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(The Teklarr Norr, Loyal Servants of the Ka-Tarek)
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=== The Teklarr Norr, Loyal Servants of the Ka-Tarek ===
=== The Teklarr Norr, Loyal Servants of the Ka-Tarek ===
It was during this time that they discovered the Teklarr Norr.  The Teklarr Norr originated in the system nearest to the Ka-Tarek's own, and had seen the destruction of the Ka-Tarek's star.  The massive nova, so close, had de-stabalized their own star, which itself would have nova'd, had the Ka-Tarek not stopped it.  An ingenious Ka-Tarekian scientist whose name was lost to history delved deep into the Temple and uncovered the technology needed to stabilize the star.
It was during this time that the Ka-Tarek discovered the Teklarr Norr.  The Teklarr Norr originated in the system nearest to the Ka-Tarek's own, and had seen the destruction of the Ka-Tarek's star.  The massive nova, so close, had de-stabalized their own star, which itself would have nova'd, had the Ka-Tarek not stopped it.  An ingenious Ka-Tarekian scientist whose name was lost to history delved deep into the Temple and uncovered the technology needed to stabilize the star.  The Teklarr Norr then pledged their undying loyalty to the Ka-Tarek, and with their help, the two races turned the Temple and the star system of the Teklarr Norr into the beginnings of the Holy Empire.

Revision as of 06:21, 26 March 2006

The Ka-Tarek
Flag URL
Flag of The Ka-Tarek
Motto: "By the Will of the Gods, We Live"
No Map Avaliable Yet
Region Somewhere deep in the depths of space
Capital The Temple
Official Language(s) 'The Language of the Gods'
Leader The High-Arch Diocesan
Population Unknown; countless worlds with countless numbers of people on them
Currency There is no standardized currency 
NS Sunset XML

The Holy Empire of the Gods

The Holy Empire of the Gods (also known as the Holy Empire of the Ka-Tarek) is an immensely powerful Empire that spans numerous star systems and, perhaps, even another galaxy. Based upon the lost technology of 'The Ancients', the Holy Empire rests upon the shoulders of the Ka-Tarek, who in turn are carried by the countless other races with whom they share the Empire. Using the technology of 'The Ancients' and their own ingenuity and dogged determiniation, the Ka-Tarek aim to conquer the entire galaxy, and bring unto all its inhabitants knowledge of 'The True Gods.'

The Ancients

The Glorious Galactic Empire

It is possible to describe the power, might, and expanse of the Ancient's empire with a single word. Absolute. The entire Galaxy was theirs to roam, and its creatures their playthings. Their level of technology was unimaginable. Science, mathematics, literature, anything and everything was discovered. Mystery was gone. An entire race could be created, evolved, and annihilated in hours, if they wished it. They took the naturally formed universe and they shaped it and melded it to their own whims. Their servants they took with them, to assist, to act as guinea pigs, to do any menial labor; to clean up. For thousand thousand years they played with their galaxy. And then, in one fell swoop, it was all destroyed.

The God-War

No one knows what started the God-War, or who fired the first shot, but war broke out. The Ancients turned upon one another, and their Empire shattered, and though it had lasted for a millenia, in a mere fraction of that time it was completely and utterly destroyed. Not a single Ancient remained in the galaxy; their ships were gone, their cities rubble, their technology lost. The galaxy itself also suffered a grevious blow. Entire star systems were obliterated, black holes in the void of space. The loyal servants of the Ancients still served their masters, and suffered for it. Their home system was destroyed, a small charge shot into the sun; and the star slowly nova'd, burning those on the surrounding planets to death. And then the Ancients disappeared; leaving behind a shattered galaxy.

The Ka-Tarek

The Ka-Tarek are the descendants of the Ancients' servants. They are humanoid, but taller, usually averaging around six-and-a-half to seven feet tall. They are also physically weaker than humans. While typically around the same strength, no Ka-Tarek can ever achieve the sort of muscle-mass that humans can. The Ka-Tarek live much longer than humans, as well. Standard expected life-span is thousands of years, usually around 5-6 thousand. There have been some known to live more than ten-thousand years. It is impossible to know what the Ka-Tarek look like, for even among their own kind they rarely reveal their faces or any part of their body. They are always clothed in armor which is reminiscent of Ancient architecture and style, and they also wear long black cloaks and capes. The armor is most likely some sort of powered-armor; it is fully environmental, and enhances the physical characteristics of the wearer.

The Ka-Tarek are a very aloof, intelligent people. They are privy to some of the deepest secrets of the galaxy, and they guard this knowledge jealously. To outsiders they are all buisiness, and they are very direct about it. Most of the 'jokes' they make would not be understood by any but their own kind anyways. They are almost insanely devout, and would sacrifice their lives for their 'Gods' if they thought it would further their cause.

The Holy Empire has grown because of the expansionist nature of the Ka-Tarek. They believe it is their duty to spread word of the 'Gods' to all, and they will not stop until the entire galaxy is aware. If it means burning the galaxy to a cinder, and then forcing their religion down the throats of the survivors, so be it. Though they are loath to annihilate other races, such a drastic course of action has been taken against singularly un-repentant heathens.

The History of the Ka-Tarek

The Aftermath

After the destruction of their homeworld, and the disappearence of the Ancients, the Ka-Tarek; the servants of the Ancients, withdrew to what they knew. The Temple, a massive artificial construct consisting of thousands of asteroids bound together through Ancient technology; became their new home. For a while, they worked on rebuilding and refurbishing it; to make it usable as a base, and a home. Slowly, the Ka-Tarek rebuilt themselves, and using cloning techniques borrowed from the Ancients, repopulated their depleted race.

The Teklarr Norr, Loyal Servants of the Ka-Tarek

It was during this time that the Ka-Tarek discovered the Teklarr Norr. The Teklarr Norr originated in the system nearest to the Ka-Tarek's own, and had seen the destruction of the Ka-Tarek's star. The massive nova, so close, had de-stabalized their own star, which itself would have nova'd, had the Ka-Tarek not stopped it. An ingenious Ka-Tarekian scientist whose name was lost to history delved deep into the Temple and uncovered the technology needed to stabilize the star. The Teklarr Norr then pledged their undying loyalty to the Ka-Tarek, and with their help, the two races turned the Temple and the star system of the Teklarr Norr into the beginnings of the Holy Empire.