The United Fenterium

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The United Fenterium

The United Fenterium is a federally controlled state. The main political Party of the State is the Soviet Party. The State controls the industry, the money and works for the people. The only people that oppose the party are traitors and are obviously stupid if they cannot see the good work of the party and are therefore tried for high treason in our courts. There is plenty of food and money for everyone. We promote the unemployed to join the Peoples Army and are free to leave after 3 years of service unless war is declared or in the threat of war. The Economy is Thriving and the country has plenty of money to spend on the public.

Latest News 24/6/06

The Comrade President has re-enstated the Emperor as a Constitutional Monarch as a symbol of our countrie's Greatness. This means we are now an Empire once again. The Empire of The United Fenterium

Latest News 18/6/06

Today our great leader Comrade President Fentino became the UN Delegate for the region of Saumur. This a great victory for the party and our country. The Soviet Guard put on a display to celebrate this victory.

Latest News 17/6/06

Today was Comrade President Fentino's State Birthday, his first since he came to power. This sort of occassion requiered a huge celebation was our great leader needed to be celebrated for his efforts. The Soviet Guard put on a huge display in formal attire with the airforce also contributing to the day. Photos:

TheColour.jpg troopingthecolour05_450.jpg

F0008383.jpg horse_guard.gif


The United Socialist States of The United Fenterium (USSUF) started its life as, The Empire of The United Fenterium where the Emperor was in full control with an assitant parliament. Economy was basically none exsistent and the military roamed the streets. If you spoke ill of the Emperor someone would hear you.

A small rebelious group called the Peoples Socialist Army lead by General Fentino used its small armed force to gain support under the noses of the Imperial Guard. On the 13th June 1999 the Socialist Army rose up in the Capital of Vonslavka and overthrew the Imperial Guard. The Brave Socialists stormed Imperial Palace and set it ablaze. The Emperor was tried in the street and sentenced to immediate deportation but Fentino kept him in a prison cell like the Emperors own opponents.

A year later the Socialist had gained control of the State after democracy had been restored. The Socialists named their party the soviet party and were the most popular party in the Reichtag gaining overall majority. The Party is still in full control today and have renamed the state The United Socialist States of The United Fenterium.


The Imperial Family

The Emperor: George Gancious II

Heir: James Gancious

Main body Government

Comrade President: Fentino

Chancellor: Van durch

Vice Chancellor: Lucas Trensow


Foreign minister: John Stracken

Home office Minister: Bladdimeer Grandurch

Defence Minister: General Cloney

Education Minister: Von papan


Soviet Party 92%

Conservative 3%

Republicans 2%

Other 3%