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Royal House of Yorkshire-Königsberg
Current Head of family:
King James Schofield Yorkshire-Königsberg I of Cascadia
Duke Alexander Schofield Yorkshire-Königsberg III of Vancouver
Heir Apparent

The House of Yorkshire-Königsberg is the Royal House of the Kingdom of Cascadia.

History of The House of Yorkshire-Königsberg


The family first came to prominence with their creation as Dukes of Yorkshire in 1189. The family advanced over the course of the Middle Ages, being made the dukes of Königsberg in 1563.

The family split into two branches, the Catholic Chambers and Protestant Schofield. The Chambers branch ruled the area of Yorkshire until their eventual extinction in 1869. The Schofield branch was comparatively more successful ruling over the area of Königsberg. Branches of the Schofield line ascended the throne of Saxe in 1415 and of Altenburg in 1527. The union of these two Schofield lines in 1618 allowed the creation of the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg in 1701.

In 1869 the vacant duchy of Yorkshire was offered to the Schofield branch of the family. The Schofield family in turn took the secondary surname of Yorkshire-Königsberg.

The Consolidation of the Cascadian Kingdom

With the extinction of the house of Victoria the duchy of Vancouver was without a ruler. When the house of Yorkshire-Königsberg ascended to the throne of the tiny pacific duchy, it was in financial ruin and in danger of invaison by the Kingdom of British Cascadia and its Allies.

In response to this pacarious situation duke Alexander Schofield Yorkshire-Königsberg cut court costs and government spending and created a moderate yet highly efficient military modeled on that of his cousins in Saxe-Altenburg. It was said during this time duke Alexander was living in a house no larger then that of an average noblemen, with most of the palaces and ducal residences sold to raise money for the military and government debt repayment.

Within eight years of duke Alexanders rule he had repaid a substantial portion of the debt, conqured numerous neighbouring states including British Cascadia quadroupling the size of his holdings.

Great grandson of Duke Alexander I, Duke James IV managed to convince tweleve neighbouring states to join in union as the Kingdom of Cascadia with himself as King of the union.

Royal Styles

Styles of
The King of Cascadia
Reference style HRH
Spoken style Your Royal Highness
Alternative style Sir/Ma'am


From roughly 1560, purely honorific orders were established, designed as a way to confer prestige and distinction, unrelated to military service or chivalry in the more narrow sense. Such orders were particularly popular in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Accompanying the title is the given name, and optionally the surname. So, Elton John may be called Sir Elton or Sir Elton John, but never Sir John. Similarly, actress Judi Dench D.B.E. may be addressed as Dame Judi or Dame Judi Dench, but never Dame Dench. Wives of knights, however, are entitled to the honorific "Lady" before their husband's surname. Thus Sir Paul McCartney's wife is styled Lady McCartney, not Lady Paul McCartney or Lady Heather McCartney. The style Dame Heather McCartney could be used; however, this style is largely archaic and is only used in the most formal of documents.

In Cascadia once someone is knighted they officially become a member of the royal family of Cascadia and are eligible to ascend the throne. In addition to the honorific Sir/Dame the individual adds the secondary surname on the end of their full name ex. Robert Douglas --> Sir Robert Douglas Yorkshire-Königsberg.

List of Royal Family Members