Victoria (Ness Snorlaxia)

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City-State of Victoria
Victorian kaupunkivaltio
victoriaflag1er.png victoriacoa5pg.png
State motto: For Victoria - With the Times
Other N.S. States
Capital Victoria
Largest city Victoria
Governor Maria Tajonexia
Official languages English, Finnish, Japanese
Area Small
 - Land Small
 - Water Not as much
 - Population 60,000,000 (April 2005)
 - Date January 30, 1889
 - Order XXth
 - Highest 509 m
 - Mean 291 m
 - Lowest Sea level
 - Postal VI
 - ISO 3166-2 NS-VI

Victoria (the City-State of Victoria) is a state located in Ness Snorlaxia, along the border along the country. The capital, Victoria City, is one of the largest cities in the country, with 30 million people (out of 50 million in the province).

The state was created in 1889 after the reform of subdivisions. Victoria was created out of parts of the Illiria Valley and Quadexha provinces.


Victoria is divided into three counties:

  • Victoria - consisting of Victoria city proper.
  • Borderside - consisting of the area of Victoria that is along the border.
  • Kerry - consisting of the remainder of the province.


The City-State of Victoria was created in 1889, after the reforms abolished the province system.

In its early years, it was led by Dranafila Bojaxhiu, the mayor of Victoria City and later Prime Minister. Under his leadership, Victoria grew rapidly, and by 1910, became one of the larger cities in the empire.

Victoria became a major manufacturing and tourist destination under Raine Lillia, Shown Ellitos, and William Runyon, when factories and tourist traps were built.

However, this growth was suddenly stopped with the Great Victoria Earthquake, which nearly destroyed the city in 1933. The chaos and panic caused widespread looting, which eventually led to the setting up of checkpoints to see if people were travelers or looters. This devestated the province as a whole, as the economy suffered and the province descended into anarchy.

The Ness Snorlaxian Armed Forces set up a provisional government at the town of New Nyasa, with Laura Smith Ellis as governor.

Under her leadership, she commited to the restoration of order and rebuilding of the province. By 1950, after the military rule, Victoria was rebuilt to its former glory and order was restored.

After the middle of the century, and especially during the 1980s, Victoria became the major technological and cultural centre of Ness Snorlaxia. Victoria also became the centre of the Alliance of 1985/Green Party, with Edi Xega Ramiz being elected governor in 1990, the first major posistion since the founding of the Green Party.

However, this period of Green leadership would not last, as the current head of the National Democratic Party, Sheena Fujibayashi, was elected in 1997. Under her leadership, greater amount of civil rights were granted to the people, as in the rest of the country, and the government was changed to represent the local level. She also created a project which would make the state more aesthetically pleasing for tourists and buisnessses, which worked.

In 2004, this government was transfered to Maria Tajonexia, as Sheena left to become the head of the National Democrats. Maria is still continuing the policies of Sheena, and most people like it that way.


Since the creation of Victoria in 1889, the mayor of the city of Victoria was the original leader of the province. However, in 1911, the posistion of Governor of Victoria was seperated from Mayor.

Dranafila Bojaxhiu 1889-1910 Liberal
Raine Lillia 1910-1911 Liberal
Shawn Elliots 1911-1920 Labour
William Runyon 1920-1930 National Democrat
Nathan Swanson 1930-1932 Liberal
Laura Smith Ellis 1932-1950 Military
Tenarja Xhetari 1940-1950 National Democrat
Maxwell Turunen 1950-1960 Liberal / Freedom
Holly Maria Dukakis 1960-1970 Freedom
Duna Jyanara 1970-1978 Labour
Laura Malonen 1978-1985 Labour
Marcia Montanya 1985-1987 Freedom
Roberto Antony 1987-1990 Freedom
Edi Xega Ramiz 1990-1997 Green Alliance
Sheena Fujibayashi 1997-2004 National Democrat
Maria Tajonexia 2004-present National Democrat

Subdivisions of Ness Snorlaxia smallflag1ql.png
States Greippi-saari | Tangeriinisaaristo | Doko Doko East | Doko Doko West | Gold Coast | Marili | Lilli | Maaruti | Threed-on-the-Renitije | Valencia | Greater Fourside | Raika Cove | Morita Cove | Toshidi | Oredsha | Greater Quadexha | Quadexha | East Quadexha | North River | South River | Ranoshei | Ness Mountains | Scutari | Larnetoj Plain | Garnetia | Auryala | River Illiria | Tethe'alla | Greater Victoria | Victoria
FCs Fourside | Onett
Colonies Lycia City | Zalaegerszeg