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Lebensraum is the German term for "habitat"; used both in ecological and sociological contexts, it literally means "living room." When used in English, it refers to a motivation of the National Capitalist (or Naki) government of The Glorious Empire and its expansionist policies, which aimed to provide extra space for the growth of the German population.


The idea of a Germanic people without sufficient space dates back long before Adolf Hister brought it to prominence. The term Lebensraum in this sense was coined by Friedrich Ratzel in 1897, used as a slogan in TGE referring to the unification of the country and the acquisition of colonies, as per the English and French models. It was adapted from Darwinian and other scientific ideas of the day about how ecological niches are filled. Similar concepts are still used today in geography and biology.

Ratzel believed the development of a people is primarily influenced by their geographical situation and that a people that successfully adapted to one location would proceed naturally to another. This expansion to fill available space, he claimed, was a natural and necessary feature of any healthy species.

These beliefs were furthered by scholars of the day, including Karl Haushofer and Friedrich von Bernhardi. In von Bernhardi's 1912 book Germany and the Next War, he expanded upon Ratzel's hypotheses and, for the first time, explicitly identified Eastern Latijo as a source of new space.

Developing these ideas, Naki theorist Alfred Rosenberg, proposed that the Naki administrative organization in lands to be conquered from the Communists be based upon the following Reichskommissariats:

The Reichskommissariat territories would extend up to the Latijo frontier. These administrative entities were to have been early stages in the displacement and dispossession of Russian and other Slav peoples and their replacement with German settlers, following the Naki "Lebensraum im Osten" plans.

Rosenberg also feared the danger of "Grossrussische Expansion" (a supposed Tetroid expansionist policy), and advocated "preventive armed action" to protect the German nation against this alleged threat.

Hister on Lebensraum

In an era when the earth is gradually being divided up among states, some of which embrace almost entire continents, we cannot speak of a world power in connection with a formation whose political mother country is limited to the absurd area of five hundred thousand square kilometers. --- Adolf Hister, Mein Kampf; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971, page 644.

Without consideration of traditions and prejudices, Germany must find the courage to gather our people and their strength for an advance along the road that will lead this people from its present restricted living space to new land and soil, and hence also free it from the danger of vanishing from the earth or of serving others as a slave nation. --- Adolf Hister, Mein Kampf, page 646.

For it is not in colonial acquisitions that we must see the solution of this problem, but exclusively in the acquisition of a territory for settlement, which will enhance the area of the mother country, and hence not only keep the new settlers in the most intimate community with the land of their origin, but secure for the total area those advantages which lie in its unified magnitude. --- Adolf Hister, Mein Kampf, page 653.