Setaen Nessan

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Setaen Jasirin Nessan
Lord Senator, Lord Censor, High Lord of House Nessan, Lord Marshall Militant (Dessar System)
Dessar III/The Icetower (Hive City)
Human (Augmented)

Jasir Nessan, Heir Apparant of House Nessan

Born to the House of Nessan, Jasir was destined from birth to play an influential role in the Dessar System, with his House ruling the wealthy and militarily powerful Icetower Hive. As his father's firstborn he began tuition in politics, philosophy and rulership from a very early age, a burden that lessened only slightly after the birth of his brother - Kotir Nessan, later to become Setaris Kotiruk Nessan, First Lord Militant of the Tamasor Crusade.

Jasir excelled himself even from his early years, a veritable prodigal child. His father's political power ensured a series of challenges for the young Heir Apparent as the father gave examples of his ruling tasks to the son. The education programs provided both by Icetower Hive and the Grand University of Dessar proved small challenge, and the young aristocrat kept himself entertained by running simulations of political, economic and military challenges that had arisen in history - both in Dessar and other systems.

Jasirin Nessan, Commander Militant

Aged thirty, Jasir Nessan took the First Test of Maturity, a cultural peculiarity of Dessar, in which a person must take two tests during their lifetime, each of which permits the person to fill certain roles - a Dessari may not hold a political office until s/he has passed both, passing one permits flying permits, firearm possession and the like, with the average age for the first test being forty years amongst the aristocracy.

Passing his Test quickly and with little difficulty, the newly added "in" still shining on certificates, Jasirin Nessan was brought into the Senate Legions of Ventuus to prove the combat abilities that he learned while growing up.

Once again, Jasirin Nessan proved himself capable and talented, serving for a full twenty years and leaving the Legions a Commander Militant, the highest rank permissable to one who has passed only the First Test, commanding a warfleet of over ten thousand soldiers.

Immediately after leaving the Legions, Jasirin Nessan took the Second Test of Maturity.

Senator Setaen Jasirin Nessan, Censor

Passing the Second Test without difficulty, Setaen Jasirin Nessan threw himself into the world of Ventuusi politics at the behest of his father. Thanks to his father's political strings he was able to quickly achieve an administrative post in the Dessar System. As a Lesser Quaestor of the system he held sway over a small section of the civil and military treasuries, thus pushing the influence of Nessan further throughout the system.

His political career progressed rapidly through the ranks at the bottom of the "Ladder of Glory", and after several years (unusually rapidly - due both to Setaen Nessan's abilities as an administrator and the influence of his House) he became one of Dessar's representatives in the Senate.

Four years later he was appointed as the Dessari Censor, the registrar of Dessar, but also with the duties of overseeing the finances of the system, including taxation, and inspecting the quality of public works and - more controversially - public morality.

Senator Lord Setaen Jasirin Nessan, High Lord of House Nessan, Censor of Dessar, Lord Marshall Militant of Dessar

In the seventh year since his appointment as Censor his father died due to his assassination by a political rival. Ventuusi justice swiftly followed, resulting in the elimination of the assassin's organisation and the family that hired them.

Setaen Jasirin inherited his father's positions as High Lord of House Nessan, and of Lord Marshall Militant of Dessar, but the position of Lord Senator held by his father passed to another.

Upon assuming the twin titles of High Lord and Lord Marshall Militant, Setaen was faced with numerous troubles that he lacked the capacity to deal with. Acting with the political maturity gained on the marble floor of the Senate he put down the attmepted manipulations of his new positions and used the military forces of his brother (at this time a Lord Militant) as a dissuading force. The sight of the younger, more naive brother, standing by his sibling proved to be a powerful force among the Dessari. Especially when combined with the whole-hearted support of the Senate itself.

His decisive actions, combined with the popularity of his economic schemes made possible as Censor and High Lord, made him a great favorite amongst both the Plebeians and Aristocracy of Dessar.

Lord Senator Setaen Jasirin Nessan, Lord Consul of Ventuus

Several years after seeing his brother appointed as High Lord Militant of the Tamasor Crusade in response to a rebellion on the world of Tamasor (eleventh world of Skand), Setaen Jasirin Nessan was appointed one of the nine Lords Senator of Ventuus. After taking up this rank Lord Nassirin pushed consistently for better laws protecting the Plebeian class of Citizen in Dessar and Ventuus itself, gaining enough popularity to have him elected to the rank of Lord Consul with a seven-of-eight majority in the Senate - a demonstration of his charisma and popularity.

Now one of the two Senators who governed the Republic as a whole, Nessan had the influence necessary to bring the numerous small but important change to legislation that he had been putting forward to the Senate since his elevation. These changes proved characteristic of the politition, many of them smoothing the technicalities and procedures followed in law. Under his authority the beaurocracy within the Republic was greatly reduced, streamlining numerous government authorities and vastly increasing the efficiency of the governing bodies.

These changes, alongside many others, ensured election to a second and third term as Lord Consul of Ventuus, during which he oversaw numerous changes to law, policy and social improvement.

During this period in office his other responsibilities were placed in the care of trustworthy custodians, who proved tolerable placekeepers, but did nothing to rival the talents of the present Lord Consul.

Lord Senator Setaen Jasirin Nessan, Lord Censor of Ventuus, High Lord of House Nessan, Lord Marshall Militant of Dessar

After leaving the position of Lord Consul (which no Citizen may hold for more than three terms) Setaen Jasirin Nessan was offered the post of the Lord Censor of Ventuus, granting him the powers he had held over Dessar for the entire Republic.

Despite no longer holding the rank of Lord Consul, his popularity amongst the general populace as well as the aristocracy of Ventuus has ensured that he remains possibly the most influential of the Nine Lords Senator, despite not being from the system of Ventuus itself.

Using his post as a follow-up point for his economic policies as Lord Consul the High Lord of House Nessan has continued to grow in personal power, now holding the entire military might of Dessar under his command as well as many powers throughout the Republic.

He continues to lead an important role in the doings of the Senate, with remarkably little scandal surrounding his illustrious career.