Oubanarian Reprive

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The Oubanarian Reprive was an act of terrorism that rocked three main countries:

An Aaronian senator was stabbed outside the main political HQ, the Palais du la Imperiale in Imperial Aaronia. The assailant then escape from Aaronia. This sent shockwaves across the three countries. Fearing their lives, the Simonvian leader and his family flew across Simonvia to a safehouse. Their plane was hijacked by an Oubanarian rebel. The rebel went on to blow a hole in the Business Class section of the Simonvian Airways domestic flight and took the Simonvian leader's spouse to the roof of the plane, holding her hostage. After assistance from the Aaronian Airforce, and celebrated Major Ognaj Teff, the plane was able to land but the rebel commited suicide, leaving an accomplice to be arrested.

These attacks have been assumed as revenge for the hefty reparations Ouban has been made to pay by Simonvia, Scotllia & Imperial Aaronia after the Oubanarian War. Though Simonvia was also made to pay reparations, they are not as hefty as that of Ouban and any fear of Simonvian attack has subsided due to the reduction of the War Tax.

The Aaronian Leader at the time, Madame Noisette Bianco, has commented, "I do not beleive these attacks to be the reuslt of a revenge attempt by the Oubanarian government. It should be noted that Aaronia does not concider Ouban a threat as they are now part of our empire, we shall look into this attack, however it we, the Aaronian senate, do not beleive that Ouban's leaders were involved. This was a pure act of Crminal Terrorism.