List of Casaran Counties

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This list consists of the different counties in the Confederated Colonies of Casari.

Home Counties

Name Seat Population
Whitefox Tyrellia 63 841 303
Dannson Arcadia 45 773 128
Hillan Ashford 38 931 941
Mattari Corneria 37 014 281
Firona Netsuoka 35 129 903
Einhaven Soling 28 422 913
Lawfort Astra 22 987 908
Dearney Inslow 22 904 793
Snyder Fira 21 510 455
Terris Leyton 20 834 552
Sancrost Sanjuku 19 368 908
Barrin Winton 16 604 861
Callax Silenia 16 364 751
Hornby Tica 15 634 082
Jillan Fairford 15 502 602
Kittson Shelby 14 188 768
Karino Tyir 14 381 809
Lexin Wonham 14 476 765
Portio Wembley 13 699 069
Ronway Queenstown 14 150 802
Wheeler Fenstrom 11 862 516
Viliandi Derby 10 296 161
Wyatt Narissa 10 660 233
Albi Larissa 9 666 088
Norris Bourneson 10 221 542
Qurei West Resia 10 083 482
Trajik East Resia 9 042 112
Conchester Pillsbury 7 585 254
Arnia Princeton 6 766 900
Silanta Redmond 6 041 231
Redhill Lexington 5 160 658
Bruli Longford 5 107 577
Total 594 217 348

Emmigrant Populations

While the government as expressed that it is willing to recoginze Casaran Emmigrant communities of a considerable size with formal status in the census, national sports, and governmental representation, but none meeting the criteria of the government have yet to be found.