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leader=Chancellor [[Hanz Klinger]]
leader=Chancellor [[Hanz Klinger]]
'''Skitsojd''' or '''The Grand Republic of Skitsojd''' is a well populated nation that is trying to make a mark on the world scene.
'''Skitsojd''' or '''The Grand Republic of Skitsojd''' is a well populated nation that is trying to make a mark on the world scene. It is a large nation with much cultural heritage. Many immigrants come here for obvious reasons involving Civil Rights and Political Rights and Good Jobs.
==Skitsojd at a Glance==
==Skitsojd at a Glance==

Revision as of 16:43, 3 December 2005

Flag of Skitsojd
Motto: Bang Boom Explosion!
My Map
Region The Black Desert
Capital Skitsojd City Pop:56.4 Million
Official Language(s) English and German
Leader Chancellor Hanz Klinger
Population 869 Million
Currency Skittle 
NS Sunset XML

Skitsojd or The Grand Republic of Skitsojd is a well populated nation that is trying to make a mark on the world scene. It is a large nation with much cultural heritage. Many immigrants come here for obvious reasons involving Civil Rights and Political Rights and Good Jobs.

Skitsojd at a Glance

The Grand Republic of Skitsojd is a huge economically powerful nation. It is well noted for it's Inhospitable terrain. This of course is becuase of the Nations nomadic Heritage. The nation itself it Run mostly by the Reichstag or Congress. The Chancellor is really just a diplomatic leader. He is mainly responsible for improving relations between Skitsojd and the other nations of the world. The Main Export of the country is Automobiles. They make the very affordable SK-56 Econ Car.


The Goverment is a Republic. Therefore the power is in the Represenatives. Unlike the United States system, the Chancellor doesn't have the power to veto a bill that is proposed. His opinion on the matter though is carefully weighed. His opinion is taken quite seriously considering that he is voted in by the people. So with his support, usually comes the support of the People.

The Upper House

There are two houses in the Congress. The Upper House is made up of mainly appointed members from the lower house. There are less of them considering there is only 1 for every 4 lower house members. In the case of an odd number an extra number will be added or subtracted. There is approximately 112 Members in the Upper House.

The Lower House

The Lower House members are voted on by that regions people. There are a wide range of Lower House Members. Ranging from Stern Liberals to Conservatives to Communists and Fascist. There are Approximately 450 members in the Lower House. All the members come from the different regions within the Country. There is 3 Regions in the Country. Some large Provinces within the regions get as many as 10 Represenetives.

The Chancellor

The Chancellor is they leader of the Goverment. He is elected to a term of 6 years. He can be relected after the first time 2 more times. After another Chancellor has been elected, he then can run again. But his powers are limited to a certain degree. He has not Veto power to veto most bills, except One pertaining to Goverment and Skitsojd City. He can't declare war, unless attacked by an enemy. When that happens the Chancellor becomes a Military Leader and has the ability to Declare war and seize buildings and property for use by the Military. The current Chancellor is Hanz Klinger of the Skitsojd Green Party or SGP.

Political Parties

Party Leader(s) Description Percentage of Seats in the Lower House Seats in the Lower House Seats in the Upper House
The Home Party. Konor Vinger The THP is the biggest political party within the group. It has been that way for many years. They are a socially conservative group while having many liberal Economic ideas. They have most of the Supporters in the economic west near the Cycra sea. They have been putting through many economic reforms. Many of which have helped the Nations stumbling economy. Though the leader of the group didn't win the Chancellorship, it is known that the party is happy with Hanz Klinger for he is a moderate and is open to all ideas. 53.75% 234 71
Federation of Unions Victor Celenas It is the oldest party in the nation. It was formed during a period of Communist upheval. Many of the parties that it contested with died off. Although it isn't technically a Communist Party, it does have many communist Ideals. Socialism is big for both things but not to the Soviet extent. Supporters are mainly found in the Industrialized east near the Drydinia Moutains. 25.58% 115 20
Skitsojdian Green Party Hanz Klinger The SGP is a enviromental party that has gained reconigition for trying to pass laws that help Skitsojd's valuable coastline and Moutain side ecosystems. They are socially Liberal and Economically Conservative. An odd idea within the party is that big businesses should be owned by the Goverment. Some say this a lesser form of the FoU. They have gained quite a following in the Smaller cities south of Verkanza, who's land is very abundant with Skitties. In a flash of brilliance and great political skill, the Chancellorship went to Hanz Klinger. Hanz is the Moderate leader of the SGP. They made him the leader and Canidate for Chancellor only months before to gain more of the vote. 12.56% 57 21
Deutsch Sprechend Soziale Liberale Partei Ludwig Femur The DSSLP is a German party. The main aim of the Party is too make German the most spoken language within the Country. It has found an odd supporter within the College Community. Many of the College Students say that German is a more efficient and easier language to learn. Only 2 years old the party is surprisingly growing very fast. If it keeps going at it's current rate it'll overthrow the Home Party in 7 years. 7.46% 29 0

National Anthem

This National is played to the Music from the Soviet Union National Anthem

United under one nation,
Stayed the test of time,
and of the test of war,
Now here they stand together.
They once nomadic,
and Climatic nation,
Now stands as a bastion,
of truth, justice, and Civility.
And with this forge
anew the nation over,
And forever will we be content
In this great land, Skitsojd.
And forever will we be content
In this nation Skitsojd.

In german. Slightly different Structure

Vereint unter einer Nation,
Ist die Prüfung der Zeit geblieben,
Und von der Prüfung des Kriegs,
Jetzt hier stehen sie zusammen.
Sie einmal nomadisch,
Und Klimatische Nation,
Jetzt steht als eine Bastion,
Von Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit, und Höflichkeit.
Und mit dieser Schmiede
Von neuem die Nation über,
Und ewiger Wille der wir sind zufrieden
In diesem großen Land Skitsojd.
Und ewiger Wille der wir sind zufrieden
In dieser Nation Skitsojd.


A thriving economy is centered around the Automobile Industry. Three main Companies compete with each other for National Dominance. For the past 3 years Skunka has been winning with it's SK-56 Series of Econ cars. Foerer is in a close second with it's Fyr SUV. Last but not least is Braggie with it's Hoommer Coupe. In addition to these there are many smaller companies that only sell in there home Region.


The Skitsojdians are a hardy bunch. They themselves have been an odd mixture of Immigrants and Nomads. The Nomads have been here since the beggining. They settle the Cities of Frea, Hyra and Cyrca. All of which are major Trade centres for the country. The City of Veronaza was settled after immigrants started to arrive. It was put near the center of the Country and is a important stop along the Hukao river. The very large middle class has created a very good economy that is growing. The Middle Class is larger then usual since Income Taxes are larger for the richer.


Religion takes a big part in most Skitsojdians life. Many go to religious practices every day. While most go every week. The main Religous body is the Catholic Church with 45% of Population saying they are Catholic. In second is Protestism with 37% of the population. Next is the Native Religion Skitsoism with 18%. The rest is made up of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Druidism.


Early History

Earliest Records show that the Nation was once home to thousands of Nomads. Many of the groups fought each other for small parcells of land. Some large clans even fought northward towards the ancient lands of Dubghaul. Many raids took place in and around the border of what is today Sktisojd and Dubghaul. It would go on like this for about a thousand years. After that period of time, one group, the Skitsojdians, finally gained control of the entire area. They started to settle down and build villages. At one point there was three thousand villages in the nation.

The Empowerment

Then came a shipload of Immigrants from a war-torn nation. Many of them settled down in tiny Immigrant Villages near the coast. The Skitsojdians decided to build them a city near the coast for all Immigrants to Skitsojd. The City was called Veronaza. It was a germanic name. Most towns or Villages were named in the English sense. 15 years after it's completion the city was already over 100,000 residents. Many of whom where not even immigrants. Also at this time three Cities sprung up. Hyra, Cyrca, and Frea. All them Germanic in Origin.These cities grew quicker then Veronaza. Still there was no centralized goverment. The Skitsojdians decided to form a Republic. Gathering many represenetives to Veronaza, they called to order the first National Congress. After a few years they reformed it into two houses. The nation then went into a Economic boom. Everything was cheap and trade was good. It wasn't to last.

The Recession

After a 30 year boom. The economy started to slide down the path of Recession. It would take a alot of reforms to get it back to where it was. The Congress decided then to Elect a Chancellor to help Trade Relations. The Chancellor helped pass the Isol. 234 Bill which effectively closed the nation to foreigners. Shooting them on sight became common place.

The Communist Upheval

During the period of Isolationism in Skitsojd. Communism started to take root in the more Industrialized provinces near the mountains. Soon a Communist party was formed and even in their first National Elections took control of the Lower House and effectively held a good portion of the Minister Posistions. It would last like this for 15 years. Then during the fall of the Soviet Union, many of the communist party members joined the federation of Unions. It was like a communist party but not to that extreme. It was considered to be older then the Communist Party itself.

The Return

Until Recently Skitsojd was an Isolationist State. Keeping to is self and being self-sufficient. It didn't work . Right now as they join the world once more. Their economy is in developing at an exponential rate. But they are still not in the Golden Age 80 years ago. With help from the nearby countries Skitsojd hopes to one day be as powerful as they once where 80 years ago. Will this new Chancellor and Parties lead us in the right direction. Only time will tell.

Diplomatic Relations

Skitsojd is currently tring to get trade agreements and Alliances with many nations in the world. They have so far made only one. But they feel that many more will come. The Trade Agreements are basically for more equipment to improve the economy and to get us away from being Dependent of the Automibile Industry.


bynzekistan.jpg Bryzekistan Currently forming a Trade agreement with Skitsojd.


Currently in an Alliance with the Armed Rep. of Dubghaul