Youth of the Popular Movement of the Revolution

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The youth branch of the MPR is known as the Youth of the Popular Movement of the Revolution (French: Jeunesse du Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution, or JMPR). The JMPR has branches in all schools and universities in the country and has absorbed (or taken over) all other youth organizations in the country, both secular and religious alike. The JMPR has "disciplinary brigades," made up of juvenile delinquents forced to perform a sort of service as punishment for their crimes. While the disciplinary brigades ostensibly instill strong morals in the youngsters, in fact the opposite happens; members are permitted, even encouraged, to behave with reckless and brutal abandon, to intimidate the populace and thus cow it into submission. There are reports that some disciplinary brigades work in concert with the security forces to harass opposition to the regime.

After Mobutu announced his 2006 "Cultural Revolution," the JMPR has become a sort of Hitler Youth/Red Guards hybrid. Members now undergo military and paramilitary training, are indoctrinated more thoroughly than ever before, and have been given the government's open blessing to "liquidate" any and all "subversives" and "counterrevolutionaries" they come across.