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(The Nevertians)
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Forever will his memory linger, in the rolling plains of '''Irashiru'''.
Forever will his memory linger, in the rolling plains of '''Irashiru'''.
=== The Nevertians ===
=== The Nevertians ===
In 2004, Irashiru's government was in a deteriorating state. After it's many struggles with government styles it became a democracy, but after 3 years of failing service, many new contenders stood up to take control. The New Irashiru Party (A new breed of democrats that wanted a chance to fix the government situation), The Ionis Party (A Ecological party that wanted to protect Irashiru and stop all mining and industrial work) and The Irashiru Communist Party (A highly contraversial military force that was hated by the majority of Irashiru citizens).
In 2004, Irashiru's government was in a deteriorating state. After it's many struggles with government styles it became a democracy, but after 3 years of failing service, many new contenders stood up to take control. The New Irashiru Party (''A new breed of democrats that wanted a chance to fix the government situation''), The Ionis Party (''A Ecological party that wanted to protect Irashiru and stop all mining and industrial work'') and The Irashiru Communist Party (''A highly contraversial military force that was hated by the majority of Irashiru citizens'').
A new battle began within the country for support, each party (Excluding the Communist party) began a war of propaganda and telegrams in order to win over the voters and get them placed into government, the Communist party took a different approach and began to attack government property and government officials in the current Irashiru Democratic Party. After a five months of this it the Communist party decided that they would no longer let the other parties challenge them, through a short period of three weeks they executed deadly strikes on the opposition cutting off their leadership and delving them into chaos, it seemed that the new government would be brought about by the Communist Party, a revolution was certain.
A new battle began within the country for support, each party (''Excluding the Communist party'') began a war of propaganda and telegrams in order to win over the voters and get them placed into government, the Communist party took a different approach and began to attack government property and government officials in the current Irashiru Democratic Party. After a five months of this it the Communist party decided that they would no longer let the other parties challenge them, through a short period of three weeks they executed deadly strikes on the opposition cutting off their leadership and delving them into chaos, it seemed that the new government would be brought about by the Communist Party, a revolution was certain.
In December 2004 a harsh blizzard struck the country, cities ground to a halt and it seemed that everything had stopped, but the Communists took this moment to strike out at the weakened country. They charged the streets of Amn and killed any opposition they came across, but when they were no more than two miles away from the Government Headquarters they encountered a force that no one had known existed. A ten thousand man strong army of Communists stood in the face of seven thousand armed citizens wearing black clothing and body armour, fully equipped with modern weapons. Several flags fluttered around them with the symbol of a black arrow pointing Northwards with a green background, the Communist leader walked forwards and cried "WHO ARE YOU TO STAND IN OUR PATH! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY NOW!"
In December 2004 a harsh blizzard struck the country, cities ground to a halt and it seemed that everything had stopped, but the Communists took this moment to strike out at the weakened country. They charged the streets of Amn and killed any opposition they came across, but when they were no more than two miles away from the Government Headquarters they encountered a force that no one had known existed. A ten thousand man strong army of Communists stood in the face of seven thousand armed citizens wearing black clothing and body armour, fully equipped with modern weapons. Several flags fluttered around them with the symbol of a black arrow pointing Northwards with a green background, the Communist leader walked forwards and cried "WHO ARE YOU TO STAND IN OUR PATH! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY NOW!"

Revision as of 15:58, 21 June 2006

Flag of Irashiru
Motto: "Down with Communism! Long live Irashiru!"
No Map Available Yet
Region Sheogorath
Capital Amn
Official Language(s) Irashirian (A English/German hybrid language)
Leader Lord Fell Alexander Dian
Population 176 million
Currency Irasha 
NS Sunset XML


What is Irashiru?

Irashiru is a large, growing, country located in the Sheogorath region (Central Europe) and is a major power in the area. Irashiru has four major cities (Amn, Dssann, Dagon and Iru) which are dotted around the country, several towns and villages are also found within it's borders. Established in 1891 by Lord Irashiru Kael's followers, the leader of a group of wanderers who drifted from place to place after a great war destroyed their original homeland, (The name of which has been long since lost due to the erradication by it's attackers.) who found a fertile area of land which they settled in, and in honour of all the effort and hardship he had helped his people through, it was named Irashiru.

Where is it located?

Irashiru is located in North Eastern Europe, to be specific is borders along the North Sea. (What is known as Estonia in the real world.)

Political Status

Lord Irashiru Kael - Biography

Lord Irashiru: A name loved by his people, feared by his enemies and respected by those who know his story. A man born in peace only to be dragged into violence, he saved his people from certain death and gave them a new home after they lost their previous country.

In 1873 a large Communist State in Eastern Europe descended on a small country that was renowned for it's resources, at first the small country managed to fend off the attacks, but after several battles and the sheer quantity of attacking forces, they began to be defeated. The Communist Attack Force was brutal to the civilians, they were ordered to genocide every member of this country in order to make room for their own colonists, hundreds of thousands were murdered and in the end, only a hundred or so of this countries residents remained, fleeing the persecution they had no choice but to abandon their homes after a fruitless resistance failed. The last General of the country's army took his troops and decided to make a last stand against the Communists in order to ensure that the civilians could make their escape, he entrusted his 20 year old son with the task of protecting the refugees and making sure that they found a safe place to live. This general's name was Jiras Kael, and his son was Irashiru Kael, the savior of the nomadic peoples.

They wandered Europe for many years, barely surviving and making sure that their enemies did not hear about them, many died on the journey but the survivers knew they had to keep going, they had to live on in order to ensure their culture survived. After twenty years in central Europe they decided to venture Northwards in order to see if they could find land that could be theirs.

Irashiru was a great leader to them, he was an intelligent thinker and knew the land well. He helped his people find shelter, food and keep the will to push on. Without him they would have faded away, forgotten by history.

In the year 1889 the nomads came across a large land with rolling plains, high mountains, and no inhabitants. They rejoiced and quickly began to settle, this was their dream land, a new home for them to establish and grow in safely. Sheltered by the many vast forests they began to rebuild their society one settlement at a time, the population quickly grew as well. Once a few settlements were established they began to harvest the land and open up trade with the countries dotted nearby their land. For years they lived in peace, but it was not permanent.

In 1890 their enemies heard about them and were shocked, with a new determination they sent a cleansing force to wash away the survivors in order to stop any truth about their conquest leaking out into the continent. On September the 11th, 1890 they marched into the new home land with a taste for blood in their mouths. Irashiru called for aid in the countries nearby but none came to help them, except for one country, Richanchu.

With the aid of the Richanchu Heavy Infantry and their weapons, the nomads faced their foes in what would be known as "The Battle of the Red Hills". On the hilly plains of Kael (Named after Irashiru's father) they collided with the Communist forces. After a fierce five day battle, the nomads were victorious against the Communists along with Richanchu's essential help, but a disaster had struck on the final day of battle.

In the midst of the chaos Irashiru was leading his forces for a final charge, with musket shots firing past their heads the nomads leveled their weapons and prepared to charge for the last time, cannon shots roared in the distance and the ensuing explosions knocked the forces out of formation. Sensing the opportunities the Communists charged forth with their swords drawn, in a moment of bravery Irashiru charged out of the scattered forces towards the oncoming slaughter, knowing that he would be killed, and his determination spurred a great courage throughout his troops who chased after him to meet the opposing forces. Irashiru fought bravely as he thrusted himself into their numbers, but even his determination couldn't protect him from their blades. After five minutes of fighting outnumbered, he was disarmed and slain, but his sacrifice enraged all of his forces and gave them the final push they needed to force the Communists into a retreat, which was met by another charge by the Richanchu Infantry. The attacking forces were demolished in the final hours of the battle and only the injured were allowed to leave the land, in anger of their fallen leader they let no soldier escape without a memory of the people they tried to eliminate.

In 1891 the nomadic people founded a new country in the lands they had fought for. They named it after the man who had lead them to safety and who had died to ensure it remained.

Forever will his memory linger, in the rolling plains of Irashiru.

The Nevertians

In 2004, Irashiru's government was in a deteriorating state. After it's many struggles with government styles it became a democracy, but after 3 years of failing service, many new contenders stood up to take control. The New Irashiru Party (A new breed of democrats that wanted a chance to fix the government situation), The Ionis Party (A Ecological party that wanted to protect Irashiru and stop all mining and industrial work) and The Irashiru Communist Party (A highly contraversial military force that was hated by the majority of Irashiru citizens).

A new battle began within the country for support, each party (Excluding the Communist party) began a war of propaganda and telegrams in order to win over the voters and get them placed into government, the Communist party took a different approach and began to attack government property and government officials in the current Irashiru Democratic Party. After a five months of this it the Communist party decided that they would no longer let the other parties challenge them, through a short period of three weeks they executed deadly strikes on the opposition cutting off their leadership and delving them into chaos, it seemed that the new government would be brought about by the Communist Party, a revolution was certain.

In December 2004 a harsh blizzard struck the country, cities ground to a halt and it seemed that everything had stopped, but the Communists took this moment to strike out at the weakened country. They charged the streets of Amn and killed any opposition they came across, but when they were no more than two miles away from the Government Headquarters they encountered a force that no one had known existed. A ten thousand man strong army of Communists stood in the face of seven thousand armed citizens wearing black clothing and body armour, fully equipped with modern weapons. Several flags fluttered around them with the symbol of a black arrow pointing Northwards with a green background, the Communist leader walked forwards and cried "WHO ARE YOU TO STAND IN OUR PATH! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY NOW!"

There was silence for several minutes then one man emerged from the crowd and walked forwards to within a metre of the leader, he wielded a saber similar to the one that Lord Irashiru Kael wielded in the Battle of the Red Hills, "We are the Nevertians, the protectors of Irashiru, and we will not let you walk over the land of our ancestors if you choose to betray them and try to bring Communism into our land! You are traitors to Lord Irashiru Kael himself!" With this the man struck forward and plunged the saber into the chest of the Communist Leader, the Nevertians fired their rifles into the Communist party and began to massacre everyone that had tried to bring about the revolution.

Within hours the Communists had become a bad memory, thousands lay dead in the streets while the others ran for their lives, the Nevertians marched the final mile to the Government Headquarters and presented themselves to the assembled Irashiru Democratic Party, "We have defended our country against our enemies, we have safe guarded our history against those who would taint it. Yet we cannot allow this to happen again, resign from the Government and give the control back to the true followers of Lord Irashiru Kael."

The Irashiru Democratic Party quietly resigned after watching the battle between the Nevertians and the Communists, the citizens rejoiced when they had heard news of the Communist's defeat and rushed to find out who now ran the country. When the blizzard ended and the country returned to it's normal status the Nevertians transmitted their first broadcast to the country.

"As you have heard, the Irashiru Communist Party has been destroyed, their members have either been executed for their crimes against our country or shipped abroad in exile, the Irashiru Democratic Party has resigned from it's office and transferred control of the country to us, The Nevertians. You may not know who we are, but we are the members of the ancient organisation set up by Lord Irashiru Kael himself as a hidden defence for Irashiru, we have now emerged and we are here to fufill our duties. Lord Irashiru tasked us to defend the citizens of this country and to ensure that it was properly run according to the manuscript he wrote before his life ended. We will ensure that never again the Irashiru citizens are endangered by our enemies. We will peserve our great country. LONG LIVE IRASHIRU!"
- December 18th, 2004. Broadcast by the Nevertian Party Leader: Lord Fell Alexander Dian

Current Political Status

Irashiru is currently being run by the Nevertian Political Party, seperate to the Nevertian Defence Force which stood against the Irashiru Communist Part in 2004. They are a fascist, totalitarian government (Set up on the grounds that in order for Irashiru to flourish they need to remove elections for the time being to set up an effective government and concentrate on current country policies) which is currently succeding in fufilling all it's goals to the Irashiru Citizens, defence is at it's peak with the introduction of a large wall encircling the country, crime has been wiped out completely with harsh criminal treatment detering those who would seek to break the law. On a whole Irashiru has vowed that it will not branch out into the nearby countries in war, the armed forces are only meant for defence. Although, if it's child nation, The Democratic Republic of Eorpa, was to be attacked the Irashiru armed forces would be instructed to go to the defence of the Eorpa Prince.

Overall Irashiru is currently experiencing a stage of political bliss where the Nevertians are taking great care to improve the citizens way of life and to ensure that the country itself continues to grow.


Current Information

The current state of economy in Irashiru is one of continual growth, after a low period during the governmental strife the countries wealth is quickly growing. The currency of Irashiru is the Irasha which at the current rate of exhange has increase in the value of a single Irashiru. Businesses are slowly beginning to expand and with some industries recieving grants to help Irashiru develop even more it looks like a good period is ahead of Irashiru and it's citizens.

Future Aims

At the moment the Nevertian Party have decided that money should be invested into it's national border defences, nation defence forces and social welfare, targets has been set so that within one or two years these sections will be at a level needed by the growing country, then money will be invested into introducing new industries and increasing the nation's resource output to gain a better foothold in the export market.

Current Allocation of Funding

  • Defence: 3 billion Irashas
  • Healthcare: 7 million Irashas
  • Social Welfare: 4 million Irashas
  • Law & Order: 2 million Irashas
  • Housing: 10 million Irashas
  • Essential Industries: 1 billion Irashas
  • Growing industries: 7 million Irashas
  • Business: 4 million Irashas


The Irashiru Military Forces

The Irashiru Defence forces is split into six seperate sections.

  • Irashiru Infantry
  • Irashiru Armoured Force
  • Irashiru Air Force
  • Irashiru Navy
  • Irashiru Expeditionary Force
  • Irashiru Defence Force
  • Irashiru Intelligence Agency

Each of these sections has their own goals and targets for the nations security.

Irashiru Infantry

This is the core section of the Irashiru Army, comprised of five seperate divisions. The Irashiru Infantry's goals and targets are that they must keep well trained and ready to deploy at any moment due to the growing concerns about the nearby Empire of Volghon, an increasingly threatening military nation constantly seeking to expand it's borders, and to maintain the defences on the borders of Irashiru to ensure that no armed force can attack without the country being notified.


  • Irashiru 1st (This is the first division set up by Lord Irashiru Kael himself to fight in the Battle of the Red Hills, it is the oldest Irashiru division and is used as an example for anyone hoping to join the Irashiru Infantry. Although admission into this division is extremely hard because only those considered worthy by the General in charge of the division, General Aeiler King.)
  • Red Vipers (A moderately sized division that specialises in desert combat and handling sieges. All members are lightly armoured and are trained to move quickly and put pressure on their opponents by speed and mobility. All those who apply to this division must go through a desert survival course set up in the African Continent at the division's foreign base "Ji'kar Fortress".)
  • Blue Sabers (This is one of the largest divisions in the Irashiru Infantry, it handles multiple combat zones and focuses on strength and accuracy when facing their enemy. This division specialises in aerial deployment and often works closely with the Irashiru Air Force, there are three generals in control of this division: General Eishar Hiua who handles intelligence and deployment tactics, General Alexandra Knight who is in charge of troop status, medical checks and regulations and Tactical Commander Biran Jiesh who is in charge of strategies, equipment and improvement.)
  • The Nevertian Strike Force (This is a newly established division made in early 2005, it has been operational for several years unofficially, only just appearing to combat the Irashiru Communist Party, and has now gained official status. This is a very small force consisting of a mere six thousand troops, but they are highly trained and can cope in all weather types. They are extremely quick to deploy and well armed, using up to date armour and weaponry.)
  • The Irashiru Relief and Aid Force (This division is not often sent into combat but instead sent into areas where fighting has been fierce, the bulk is full of Doctors, Surgeons and Field Medics, with a small handful of soldiers to defend them and help with movement.)

Irashiru Armoured Force

This is a smaller section of the Irashiru Military forces, it handles tanks and troop transports. There is only one division at the moment and it is called the "Irashiru Behemoth Division". This section is used for quickly striking into the enemy with Irashiru's latest tank "Mk-I Titan" which is a lightweight tank with titainium alloy armor which allows excellent defence against tank shells, mortar rounds, some grades of rocket and most bullets.

Irashiru Air Force

This is a stable section of the Irashiru Military which as it seems needs no current change to it's technology or tactics. Most of it is dominated with helicopters, both transport and attack, with a small section of jet fighters which are not needed to combat other aerial threats due to the abundance of manned flak cannons and SAM-sites throughout Irashiru. The Air Force handles the transport of supplies for the other military sections and the deployment of the Infantry Division and the Armoured Division.

Irashiru Navy

A large section of Irashiru's borders lie on the Baltic Sea, but even so Irashiru does not have a very large navy as most of it's concerns lie upon ground battles. The Irashiru navy is mostly used to ensuring the trade routes through the Baltic Sea are safe and that no force can position itself close to Irashiru's ports.

Irashiru Expeditionary Force

This is a branch of the Infantry section that specialises in going into friendly countries to aid them, it is comprised of ten thousand soldiers, twenty Mk-I Titan tanks, fifteen attack helicopters and several hundred armoured troop transports.

Irashiru Defence Force

In most countries this branch of the military wouldn't exist, it would be called the police or the security forces. Irashiru does not operate in a system where the security forces are civilians hired to patrol the streets, it is a military trained fighting force that handles this task in order to limit crime and ensure that there is safety on the street.

Irashiru Intelligence Agency

This is a large section of the military which specialises in gathering intelligence about other countries, maintaining communication with friendly nations, monitoring information in Irashiru and keeping an eye on worldly matters.

Current Technology

-To be made-

List of Generals

Irashiru Infantry Generals

  • General Aeiler King (Irashiru 1st)
  • General Georg Allan (Red Vipers)
  • General Eishar Hiua (Blue Sabers)
  • General Alexandra Knight (Blue Sabers)
  • Tactical Commander Biran Jiesh (Blue Sabers)
  • Lord Fell Alexander Dian (Joint Commander of The Nevertian Strike Force)
  • Lord Kelzoth Silletoe (Joint Commander of The Nevertian Strike Force)
  • Commanding Officer Dianna Rosh (The Irashiru Relief and Aid Force)

Irashiru Armoured Generals

  • General Hiar Jang
  • Tactical Officer Jin Yakuwa

Irashiru Air Force

  • General Robert Stephens
  • Tactical Officer John Nicol

Irashiry Navy

  • Grand Admiral David Bonn
  • Chief Admiral Carlos Korlian
  • Support Admiral Joseph Benning

Irashiru Expeditionary Force

  • General Jonathan Peters
  • Tactical Officer Carol Bishop

Irashiru Defence Force

  • Commanding Officer Taylor Sheffield

Irashiru Intelligence Agency

  • Chief Officer Charles Lloyd

The Founding of Sheogorath

History, Causes and Affliations:


-To be made-


-To be made-


-To be made-


The Democratic Republic of Eorpa
