The Mormon Refuge Act of 1849

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The Mormon Refuge Act of 1849 dealt with the issues concerning members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the limitless persecution they were facing. Upon the founding of this controversial religion, the Government had stayed nutural with it as no missionary services had started yet. But upon hearing of the murder of Joseph Smith the founder and proclaimed prophet of the church, the Government started to take more notice. Although these incidents were well outside the Kanami border the Government felt action should be taken. Letters of condemnation were sent and then letters of Refuge, calling Kanami A safe heaven for these people, away from the brut terrors of angry and uruly mobs. Pretty soon missionaries and boat load of Pioneers were immigrating, which caused some bit of a stir. Seeing the population was exploding and fearing the potential for more violence, Prime Minister Alexander Grant III, of the Christian Conservative Party (now defunct) issued a bill to protect these people.

The proposal was instantly put into Parliament, drafted, debated and voted on, and in a 107-12 vote passed and signed into law.

Context of the Bill

The bill outlined local lawenforcment, as well as Federal Marshalls to keep the peace and allow churches to go up and congergations to meet in peace. While there was rarely violent conflict, a southwest town in Kanami wasn't so welcoming. Angry townspeople firebombed churches beat congerationalists and other terrible things. Marshalls were deployed to guard the Churches and no further action happend from violent mobs.

And in this country whereas everyone is granted the right to worship our most trusted Lord in heaven, it must be protected and enforced for all law abiding congergations. Yasashii Himura had called upon us to make sure this country is always a safe and welcoming place for thoes that desire the breath of freedom. The Moromon congergation shall be protectd under the law through obidence of the law-Section XXI

The bill also gave special provisions to previously persecuted congergations. Funds were given to set up churches, and a special layaway fund was given so that a temple may be built.