Politics of Gurenn

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Gurenn is a dictatorship. The Emperor can do anything he likes, as long as he follows the constitution, since Gurenn still is a constitutional monarchy. The most succesful political party of Gurenn is the Liberal Dictatorship Party.


The Diet is a group of advisors assisting the Emperor in leading the country. They are all chosen by the Emperor himself.


The First Minister is chosen by the Diet. The First Minister may choose a maximum of 12 additional ministers, namely the Vice-First Minister, the Minister of Administration, the Minister of Social Welfare, the Minister of Healthcare, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Religion & Spirituality, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Law & Order, the Minister of Commerce, the Minister of Public Transport, the Minster of The Environment and the Minister of Social Equality.


The constitution is the only thing limiting the power of the Emperor. It was written in 604 by Emperor Umayado. It only prohibits the damaging of person and property.