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Trigons are the third of the three main races which form the league. Often tragically the most underestimated of the three races; they have been the backbone of the league and without them its formation wouldn’t have been possible.

Physical Attributes

Male and female sexs

Average height 5.5ft(males) 5ft(females)

Physique: Short and plump.


Trigons are a small industrious species. Their most distinguishing feature is of course their three eyes, two with identical functions as human eyes but the middle is independent and is thus an excellent device for the Trigon to measure depth and distance. Making them extremely good at tasks which need this.

Just like the other three species no sense of smell and Trigons are able to work for days without rest because of their small size and an amazing ability to shut off one half of the brain whilst the other works.

Social Attributes

They are normally ‘behind the scenes’ because Trigons never really reach places of power unlike Yor or Drathi however this isn’t because of physical insignificancies they just do not desire power at all. They prefer just to work for a greater cause other then their own. One motto frequently used by Trigons is ‘for the greater good’.

Trigons came from the same homeworld as the Yor and therefore they care greatly about each other and frequently refer to each as herd brothers. They behave very similar to the Yor as well being very sociable and thus love to gather in large groups intoxicated no less. However when duty calls Trigons are able to work for extended periods of time and perform amazing amounts of work. Combined with a lack of smell Trigons can perform gross tasks without being phased at all hence the Trigon reputation of being the backbone of the Friendly Alien League.