New Harlem Commune

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Revision as of 18:09, 17 December 2005 by (Talk)

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Population 100,640,000
Communist Anarchist Federation Operative Autonomous Commune of the Anarchist Communes of Segasaturn (A.C.S)
Communal Areas Downtown New Harlem, New Harlem SISN Main Port Terminal, Furgutenheim, Neiuw Zeepschipol, Aganterdam, Dalghreniachecentre, New Harlem Shipbuilding Terminal, Shin Shinjuku, Londontown, Iwata, New Harlem Oil Refinery Terminal, Rotterdam-Damschpoot, Nord-Neue-Harleem
"Ethnicities"/Cultures Dutch: 30%, Japanese: 20%, Emocionian: 20%, German: 19%, English: 1%
Economic Functions Industrial Manufacturing, Automobile Manufacturing & Shipbuilding


The New Harlem Commune is a City and a Commune of the Anarchist Communes of Segasaturn. It lies
