United Federation of Planets (region)

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United Federation of Planets (region)
Forum: http://ufofp.proboards30.com/
Population: 58 nations
Delegate: Fenure
Founder: Admiral Janeway
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


The region was created in the Summer of 2004 by Admiral Janeway.

The first delagate of the region was Fenure who got some endorsements soon after the region was created. DClaro passed Fenure in endorsements in July of 2005. DClaro stayed as delagate until he resigned and New Zimbabwe took over in October of 2005.

The United Federation of Planets after being created hovered between 20 and 30 nations for until the fall of 2005 when serious recruitment started.

A constitution was created in August 2005.

In late 2005 inactivity beset the region, and both the number of nations in the region and the number of nations participating activty in the region dropped to lows unseen since the formation of the regional government.

In January of 2005 the founder of the region, Admiral Janeway, proclaimed himself emporer and restructured the constitution to give himself most of the power in the region. After a few days of termoil it was revealed that another person had taken over the account of Admiral Janeway and the origional Admiral Janeway came back restored order. However, some are still suspicous of the events surrounding the incident.

Current Government

President: New Zimbabwe Vice President: Vacant