Pact of Hera

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Pact of Hera

Section 1
Article 1.1: All Akatoni titles of nobility are fully recognized in the Resurgent Dream.
Article 1.2: All Danaan titles of nobility are fully recognized in Akaton.

Section 2
Article 2.1 The Akatoni-Danaan border shall remain open.
Article 2.2: Akaton shall place no limit upon immigration and naturalization from the Resurgent Dream.
Article 2.3: The Resurgent Dream shall place no limit upon immigration and naturalization from Akaton.

Section 3
Article 3.1: Should Akaton be attacked by a foreign aggressor, the Resurgent Dream shall aid in the defense of Akaton as able.
Article 3.2: Should the Resurgent Dream be attacked by a foreign aggressor, Akaton shall aid in the defense of the Resurgent Dream as able.

Section 4
Article 4.1: The Resurgent Dream shall extradite anyone wanted on criminal charged in Akaton.
Article 4.2: Akaton shall extradite anyone wanted on criminal charged in the Resurgent Dream.

Section 5
Article 5.1: Involuntary servitude, excepting of those convicted of a crime, shall remain prohibited in both Akaton and the Resurgent Dream.
Article 5.2: The arrest or other persecution of any person based on race shall remain prohibited in both Akaton and the Resurgent Dream.

Section 6
Article 6.1: Akaton and the Resurgent Dream shall collectively be known as the Empire of Mists.
Article 6.2: Akaton and the Resurgent Dream shall remain entirely sovereign nations.
Article 6.3: The Empire of Mists shall command two fleets in its own name to provide for the common defense.
Article 6.4: The Empire of Mists shall rule the Island of Hera directly, in its own name.
Article 6.5: The Empire of Mists, to the extent that it acts outside the member governments, shall act under the orders of the Emperor and Empress of Mists.
Article 6.6: The Emperor of Mists shall be Phaeton Draconis and the Empress of Mists shall be Aiwyn ni Gwydion.
Article 6.7: Upon the death of either the Emperor of Mists or the Empress of Mists, this treaty is subject to immediate renegotiation.

Section 7
Article 7.1: Akaton will place no restrictions on trade with the Resurgent Dream.
Article 7.2: The Resurgent Dream will place no restrictions on trade with Akaton.
Article 7.3: The Empire of Mists, in as much as is possible, will protect shipping routes between Akaton and the Resurgent Dream from piracy or foreign aggression.