Warzone of the Defenders

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Warzone of the Defenders
Forum: Warzone of the Defenders Forum
Population: 7 nations (as of 25 dec 2005) ; Abandoned (as of 14 Aug 2006)
Delegate: Listeneisse
Founder: Consivania
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Warzone of the Defenders was a defensive region, whose member states pledge to come to the aid of other nations and regions threatened or under attack by external forces.

Invasions can either be simply invasive nations joinging a region with the intent to throw out the present UN Delegate and surplant it with their own invader UN Delegate (a simple game-mechanical invasion), or they can be narrative events such as on the NationStates International Incidents Forum (a roleplayed invasion).

  • Consivania was the founding state of the region.
  • Listeneisse was the final surviving member of the region.

International Intervention

  • Policies to monitor and intercede in ongoing global conflicts were considered, but the regional government never voted to undertake any actions during its existence.
  • Some member nations, such as Listeneisse undertook independent peacekeeping and humanitarian missions, sometimes under the banner of the UN International Red Cross organization (UN IRCO).
  • Nations requesting foreign aid to stop an invasion were requested to first form a defensive treaty with the Warzone of the Defenders, then post a request for assistance via Telegram (TG), and an aid request and detailed situation report on our Regional Forum.

Changes Over Time

  • 9 nations (as of 18 Oct 2005)
  • 7 nations (as of 25 Dec 2005)
  • 1 nation (as of 13 Aug 2006) - Listeneisse as sole member
  • 0 nations (as of 14 Aug 2006) - region abandoned

Relations with the UN

The fundamental peacekeeping goals of the United Nations to minimize and mitigate the horrors of war and to uphold the sovereignty and rights of nation states in a peaceful global community are at the heart of the Warzone of the Defenders mission.

While we support the UN's goals of peaceful coexistence between member states, and only fight defensive wars to support invaded regions, we must be clear that we act outside of the UN purview, because the UN does not and cannot have a standing army.

  • UN membership is encouraged but not required. Each member state can decide for themselves whether to join the UN or not.
  • At no time can a member of our region claim they are acting on behalf of the UN unless they are acting as specifically authorized under approved UN Resolutions.
  • The Kingdom of Listeneisse was the first and sole UN Delegate from Warzone of the Defenders.
  • It was not required to be a member of the United Nations (UN) to seek the region's help.

Member Nations

Member nations were encouraged to keep their own NSWiki pages.

  • The Kingdom of Listeneisse NS - UN Delegate - Joined 29 Aug 2005

Former Member Nations

Here's a salute to the nations who had been part of us, and what became of them. We may come up with colorful reasons why your nationstate left or if they fail if you abandon it and let it lapse. You can also feel free to give us a hint how you'd like to depart from the region or the game, and we can make up a story around your idea. Of course, you can always write your own ending to your story. That's always best.

  • The United Socialist States of Yuar NS


Welcome to the Warzone of the Defenders! - Guide for Newcomers

State of the Region: 18 Oct 2005 - Historical snapshot from NS Economy as of this date.