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(The Associated Systems of Klonor)
(The Epsilon Pegasi Civil War)
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What followed is commonly referred to in Klonor simply as "The Bad Times", a period of unprecedented suffering and horror that has yet to be equaled even in the centuries since its start.
What followed is commonly referred to in Klonor simply as "The Bad Times", a period of unprecedented suffering and horror that has yet to be equaled even in the centuries since its start.
====The Epsilon Pegasi Civil War====
[[The Epsilon Pegasi Civil War]] was a long and bloody racial conflict between the Human and Elvish inhabitants of the Epsilon Pegasi system, nearly exterminating both species until they were pacified by outside sources.
One of the clearest and most violent examples of the suffering that rose up in the wake of the Empires collapse, and a memory which still stings Klonor citizens to this day, was the Civil War within Epsilon Pegasi between the Human and Elvish inhabitants of the system.  The Humans were descendants of the original Klonor settlers, those who had embarked from the Duchy of Klonor back on Old Earth and colonised the multi-planet Pegasi system.  The Elves, though there for centuries already, were newcomers who had settled on one of the uninhabited planets while fleeing from persecution on Earth several years after the Humans had already departed for the Stars.
The war was clearly started by the Humans, located on the fifth planet, several months after the Fall.  Until then the system had managed to hold itself together better than the rest of the former Empire, but as the isolation continued the stress grew to high.  The Humans, numerically superior to the Elves and holding a larger portion of the remainder of the Klonor Space Corps, began to slowly demote and remove from command all the Elves within the military.  It was done slowly and quietly, no overt "All Elves must leave or die", but after several weeks it became obvious that within a few months there would not be a single Elf Officer remaining aboard any ship.  Already the new commanders were beginning place restrictions on travel to and from the Elvish planet, restricting commerce, and even proposing radical identification programs.  It was clear to all that the ultimate goal was to reduce the Elves to second class citizens, possibly even slave status, after the Humans had removed them from any possible position of resistance.
Chosing to resist rather than meekly submit, the remaining Elvish officers launched a preemptive strike against the Human occupied world and some of the larger combat vessels under Human control.  What followed afterwards can at best be called Total War, and at worst attempted Genocide on both sides.  Neither side was satisfied with anything less than complete domination of the opposing species, and both worked hard to achieve it.  The Humans were larger in number and had greater experience waging war, the Elves had usually concerned themselves with internal matters prior to the Fall, but the Elves were nearly fanatical and still retained contact with their commanders, while the Humans lost contact with theirs when the Empire fell.  Neither side was able to conquer the other and, while civlians were being hearded into work/execution camps reminiscent of the Holocaust of the 20'th Century Old Earth, the militaries were constantly on the brink of collapse.
The collapse came months later when, after near constant fighting, the foreign nations of Vernii, Valinon, and Taka mobilised their military forces and conquered the system for their own purposes.
====The Draconian-Rossian Alliance====
====The Draconian-Rossian Alliance====

Revision as of 23:59, 10 January 2006

Flag of Klonor
Motto: Illegitimi non Carborundum
Map To Large For Page
Region The Klonor Empire
Capital SR-2091 (Officially) Deneb (Actuality)
Official Language(s) Hinlish
Leader Grand Duke Solomon Klonor (Inherited Monarchy) Amy Keane & Mary Salm (Consuls)
Population 5 billion+
Currency floren 
NS Sunset XML

The Associated Systems of Klonor is a peculiar and fascinating nation. Originating in the simple Duchy of Klonor, a small principality located in central Africa on Old Earth ruled by the Duke Solomon Klonor, the minor nation only achieved its current notoriety after it emerged onto the Galactic scene. Intitially a piggy-back space power, using purchased ships to travel to its new home via an alien travel pathway, it was not long before the nation began to research and manufacture their own technology and transportation vessels. Currently controlling seven stellar-systems and fielding a military fleet on par with those of the largest of nations, Klonor is regarded as a power within the Universe.

The History of Klonor

The Klonor Empire: Rise to Power

Klonors ascension to power can be directly traced to another nation: the Empire of Jimathon. Klonor, at the time styling itself the Klonor Empire despite its lack of any conquered foreign holdings, was only just beginning to expand into space and had only recently constructed anything approaching a 'modern' navy. Nominal allies with Jimathon for years, the two nations had only minor contact before an attempted coup d'etat staged by Klonor and Jimathonian revolutionaries. Financed and led primarily by the Sons of Dor, an extremist group feeling that one of the Duke Klonors distant relatives should have ascended to the throne instead of him, the attempted usurpers hijacked a Jimathonian Destroyer known as The Manifest and assaulted the Duke in planned assassination. Utilizing a state-of-the-art power source known as the MiniStar, The Manifest was a match for even the strongest of Klonor vessels and the juggernaught seemed on the brink of succeeding. It was only when the two nations combined their forces that they were able to halt the threat to both governments. Known as the Manifest Incident, the shocking ease with which the rebels managed to assume control of one of the most poweful vessels in known space clued the rulers of the seperate nations into just how vulnerable they were to usurpation of their power. They began drafting proposals for an Alliance that would solidify control over their territory.

Upon suggestion from the Duke Klonor, the proposed Galactic Klonor-Jimathonian Alliance was modified slightly and opened to the Galaxy at large. An unprecedented success, eventually the Alliances numbers swelled to over 75 Member Nations, a size still unmatched by any other Space Alliance and providing the first forum for cooperation and conversation on a massive scale for those nations located outside of the Sol system. Though holding no official power, the lack of interest most nations showed in the running of the Galactic Alliance and the influence gained from being one of the Founders made Klonor the de facto ruler of the Galactic Alliance. The resources, personnel, and intelligence of 75+ nations greatly helped propel Klonor to the height of the Galactic food chain.

The Klonor/Jimathon Split

However, the calm did not last long and the Empires of Klonor and Jimathon were soon at one-anothers throats. Though the cause of the hostility has since been lost in time, the Duke Klonor attempted to incite an internal revolution within Jimathon to assume control while, at home, he kidnapped and imprisoned the Emperor Jimathon until his allies could cement their control over his domain. Unfortunately, the Duke did not fully comprehend either the incompetence of his allies in Jimathon or the cunning of his new prisoner. With a combination of betrayal by his Jimathonian consipirators and escape by the Emperor Jimathon, the Dukes plans were squashed and it was only the timely interference of Abel Salm, the leader of the Klonor Space Corps, that prevented the situation from degenerating into total war. With the staus quo restored, the Emperor Jimathon back on his throne and Klonor once more completely commited to friendship, the two nations continued on as if nothing had happened. Commited entirely in secret, not even the Galactic Alliance was aware of the attempted coup or near-war. As a result, the GA took no action against either nation and the massive Alliance continued on, blissfully unaware of how close it had been to Civil War. In fact, the incident has largely faded from public memory and, if it had not been for the Jimathonian invention of the Trophy Light, in all likelihood it would now be completely forgotten by all except the odd history professor and the Duke himself.

Fortunately for history, the Trophy Light did exist and has kept this particular skirmish from completely disappearing into the mists of time. A seemingly ordinary cigarette, the Trophy Light was in fact a top-level Jimathonian project designed to instill artificial immortality on those lucky enough to come into its posession. Inserting a viral bio-agent into the body of those who smoke it, the virus is then infected with a complex mutagen. When the host eventually dies, either through natural causes or a tragic accident, the virus eats the dying cells and the mutagen forces it to excrete living ones. Usually taking more than a month to be truly effective, but capable of working near-instantaneously if stimulated with copious amounts of electricity, the end result is the effective re-birth of the deceased, just as he/she/it was prior to their death. It is with this impressive technology that the Duke has been able to survive throughout the ages, and this incident being the point where he partook of a Trophy Light has allowed it to remain within the memories of Klonor, however vaguely that may be.

The Death and Resurrection of the Duke Klonor

It was at this point in history, with Klonor seemingly on top of the world at at peace with all surrounding nations, that a new threat arose, this time from within. Supreme General Abel Salm, Commander of the Klonor Space Corps, assassinated the Duke within his chambers and, displaying a doctored video of the Dukes natural demise to the public, assumed control of the Empire. Supposedly displeased with the policies of the Duke, upset with the participation in the Galactic Alliance, which greatly supported potential enemies while providing no real support to Klonor, and the habit of selling Klonor combat and civilian vessels to other nations, giving them nearly infinite samples of Klonor technology with which to work out possible offensive weaponry, General Salm worked towards creating what he called "A Strong Klonor". He immediately withdrew membership from the Galactic Alliance and all other Organizations of which Klonor was a member, began a sudden and dramatic military overhaul, and instituted a mandatory and wide-spread draft that inducted more than a quarter of the total population into the armed forces, giving no regard to the impossibility of adequately supporting such a large military. He seemed on the verge of embarking on a massive war of conquest, something which seemed all to likely to succeed, as other nations publicly acknowledged their lack of preparedness to defend against such a sudden and massive attack, when his plans were suddenly and violently halted.

The Duke, re-born thanks to the immortality bestowed upon him by the Trophy Lights, returned and did unto Salm as Salm attempted to do unto him. At least, he believed he did. It was only centuries later that it was discovered that Salm managed to survive his supposed execution. Regardless, the result was the Duke back in control and Klonor once more entering both the Galactic Alliance and friendship with the other nations of the Galaxy.

The Fall of the Galactic Alliance

Under continued pressure from nationalist groups with Klonor, which had gained substantial strength during the reign of Salm, the Duke regretfully resigned from the Galactic Alliance. There was no threat of revolution or assassination, as there was with Salm, but the Duke felt it was his responsibility to obey will of his people. As the Founder of the Alliance, and essentially its driving force, the Alliance crumbled soon after Klonor permanently withdrew. The majority of its members quickly abandoned the Alliance as well and the remaining members, who never officialy withdrew their membership, simply ceased reporting to the whole and eventually drifted apart. Soon afterwards the Alliance was declared officially dead.

The Golden Age

What followed after Klonor withdrew from the Galactic Alliance is often referred to as a Golden Age, though there has been no connection made between the two events.

Shortly after the withdrawl from the Galactic Alliance, Klonor scientists discovered what is commonly referred to as "Nexus Tech". A revolutionary new power source, the application of this technology increased the speed and range of Klonor craft exponentially, allowing for rapid travel outside of the Sub-Space Jump-Node Network and even making Inter-Galactic travel a possibility. In addition to simply providing locomotion, the Nexus Cannon, a weapon which makes use of Nexus Energy, is arguably the most powerful offensive weapon in the Klonor arsenal. Though extremely large, unable to be installed on any except the largest of ships, and also slow to fire, requiring a full day to recharge after each shot, the massive energy unleashed by each individual discharge is perfectly capable of atomizing an entire planet, let alone an enemy ship. The installation of Nexus propulsion aboard the New Dawn 03 was what enabled the discovery, exploration, and colonization of the distant SR-2091, an Extra-Galactic stellar-system well out of reach of normal Sub-Space and G/TD travel.

In addition to Nexus Tech, the creation of the new Battleship class of combat vessels nearly doubled the combat capabilities of the Klonor Space Corps. With the Battleship class ready for deployment, and each individual ship equaling three Destroyers in ability, the Klonor Space Corps was suddenly able to project its power much more efficiently, dispatching only one ship instead of an entire fleet. This allowed them to preserve their resources for further research, construction, and expansion. Furthermore, the massive vessels provided a new class capable of supporting the Nexus Tech, which Destroyers could only do after massive overhauls and which Cruisers could not handle no matter how many modifications were performed.

Beyond the simple scientific advances of the Post-GA days, there were also incredible religious and philosophical advances. The Way of the Spirit, originally a small religion viewed as a somewhat troublesome cult, gained significant sway within the government and populace and, despite initial fears of a religious revolution, proved to actually be as harmless and peace loving as they claimed to be. There were initial minor troubles between the Way and the well-established Pantheon, but once each religion made no serious attempts to convert or destroy the other they settled into peaceful co-existence. A much more ancient problem, the racial tensions between the Elves and Humans who jointly inhabited the Epsilon Pegasi system, was also laid to rest; each group finally managing to progress past the long-standing prejudices that had been plaguing the system for centuies. Except for an extreme minority of extremists, universally reviled by the rest of Klonor, the entire populace has moved past the superficial differences which had kept them seperated for so long.

The Divided Peoples of Klonor

Tragedy struck one night when, in a plot by a mysterious society of still undiscovered strength, intention, and composition, the government of the Klonor Empire was eliminated in a single night.

The Duke Klonor himself was the first to go, killed within the Vicegral Palace in Deneb. The actual means are still unknown, but the attackers seemed to have obliterated the Dukes mind from within, painfully reducing the monarch to a lifeless corpse. Following the Duke, the System Governments are similarly executed, then the Planetary Executers, and finally the Regional Magistrates. Within hours the entire governing body had been swept aside and anarchy rose up in its wake. The Klonor Empire, which had survived for centuries, then fragmented into several distinct factions that warred amongst one another and fell victim to alien invaders.

What followed is commonly referred to in Klonor simply as "The Bad Times", a period of unprecedented suffering and horror that has yet to be equaled even in the centuries since its start.

The Epsilon Pegasi Civil War was a long and bloody racial conflict between the Human and Elvish inhabitants of the Epsilon Pegasi system, nearly exterminating both species until they were pacified by outside sources.

The Draconian-Rossian Alliance

An unpleasant chapter in Klonor history, the Draconian-Rossian Alliance is one of the strongest arguments for a democractic and peaceful government if there ever was one. Formed by the commanders of the Gamma Draconis and Ross 128 military installations, styling themselves Prince and Lord Admirals (respectively), its original intentions were to "Preserve the Klonor way of life" immediately after the Fall. The two military installations contained the bulk of the former Klonor Space Corps, more than enough military might to ensure the security of their own borders, eventually fell under the leadership of Supreme General Yunger Keane, the former leader of the Klonor Space Corps, and at first seemed the brightest hope in all the former Empire to unite the seperate factions and restore peace. However, despite their initial claims, the organization soon became nothing more than a military dictatorship completely subject to the whim of General Keane.

They quickly moved to invade and subjugate the Regulus Autarchy, one of the factions which came into being when the System Commander of Regulus attempted to make the system into his own domain, and pacified the system quite quickly and bloodily. Soon afterwards they moved to assert dominance over Epsilon Pegasi as well, but with the conquering by Taka/Vernii/Valinon they quickly left the negotiations table due to their lack of any strong claim and their inability to launch a three pronged assault on three seperate united nations.

After several months of routine maintenance, the DRA embarked on an unprovoked assault on an unaffiliated nation in the hopes of expanding its Empire and re-gaining the population and material resources it no longer had access to with the isolation of Deneb, Epsilon Pegasi, and Tau Ceti. However, when the defences that should have been easily swept aside without a single loss instead inflicted massive losses upon the DRA's assault fleet, General Keane was forced to re-evaluate his standing. Worse off than he had originally assumed, without access to the famed Denebian Shipyards and the technicians located within the system, the DRA's fleet was literally coming apart at the seams, two ships simply collapsing after being struck by an attack that would not have damaged their shields if they had been properly functioning.

It was at this point that the DRA folded upon itself, attempting merely to hold on to its current posessions and no longer bothering with planned expansion.

The Regulus Autarchy

A short-lived faction, the Commander of the Klonor Space Corps within the Regulus system declared himself Autarch, the undisputed ruler of the system, and proclaimed Regulus its own nation. However, before either he or is forces could perform any actions of significant impact, the system was conquered by the Draconian-Rossian Alliance and integrated into the military organization.

Lil miss

One of the most unanticipated reversals in the history of Klonor, the situation in the system of Deneb is commonly referred to as "The student surpassing the master". Lil miss was a nation which, like Klonor, had originally evolved on Old Earth. However, while they similarly expanded off the planet and into the Galaxy, the nation had no wish to form an Empire of its own. Forging an Alliance with Klonor, Lil miss purchased a planet within the system of Deneb, Klonors capital, and settled their several billion citizens upon the new and open territory. Seemingly content with a planet of their own, Lil miss had no military navy worth consideration and made no effort to expand their control outwards, content to leave the rest of the system to Klonor and the rest of the Universe to whoever wished to posess it.

However, when the Empire fell, the government of Lil miss could not pass up the golden opportunity that had so neatly landed in its lap. Citing humanitarian motivations, unwilling to leave their neighbors to wallow in chaos, Lil miss moved to achieve power over the Klonor inhabitants. While the government of Klonor was only recently demised, and its military therefore left leaderless, the alien nation used its superior population, which outnumbered the Klonor citizens by several billion, to assume control of the Klonor populated planet. With their dominance of the planet uncontested, the Klonor Space Corps ships in the system quickly conceded to the government of Lil miss.

Fortunately, Lil miss still had no real wish for Empire and made no effort to further expand their holdings. With their posession of the latest in Klonor defensive technology, technology which even the Draconian-Rossian Alliance had not had access to before the Empire fell, they were able to maintain uncontested control of the Deneb system and once again settled in to the routine of running their own affairs without regard for outside influences.

This defeat at the hands of Lil miss marked the first time in Klonor history that territory was lost to an alien invader, underscoring just how desperate the situation had become. The quick loss of Epsilon Pegasi to Vernii/Valinon/Taka soon afterwards further reinforced just how low the Klonor civlization had sunk.


Possibly the most important, yet least effected, of the various Klonor factions, SR-2091 was an Extra-Galactic nation that was not even aware of the Fall until years after it had happened. Several million light-years from the Core of the Milky Way Galaxy, SR-2091 was a colony reached through the use of Nexus technology and was far out of reach of any other Klonor vessels not a part of the colony itself. Therefore, the Klonor Empire maintained no contact with SR-2091 and, once the Empire fell, there was no way to inform the distant system of the event. The colony was only aware of the Fall when it attempted to re-initiate contact with the Empire, dispatching its Nexus ships back to the Milky Way to inform the Empire of its success and survival. However, when it arrived within the Epsilon Pegasi system in the midst of its Civil War it was forcibly made aware of the unpleasant situation within the former Empire.

What made the system effected so minutely, instead of cast into chaos as the other systems had been, was its long isolation from Klonor. The system already had its own independent and fully functioning government, its own industry that had no need to rely upon other systems, ands its citizens were used to independence and isolation. There was, originally, minor disturbance when the citizens learned that their long-time goal of re-joining the Klonor Empire would not be fulfilled, but that quickly faded away.

What made them so important, instead of the larger Draconian-Rossian Alliance or more tragic Epsilon Pegasi, was its technological prowess. The Nexus fleet, which colonised the system, was the most advanced of the entire Klonor Space Corps and, in the years since the colonies initial founding, they had continued to advance. While the Draconian-Rossian Alliance was noticeably receding in technology (and even its ability to utilize what it had), the Epsilon Pegasi sysem was actively destroying its civlization , and Deneb was being overrun by a more primitive neighbor, SR-2091 was the sole faction that continued to progress and advance and improve itself and its society. Unlike the Draconain-Rossian Alliance, the nation of SR-2091 truly was the sole greatest hope of reforming and rebuilding the once great Klonor Empire.

The Klonor Reformation

The beginning of Klonors rebirth came when Solomon Klonor returned to life...again. Possibly due to the bizarre method of his execution, or perhaps because he was actually buried this time, the re-animation took several years instead of the usual month. When he revived, forcibly clawing his way out of the ground, he found his home subjugated to Lil miss, Epsilon Pegasi being used as home to the nation of Taka, three of his systems under the rule of a dictator who, though not as psychotic and power-hungry as Salm had been, was politically and governmentally incompetent, and SR-2091 as a seperate entity already distancing itself from its roots. Immediately inciting Deneb into rebellion and expelling Lil miss, once more containing them on their sole planet, the Duke once again took the reigns of leadership over the former Klonor capital.

Planning for the eventual expansion of Denebs power, hoping to one day reclaim everything that had once been his, the Duke was currently satisfied with merely posessing his home system once again. However, when Supreme General Yunger Keane of the Draconian-Rossian Alliance seemed to contact the Duke asking for a conference, he was willing to accelerate his plans. In actuality it was not Keane who contacted the Duke, but rather an Admiral Calvin who was one of Keanes subordinates. It was his hope that, if he could get the two leaders together, they would be able to unite as before and keep the various Klonor systems from slipping further apart than they were. Viceroy Johnas Gate of SR-2091, who was informed of the meeting by his Espionge agencies, was still hoping to be part of the greater Klonor and burst upon the meeting in the hope of likewise joining together with the other two.

For the moment ignoring their inability to agree upon who intiated the contact, the role of Admiral Calvin was still a secret, and their lack control over the Epsilon Pegasi system, which they hoped to rectify later, the three leaders formed a tentative Alliance that later evolved into the current incarnation of Klonor: the Associated Systems. With more local autonomy but a still strong central leadership, the participants hoped that their seperate systems would be able to act in unision while preventing the same horror from recurring in the event of system isolation. Epsilon Pegasi was peacefully reclaimed from Taka, leaving them the planet they had already colonised, and integrated into the Association. The official capital of the Association was declared to be SR-2091, due to both its advanced technology and its status as the sole faction that had not deviated from the pre-Fall culture of Klonor. However, with the Duke continuing to live in the Vicegral Palace within Deneb, the ancestral capital is still usually given the title of Capital and treated as such by alien nations.

The Associated Systems of Klonor

Controlled Territory

The current incarnation of Klonor controls seven stellar-systems both within and beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, utilizing Sub-Space to keep the various systems connected. Designated as Colonies of Klonor, four of the systems are home to the civilian population of Klonor as well as the political leadership. The remaining three systems, designated Military Installations, are staging areas for the military might of Klonor and are responsible for insuring the safety and continued existence of the other four.

Deneb: The former Capital of Klonor and the first system settled, this holy solar system revolves around a binary system of two stars, one of which revolves around the much larger companion. There are eleven planets, two of which are habitable, one inhabited by the nation of Lil miss. The smallest planet has three moons. Located 1,467 light-years from Old Sol, this system is one of the most distant Klonor systems from humanities birthplace.

Gamma Draconis: This military system, the first of three such Klonor installations, revolves around a red giant. There are eleven planets, two of which are habitable, one serving as a military base. The wildest planet has six moons, all of which are currently under heavy mining to supply the forces stationed within the system. Located 110 light-years from Old Sol, this system often serves as a bridge for Epsilon Pegasi and Deneb when journeying to Earth via non-Sub-Space means.

Regulus: This unique solar system revolves around a blue dwarf. There are seven planets, one of which is habitable. The most gorgeous planet has five moons, the planet and its satellites are one of the most heavily visited tourist attractions within the sysem. This Colony system is the one 'normal' system within the entire Association, being home to neither alien species/nations, significant military assets, unique technology, or significant events in history, the only claim to fame Regulus has is its lack of any claime to fame. Located 77.5 light-years from Sol, it is the third closest system to Old Sol.

Epsilon Pegasi: This Colony system revolves around a super giant. There are a dozen planets, three of which are habitable. The first habitable planet, the third planet in the system, is home to the Elf Refuge Colony where Elvish citizens fled to while on an exodus from a xenocidal nation on Old Earth. The second habitable planet, the fourth planet in the system, is inhabited by the nation of Taka and is its own soverign ruler. The third habitable planet, the fifth planet in the system, is inhabited by the Human citizens of Klonor. Please note that the Human and Elf planets are not solely for those specieis, there is no official or unofficial rule barring others from inhabiting on those planets, they are simply addressed as such because the two specieis dominate the populations of the two planets. This high-tech system has an asteroid belt which separates the planets. It is located 800 light-years from Old Sol.

Ross128: This awe-inspiring solar system revolves around an artifically collapsed star. The home to Klonors second military installation, it was the location of the entirety of the Dozle War, which collapsed its star. Only emergency efforts by the Klonor Space Corps prevented the destruction of the entire system after the stars collapse. There are seven planets, none of which are habitable. The most unique planet has hundreds of moons. This particular installation is located 10.9 light-years from Old Sol, the closest of all Klonor systems.

Tau Ceti: This military system revolves around a blue giant located relatively close to Old Sol. The most recent system to be obtained by Klonor, there are six planets, two of which are habitable, one once inhabited by a non-Klonor colony that has since abandoned the system. The biggest planet has hundreds of moons. Located outside of the Sub-Space Jump-Node network, the system may only be reached via the G/TD FTL drives and the Trans-Light Molecular Deconstruction Gate. Designated a fail-safe system, this military installation was formed to act in the event that the Association comes under attack via Sub-Space, its isolation rendering it safe from such an attack and giving Klonor a system from which to stage a counter-strike. This system has several asteroid belts, most of which are heavily mined and are designed to serve as the final line of resistance if the base itself is compromised. Located 11.9 light-years from Old Sol, this system is the second closest system to the original home of the Duchy.

SR-2091: This lovely solar system revolves around a blue giant well outside of the boundries of the Milky Way Galaxy, serving as the Capital of the Associated Systems of Klonor. There are four planets, one of which are habitable. The most livid planet has uncountable moons. Its location in the depths of inter-galactic space beyond the Milky Way kept it isolated from the chaos that arose after the Fall of the Empire, resulting in SR-2091 currently being the most advanced and commercially successful of the Klonor Association. This bustling system has several asteroid belts. Located 1,576,800 light-years from Old Sol, this system requires the use of the most advanced of Klonor technology to be reached in anything approaching a timely matter.

The Governing Body of the Associated Systems of Klonor

Klonor Assembly – 1 Delegate from each Inhabited Planet, the Klonor Assembly proposes and amends the laws governing the interaction between the various systems of the Association.

People’s Assembly – 1 Delegate for each million inhabitants in a System, the People's Assembly proposes and amends the laws governing the inhabitents of the Association.

Executive Office – 1 Delegate from each System, the Executive Office deals with international matters and negotiates the treaties which govern Klonors interaction with their neighboring nations.

Royal Family – Veto and law proposal powers, the Royal Family is in fact an elected position occupied by two Consuls, elected yearly, who wield the power previously vested in the Grand Duke Solomon Klonor.

Military Command – Veto and law proposal powers, the idea of the military having a say in the civilian government is a holdover from the Draconian-Rossian Alliance. Though so far the military has voided utilizing this power, fear of possible interference commonly results in the election of Consuls who take a harsh stance against the armed forces.

Current Influential Persons

The Grand Duke Solomon Klonor: The leader of Klonor since it was located solely on Old Earth, the Duke is both an intelligent leader and a competent politician, keeping control throughout the trials of history. A kind and benificial leader, the Duke generally takes a ceremonial role in running the nation and leaves the governing to the elected leaders so to always have a representative government in office. His one great character flaw is his alcoholism, a flaw shared by the majority of Klonors population, and his lack of any urge to even try to conquer it. Artificially immortal thanks to Jimathonian technology, the Duke also has advanced telekinetic powers due to an Emitter set surgically implanted within his body.

Former Supreme General Yunger Keane: A brilliant military mind, yet incompetent political leader, Keane is believed to be the only man equal to former General Abel Salm in strategic ability. Though loyal to the Duke to the core, when the Empire fell and the Duke was killed he united the Gamma Draconis and Ross 128 Military Installations into the Draconian-Rossian Alliance, forming a military dictatorship with himself at the head. Though more than capable of commanding the organization in battle, his lack of governing skill resulted in a continuous recession of technology and gradual loss of national unity. When the Duke reappeared, he brought the DRA into the Associated Systems and resumed his position as head of the KSC. He has since retired and had a daughter, Amy Keane, who in turn entered the civilian government.

Supreme General Richard Ihm: Keane's replacement as head of the Klonor Space Corps, Ihm is noticeably inferior in strategic ability yet shockingly superior in political maneuverability. Though he has as yet made no move to improve the power of the military within the Association, it is a constant fear of his political opponents.

Consul Amy Keane: The duaghter of the former Supreme General, Amy is one of the two elected Consuls of Klonor and holds the record of longest serving Consul, so far being elected a total of seventeen times. Recently traumatised by an invasive mental connection, Amy has just returned to active duty after extensive mental recuperation and healing. Though jaded since the assault, Amy is still a caring and compassionate leader, tirelessly working to keep the rights of Klonor citizens intact while still keeping the nation strong and powerful in international affairs.

Consul Mary Salm: The Consul elected alongside Amy Keane, the name Salm is merely a coincidence and she has no connection to the late Abel Salm, arguably the most hated man in Klonor history. Regardless, even such a loose connection is hard to live with and she has to work extremely hard to keep herself from being associated with the traitor. As a result, she does her best to keep from making any decisions that do not have the backing of her Co-Consul, seeking to keep from being perceived as working individually and to her own benefit.

Religion Within the Association

Though the Grand Duke Solomon Klonor is the subject of much veneration and near-worship, the populace elevating him to near deific status as a result of his immortality, Klonor is primarily divided between two competing religions focused away from the Duke.

The Pantheon: Based off the religion present in Ancient Rome, the Pantheon was originally a small cult started by a disgruntled Professor of Ancient History recently laid off from his position at the Museum of Old Sol.

Greatly knowledgable of the subject due to his previous profession, the professor believed it would be the best revenge against his former employers if he managed to use the knowledge they did not appreciate to secure for himself a life of success and liesure. Claiming that he had received a vision from Jove himself, the professor spent his life-savings erecting a massive temple designed to worship the ancient King of the Gods.

Though initially the religion was viewed as nothing more than a crackpots attempt to gain fame and fortune, soon after its founding its membership swelled with conversions from nearly every other religion in existence throughout Klonor. Apparently, the various other religions had subscribers who were fed up with the constant friction and war between their faiths, many of them wanted out and simply needed a place to go. With the creation of the Pantheon, they suddenly had a religion that was hated by none and was open to all. Within two years its membership numbered in the billions and loomed over the other faiths combined.

The Way of the Spirit: Founded centuries after the Pantheon, the Way of the Spirit was originated by a con man looking for easy money, similar to the founder of the Pantheon. Spouting teachings obviously borrowing heavily from the the Bible of Christianity, along with a philosophy heavily reminiscent of Hinduism, the Way taught of an all-powerful being that spoke of love for all beings and actually acted along those lines.

Like the Pantheon before it, after initial contempt the number of followers of the Way swelled exponentially, almost equaling the numbers of the Pantheons worshipers. After initial friction, the two religions eventually settled into peaceful co-existence. It was that, more that anything else, which sealed the two religions as the supreme faiths within Klonor. Once it became clear that peace was actually possible, more of the Old Faiths were abandoned in favor of the Way and the Pantheon.

Currently, there are several thousand religions present in Klonor, ancient religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Shintoism, and more, but none number more than a few thousand followers except the Pantheon and the Way.