in this attack due to differences in philosophy. The Xerconians want to bring the bombing run into full force, to bomb civilian and government installations alike in an act of total war. We have refused. While we, who have seen so much death over these past months, are certainly thirsty for revenge, we have seen far too much death, too much blood. Those responsible for the atrocities caused will be struck down with a vengeance, but innocent blood will not be on our hands, or we are no better than the Unleimeks themselves. The Xerconians disagree... I believe the exact words Vandaruruk used to describe us were "arrogant idealists engaging in a self-righteous suicide mission". They will continue their siege, but will not be joining our aircraft.

Our other allies, Surkaph and Valhall, will be helping, but are not able to provide much. To be honest, this imbalance of power worries me. The size of the armies of Thingamajiggers, Unleimeks, Lugonomeks, and Xerconia dwarf every other army. Such imbalances do not bode well for regional peace. But I digress. Surkaph, not a very old nation, has sent 8 planes, all it can spare and still have enough planes to even attempt to put up a fight. New Valhall, our brother in land, has been overgenerous, providing its entire air force. Granted, between its small military and recent losses in battle, this number is not very much, but we appreciate the act muchly. Should this end well, we plan to help Valhall and Surkaph build up their air force, both in appreciation and to balance out the power of the region.

All other countries in the region have remained neutral. We attempted to get technological aid from Heavysuit. This levitation technology of theirs... it's amazing! If I had not seen it for myself, I never would have believed it to be true. Suspending entire cities in the air, like giant metal clouds, to keep ones population out of the way of an invading army?! Astounding! Alas, the Suitwielders refuse to participate in this war any farther, saying it has cost them too much already. It doesn't help that the leaders of the country are convinced that their cities are being levitated by mages. These "mages" are the real leaders of the country, keeping the country under thumb via superstition and technological knowledge.

I myself am in the air, despite how odd it is for high-level officers to fight. However, really, it makes sense. You don't rise to the very top of the ranks of the air force without being a fairly good pilot. We need our best men up here. I expected General Zan to protest, but he surprisingly agreed. In fact, having gotten to know him well over these past few months, I feel as though I saw a little bit of glee hidden under the surface...

Speaking of General Zan, something strikes me as odd about him. There's just this look in his eyes that he gets when he's planning, or when he's deciding what regiments to send into battle. It's like he's deciding who it would be best for him to send off to die... I don't know. It's just this feeling I get around him.

We are approaching Samyulstad, and the enemy appears to have noticed our motley force of Needletails, Woodstars, older planes, and allied aircraft, as we had hoped, gathering the forces around the city.

May hope shine forever. End entry.

Day 16, January 8th, 16th Day of the War Journal of Xerconian Private Musafa Niktu

Dear Journal,

Things have been looking up. Our Legions have begun the march into what was Thingamajiggers, and we have begun the liberation movement. We first met the Unleimekans outside a hamlet, and were quick to destroy them. It was a remarkable deployment, but our squadron was momentarily detached and our captain killed.

In that moment, journal, I had to take the helm. We were still able to make it to our position, and the plan went off without a hitch, but our sergeant had an ulterior gleam in his eyes when he learned of this.

Still, we have successfully liberated at least one small village. The Thingans greeted us with apprehension... which we can understand. We've already started moving further west.

I hope the siege at Samyulstad is going well.

Military Report, Vandaruruk, 46th Day of the War, February 15th

The siege is not going well.

Our artillery pushes have been met with fierce resistance. Our klakvetzten tactics met with stiff opposition. Our infantry kept in trenches. We have tried occasional air strikes, but the stinger pits have more than compensated for our opponent's lack in technological strength thereof.

Breetal Mark of the Thingans has come to me with a proposition: he wants to make an air slice through the airspace of Samyulstad, to allow his amphibious bombers the opportunity to completely decimate the coast. I responded, saying we should completely destroy agricultural, economic and domestic positioning across the coastline, but he stubbornly objected. He said it is not the object of the Thingans to harm innocent civilians. Idealistic, arrogant fools! Those civilians are the same who's power, who's nationalism, who's pride, who's force, has lent itself to the bulk of the Unleimekan fighting force. Regardless, Mark continues with his klatzvetzt, and I couldn't help thinking that perhaps I should offer my assistance anyway.

So in spite of everything, I had my boys join them in their dog fight. Perhaps a flanking manuever could help. Our token fighterplane - the Ostliejen - will surely lend to them great aid. Hopefully they'll get there in time - those Thingan bastards will get themselves killed otherwise.

Meanwhile, tomorrow, our armies and the Lugonomeks are going to make one final push - all or nothing. We've gone over the strategies... if this fails, then all is lost.

For the Empire.

From the journal of General Veshar:

"It's all over. Late last night, our last desperate push succeeded in overtaking Samyulstad, thanks to an attack from above by the combined air forces of Thingamajiggers, New Valhall, Xerconia, and Surkaph. After nearly 24 hours of bombardment, one of Adamek's secretaries or something marched up to me with orders of surrender, signed by til arkto himself. Needless to say, there was much rejoicing by my troops and by the Xerconians. I did notice that Vandaruruk looked a bit disappointed. I suspect he wanted to have Unleimeks for himself, but I know for a fact that Lugonomeks won't let that happen, and I suspect Thingamajiggers will be against it, as well. Nevertheless, it appears that the war is ending, and no one could be more grateful of this than myself. As always, I wish good will to all our allies, and to the conquered Unleimeks, as well, for they are our brothers, and I personally shall hold no grudge against them for the actions of their government."

Summary of Treaty of Parma

1. Unleimeks must pay reparations to all nations following: The Terra Solva of Thingamajiggers, the Tribal Federation of Lugonomeks, the Supreme Empire of Xerconia, the Kingdom of New Valhall. 2. Unleimeks must return all territories hitherto belonging to the Terra Solva to the Terra Solva, and to New Valhall to New Valhall. 3. Unleimeks agrees to allow Open Borders agreements with all regional nations. 4. Xerconia shall come into the possession of the province Kilo Echo, the remainder being returned to Heavysuit. 5. An International Council shall be established in Thorin, situated in Thingamajiggers, to reduce and eliminate corruption and coercion, and to delegate the duties for United Nations representation. 6. Unleimeks shall remain a sovereign state, and keep possession of territory not gained from the Terra Solva nor New Valhall. 7. Unleimeks shall not draft, conscript, nor raise a standing army, response army, emergency army or international police army larger than 5,000 soldiers. A delegate from the International Council shall monthly inspect the Unleimekan National Guard. 8. Unleimeks agrees to abide by International Council rulings, under penalty of occupation. 9. Unleimeks shall not build nuclear weapons, biological weapons, aerospace-based weapons, marine-based warships, and land-based war machines. 10. Unleimeks shall destroy any and all vials or like container holding the Pyramic Plague. They shall cease all research on the Pyramic Plague, and they shall forfeit all cases thereof to Lugonomeks. All biological laboratories and all governmental research institutes shall be inspected monthly by a delegate from the International Council.

Leaked Surkaphi Transmission

*FINAL TRANSMISSION* person 1: I guess our... 'project' has failed. Our goal... full conquest... power... complete takeover... completely lost. person 2: ...you really think this has ended? that this 'war' was our only chance? person 1: ...what are you saying...? person 2: It has begun... person 1: ...you mean... person 2: yes. person 2 (in background): start phase alpha. and tell Dr. Sai that everything is going according to plan...