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This article is about the region named UNSC. There is also an article on the United Nations Space Consortium.

Forum: [1]
Population: 21
Delegate: Los Amros
Founder: Rogueally
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


The Beginning

Much is unknown about the beginning of the UNSC because most of the early members are non-existent. We know it was founded by New Mombosa around November 2004. RogueAlly and Eric the Brave are two of the nations still in existence from this time period.

Prosperous Times

In this time period, around December 2004 and January 2005 the UNSC saw a growth of members. Such nations as J Buck, The Em(The HOV), and DangerNation(The Joyful Rebellion) came to the region and boosted activity in the region. During this period the UNSC was comprised of over 20 nations and was still growing. However, the UNSC lacked an established government. Eric the Brave was the UN Delegate during this time.

The Great Depression

This was a time of little activity and the population of the region dropped to 9. Many nations ceased to exist during this time. RogueAlly and Eric the Brave were two of the few regions that survived during this famine. This period lasted from Febuary 2005 - May 2005. Eric the Brave maintaned his delegate status during this time period.

The Rebirth

From May 2005 to June 2005 was know as the Rebirth. The population had risen and Eric the Brave was delegate still. During this time the future UN Delegate Amazing Squad had joined and the principle author of our constitution Los Amros.

The Reformation

From June 2005 to July 2005 Amazing Squad held delegate status for the UNSC. During this time the region became involved in the process of ratifying Los Amros's Constitution(below). Stated in the aforementioned constitution, an Upper Chamber was created. This replaced jobs such as Secretary of Defence, Transportation and Foreign Affairs (to name a few). Recently, another region called Europe 2 attempted an attack on the UNSC, but it was poorly planned and failed. In July the New Earth Alliance, a hostile region, invaded UNSC. Los Amros took the initiative and created The UNSC. With Los Amros as the Interim Prime Minister The UNSC began to reform and the Constitution was ratified.

The Invasion

Around late June and early July, the UNSC had suffered a major invasion by unknown invaders. It is said that these invadors come from the Future Forces of The NEA. Because of this invasion, many of the nations within UNSC were forced to move to "The UNSC", Where RogueAlly became the UN Delegate. Eventually, the NEA was forcibly removed from UNSC and RogueAlly led the return of many of the original nations. RogueAlly continued to hold UN Delegate status until he resigned from the UN, upon which time Los Amros resumed the title. The day the UNSC regained control of their original region is a national holiday. Even though they had obtained the "UNSC" back, the members of the old name are in "The UNSC"

Life Strikes Again

The UNSC became an ally of North America Wonder in mid-September 2005. Los Amros, newly returned from a month absence in The West Pacific, and Eric the Brave began reforming the UNSC. RogueAlly showed his diplomatic hand as he brokered a membership with [The World Bank] in early April 2006. The UNSC is currently growing again, albeit slowly, and in time it shall again become a prosperous region.

11/30/2006 Eric the Brave ceased to exist.

Elections for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister are to be held from September 26 - October 1 with the newly elected officers being sworn in on October 2 by Los Amros, former Interim Prime Minister of The UNSC.


Under Construction


Eric the Brave- 12/??/04 - 6/5/05

Amazing Squad- 6/5/05 - 7/3/05

RogueAlly- 7/3/05 - 4/20/06

Los Amros - 4/20/06 - Present

The Constitution


We, the People of the UNSC, seeing the need for a ruling document that establishes set rules and procedures by which the Region shall be governed, do establish this Constitution for the betterment of the UNSC.

Article I. UNSC Government

Section One The UNSC shall be ruled by a body composed of every nation who holds residency in the Region. The Grand Assembly shall be bicameral with an Upper Chamber of Nations and a lower chamber, the Assembly.

Section Two The Upper Chamber of Nations shall be the more powerful of the two chambers.

Clause 1. The Upper Chamber shall be able to pass legislation to be implemented throughout the UNSC. All legislation of the Upper Chamber shall be divided into two different categories: Bills, binding documents requiring a 2/3 majority vote, and resolutions, non-binding documents requiring a simple majority vote.

Clause 2. The Upper Chamber shall have the power to remove any member of the Council of State through a simple vote of no-confidence which requires a majority of all members voting. Using the same vote, the Upper Chamber may refuse any nominee to a Council of State position.

Clause 3. The Upper Chamber shall have the power to appoint a member to a Council of State position if the Prime Minister does not nominate someone within one week of his/her election.

Clause 4. The Upper Chamber shall have the power to impeach any member of the Council of State. Through impeachment, the official in question shall argue for his/her defense (or appoint someone to do so) while the Attorney General of the UNSC shall argue for the UNSC. If the Attorney General is being impeached then the Prime Minister shall appoint an Assistant Attorney General to do so.

Clause 5. The Upper Chamber can, at any time, call for early elections for the position of Prime Minister.

Clause 6. Any powers not given by this Constitution shall be granted to the Upper Chamber of Nations.

Section Three Membership requirements for the Upper Chamber shall be as follows:

Clause 1. Must be a member of the United Nations.

Clause 2. Must have held residence in the UNSC for a period of at least one month or for a period of no less than thirty days.

Clause 3. Must have a population of 100 million or more at the time of nomination.

Clause 4. Must have a sponsor nation who holds a seat in the Upper Chamber.

Clause 5. Upon Ratification of this Constitution, all U.N. nations who meet the requirements for membership shall take a seat in the Upper Chamber should they choose to do so.

Section Four The leader of the Upper Chamber shall hold the title of Deputy Prime Minister and shall act as the Prime Minister in the said person’s absence.

Clause 1. The Deputy Prime Minister shall be elected at the same time as the Prime Minister to serve a three-month term. The Prime Minister can opt to have a running mate, however, casting a vote for the Prime Minister will not cast a vote for the Deputy Prime Minister running mate.

Section Five The lower chamber shall be called the Assembly and shall have fewer powers than the Upper Chamber. The Assembly shall have fewer requirements for admittance.

Clause 1. All nations in the UNSC who have a population of at least 25 million are automatically admitted to the Assembly. U.N. membership is not required; however, duplicate nations shall not be permitted a seat in the Assembly.

Clause 2. The Assembly shall have the power to issue a bill of impeachment against the Prime Minister. Upon a simple vote the Assembly may decide to call the Prime Minister forward for a trial of impeachment and upon concluding the said trial the Assembly shall meet and vote on a bill of impeachment. A 3/4 majority is required to pass the said bill. A bill of impeachment may not be vetoed or altered.

Clause 3. The Assembly shall also have the ability to send resolutions to the Upper Chamber on issues the Assembly would like considered. All resolutions are non-binding.

Clause 4. The Assembly may also issue a bill of impeachment against a member of the Upper Chamber and/or Assembly. Upon a simple majority vote an impeachment trial can begin and all persons in question shall be called forth to defend themselves. The Attorney General or an Assistant Attorney General shall prosecute the impeachment.

Section Six The leader of the Assembly shall be given the title of Speaker of the Assembly and shall have the power to propose resolutions and veto resolutions of the Assembly.

Clause 1. The Speaker shall be elected by the Assembly for a term of one month. On the first of each month the election will be held and the Assemblyman with the most votes shall become Speaker for the term. The election will run from 12:00 AM of the first day of the month to 11:59 PM of the same day.

Section Seven The leader of the Grand Assembly shall be the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister shall be elected by all nations of the UNSC. The candidate receiving the most votes shall be Prime Minister for a term of three months.

Clause 1. The requirements for the office of Prime Minister are made so that any nation may become Prime Minister. a. Must be a resident of the UNSC. b. Must have been a member of the UNSC for a period of thirty days or more. c. Must be registered and active on the Regional forums.

Clause 2. The Prime Minister, upon election, shall nominate members to his/her Council of State. Each nominee is subject to approval by the Upper Chamber of Nations.

Clause 3. The Prime Minister shall have executive authority to enforce all laws passed by the Grand Assembly and to declare war on another Region.

Clause 4. No nation shall be elected to two consecutive terms as Prime Minister.

Section Eight The U.N. Delegate shall be a position that merely floats as the days go by. A new Delegate can come into office whenever the endorsements change. As such, the Delegate can not be forced to vote one way or another by any government official.

Clause 1. Should the regional U.N. member nations create a poll on a U.N. resolution the outcome of the poll is the way the U.N. Delegate votes.

Clause 2. The regional control panel shall not be altered unless the Prime Minister, or the Councilor of Communuication, requires that changes be made to the World Fact book.

Section Nine The Council of State is the Council of officers that administrate the UNSC. These are non-elected positions that are subject to the authority of the Prime Minister and the greater authority of the Grand Assembly. The Prime Minister has one week to nominate people to the positions in the Council before the Upper Chamber nominates a person for him/her.

Clause 1. The Councilor of War is responsible for maintaining an armed force for the UNSC. Nations of the UNSC are not required to send troops, however, the only way an armed force can be maintained is by countries sending troops to the UNSC Regional Military District in a discreet location not within the borders of any nation.

Clause 2. The Councilor of Foreign Affairs shall be the leading person in getting new nations to come to the UNSC and is also charged with forming alliances and friendships with other regions in NationStates.

a. Upon forming an alliance with a region in NationStates, the Councilor of Foreign Affairs shall appoint an Ambassador (Subject to approval by the Prime Minister) to move to the said region and report back to the UNSC on important matters. In order to do so, the Ambassadorial nation shall create a “Colony” to move to the region whilst the main nation stays in the UNSC.

Clause 3. The Councilor of Communication is the Press Secretary of the UNSC. He/she is responsible for making sure new nations to the region are well met and receive all the help they might require.

Clause 4. The Councilor of Internal Affairs is charged with making sure nations within the region are cooperating and abiding by the rules set down by this Constitution. This person shall work closely with the Attorney General in cases and investigations.

Clause 5. The Councilor of Intelligence is charged with making sure that the UNSC is safe from external threats and works closely with the Councilor of Internal Affairs to be sure that no threats have gotten into the region.

Clause 6. The Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer of the Region. It is his/her job to make sure that all laws are being followed. It is also his/her job to moderate the message boards of the UNSC. In all trials the Attorney General (Or any Assistant Attorney Generals) shall be chief prosecutor.

Clause 7. Should any Councilor need an Assistant Councilor they shall appoint one with the permission of the Prime Minister.

Section Ten The Judiciary of the UNSC shall be called the UNSC High Court of Justice and shall have the power to declare bills of the Grand Assembly, acts of officers, and any other person unconstitutional by a majority vote.

Clause 1. During any trial the High Court may request a nation to testify before the Court, however, the request is non-binding.

Clause 2. The High Court shall be comprised of three Justices with one Justice being identified as the Chief Justice. The Justices shall be nominated and appointed by the Assembly for a life term. The Chief Justice is chosen by the High Court to serve indefinitely. The High Court may, at any time, choose another Chief Justice by a majority vote.

Clause 3. The Chief Justice shall lead the High Court in all aspects and shall sit as the Judge in all impeachment trials. In a Prime Minister’s impeachment trial the entire High Court shall act as Judges.

Clause 4. During any impeachment trial not already described, the impeaching body must vote by a 2/3 majority to remove the defendant from office after a fair trial.

Clause 5. On Ratification of this Constitution a private forum shall be created and it shall be called the UNSC High Court of Justice. Only the Justices of the Court may have access to this forum for deliberations. Section Eleven In voting for the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, the person with the most votes shall be elected. Voting shall begin one week before the current term ends and shall end at midnights of the first day of the new term/month. Two polls shall be created on the UNSC Message Boards where nations can cast their votes for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

Article II. Declaration of Rights of Member Nations

Section One The UNSC firmly believes that each has the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As such, these rights are laid down in this Constitution.

Clause 1. All nations of the UNSC retain their sovereignty and have the right of self-determination in domestic policies.

Clause 2. Rights to free speech, free press, and the freedom of expression of religion shall not be infringed.

Clause 3. Participation in the UNSC Regional Government, Regional Forum, and Regional Military shall be voluntary.

Clause 4. No nation of the UNSC who is a U.N. member shall be forced to endorse (or withdraw an endorsement from) one person or another.

Clause 5. Any nation is free to file a complaint to the Prime Minister or Attorney General if they feel that their rights are being infringed upon.

Clause 6. No nation shall be held to answer for a crime unless on a formal indictment of the Attorney General. Nor shall any nation be subject to double jeopardy. Nations are also protected against self-criminalization.

Clause 7. When charged with a crime, UNSC members shall have a fair, speedy trial and no nation shall be ejected from the region without a fair trial unless regional security is threatened. The U.N. Delegate may not eject any nation unless formally ordered by the Grand Assembly or Prime Minister.

Article III. Ratification

Section One The concurring opinions of three-fourths of the nations of the UNSC shall be sufficient to ratify this Constitution throughout the UNSC.

Section Two The concurring opinions of two-thirds of the nations of the UNSC shall be sufficient to amend this Constitution.

Written By Los Amros