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Sei Kratos Al'ver Mirmue
Birth date
March 03, 2003*
His Imperial Highness, Imperial Prince of Athan
The Grand Emprie of Athan

His Imperial Highness, Imperial Prince Sei Kratos Al'ver Mirmue (heir apparent) is son of Empress Cally and Emperor Kratos of Athan. He was not conceived the conventional way, but use Solid Water's Design-A-Person™ to create him, along with several angelic bodyguards and one slave of undermined use. Emperor Kratos and Empress Cally used their own genes, however, to create their son. Further siblings for Sei will be created the traditional way, once his mother, Cally, becomes the age of 18.

*technically the prince was born in 2004, but he engineered to be a year-old when he was created.