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From the beginnings of recorded time in Altanar, each city and territory was ruled by local warlords who controlled their people under conditions that could best be described as self-serving tyranny. The Kingdom of Altanar was founded in 1840 after Olen, the ruler of the principality of Ael Khalas, unified the multiple principalities of Altanar into one nation through a combination of family ties, alliances, mergers, and outright military force over a span of thirty years time. By 1871, Olen had finally succeeded in that task, and was crowned as the first King of Altanar. The duration of his 60-year reign would be spent building the traditions and foundations of the new Altanari nation, and cementing the ties between the previously independent principalities. Olen passed away in 1900, and rule passed to his son Catar. Catar's reign would see further expansion of Olen's vision of a nation guided by a strong social conscience and emphasis on unity and patriotism.
From the beginnings of recorded time in Altanar, each city and territory was ruled by local warlords who controlled their people under conditions that could best be described as self-serving tyranny. The Kingdom of Altanar was founded in 1840 after Olen, the ruler of the principality of Ael Khalas, began to unify the multiple principalities of Altanar into one nation through a combination of family ties, alliances, mergers, and outright military force over a span of thirty years time. By 1871, Olen had finally succeeded in that task, and was crowned as the first King of Altanar. The duration of his 60-year reign would be spent building the traditions and foundations of the new Altanari nation, and cementing the ties between the previously independent principalities. Olen passed away in 1900, and rule passed to his son Catar. Catar's reign would see further expansion of Olen's vision of a nation guided by a strong social conscience and emphasis on unity and patriotism.
In 1933, Catar passed away of old age, ushering in the reign of Altanar's third king, Cebratha. Cebratha's major accomplishment would be transforming Altanar into a modern nation, and opening it up to the outside world. Previous kings had kept Altanar relatively isolated and primitive, fearing the modern world would threaten the traditions and unity of the still young nation. Cebratha, however, saw opportunity for his people in the rapidly advancing world beyond his borders, and made the most of it. It was during this period that Altanar would develop a modern infrastructure, expand its social welfare network still further, and truly develop a united conscience and openness to the world. This period of Altanari history is known as the "Great Advance". Altanar's Constitution was written during this period, in 1936. It provided the foundations for the current structure of the nation.
In 1933, Catar passed away of old age, ushering in the reign of Altanar's third king, Cebratha. Cebratha's major accomplishment would be transforming Altanar into a modern nation, and opening it up to the outside world. Previous kings had kept Altanar relatively isolated and primitive, fearing the modern world would threaten the traditions and unity of the still young nation. Cebratha, however, saw opportunity for his people in the rapidly advancing world beyond his borders, and made the most of it. It was during this period that Altanar would develop a modern infrastructure, expand its social welfare network still further, and truly develop a united conscience and openness to the world. This period of Altanari history is known as the "Great Advance". Altanar's Constitution was written during this period, in 1936. It provided the foundations for the current structure of the nation.
In 1974, with Cebratha's death due to old age, the crown would pass to his son, Cianar. Cianar's reign would be characterized by a huge expansion of the already large Altanari welfare state, with corresponding decreases in Altanar's military and economic competitiveness. Due to age and mental incompetence, the Altanari Senate declared that the crown would pass to his son, Crown Prince Aelkyn, in 2000.
In 1974, with Cebratha's death due to old age, the crown would pass to his son, Cianar. Cianar's reign would be characterized by a huge expansion of the already large Altanari welfare state, with corresponding decreases in Altanar's military and economic competitiveness. Due to age and mental incompetence, the Altanari Legislature declared that the crown would pass to his son, Crown Prince Aelkyn, in 2000.
Aelkyn's reign has been characterized by his efforts to improve the Altanari economy and strengthen the military and loyalty to the nation. He has also tried to cut away slightly at the longstanding social welfare network to improve the nation's economic picture, though not without resistance from many segments of the population. Under the banner of "Sensible and Caring Governance", the current King of Altanar has found himself with many different things to juggle.
Aelkyn's reign has been characterized by his efforts to improve the Altanari economy and strengthen the military and loyalty to the nation. He has also tried to cut away slightly at the longstanding social welfare network to improve the nation's economic picture, though not without resistance from many segments of the population. Under the banner of "Sensible and Caring Governance", the current King of Altanar has found himself with many different things to juggle.

Revision as of 18:54, 17 October 2006

Flag of Altanar
Motto: Audaces fortuna iuvat
Region A Liberal Haven
Capital Ael Khalas
Official Language(s) Altanari
Leader King Aelkyn
Currency solari 
NS Sunset XML


From the beginnings of recorded time in Altanar, each city and territory was ruled by local warlords who controlled their people under conditions that could best be described as self-serving tyranny. The Kingdom of Altanar was founded in 1840 after Olen, the ruler of the principality of Ael Khalas, began to unify the multiple principalities of Altanar into one nation through a combination of family ties, alliances, mergers, and outright military force over a span of thirty years time. By 1871, Olen had finally succeeded in that task, and was crowned as the first King of Altanar. The duration of his 60-year reign would be spent building the traditions and foundations of the new Altanari nation, and cementing the ties between the previously independent principalities. Olen passed away in 1900, and rule passed to his son Catar. Catar's reign would see further expansion of Olen's vision of a nation guided by a strong social conscience and emphasis on unity and patriotism.

In 1933, Catar passed away of old age, ushering in the reign of Altanar's third king, Cebratha. Cebratha's major accomplishment would be transforming Altanar into a modern nation, and opening it up to the outside world. Previous kings had kept Altanar relatively isolated and primitive, fearing the modern world would threaten the traditions and unity of the still young nation. Cebratha, however, saw opportunity for his people in the rapidly advancing world beyond his borders, and made the most of it. It was during this period that Altanar would develop a modern infrastructure, expand its social welfare network still further, and truly develop a united conscience and openness to the world. This period of Altanari history is known as the "Great Advance". Altanar's Constitution was written during this period, in 1936. It provided the foundations for the current structure of the nation.

In 1974, with Cebratha's death due to old age, the crown would pass to his son, Cianar. Cianar's reign would be characterized by a huge expansion of the already large Altanari welfare state, with corresponding decreases in Altanar's military and economic competitiveness. Due to age and mental incompetence, the Altanari Legislature declared that the crown would pass to his son, Crown Prince Aelkyn, in 2000.

Aelkyn's reign has been characterized by his efforts to improve the Altanari economy and strengthen the military and loyalty to the nation. He has also tried to cut away slightly at the longstanding social welfare network to improve the nation's economic picture, though not without resistance from many segments of the population. Under the banner of "Sensible and Caring Governance", the current King of Altanar has found himself with many different things to juggle.


Altanar is a constitutional monarchy, led by a king or queen who is traditionally descended from House Aranathas, the ruling House founded by Olen. The current King is Aelkyn, Scion of the Fifth Generation, House Aranathas. His wife is Queen Melika, of Clan Telina of the Argal States.

The Altanari High Council advises the King on matters relating to national policy. The High Council consists of the ministers of Defense, Education, Social Welfare, Justice, State, Infrastructure, and the Royal Treasury.

The Altanari Legislature is bicameral. The Senate is made up of the lords of the 16 noble Houses that historically controlled each of Altanar's 16 principalities (now provinces), as well as a Senator from the clan leading the Argal States, a vassal state associated with Altanar. The Assembly is made up of two elected representatives from each of the 15 provinces, as well as two from the Argal States. There are also two representatives elected by Altanari overseas to represent them. The Senate and Assembly jointly create legislation which goes to the King for approval, and can override a royal veto with the support of 70% of the legislators. The Legislature can also override royal edicts with the same percentage of support. Each province also has its own local Legislature.

The 17 Houses/Clans that make up the Altanari nobility, and the provinces they hold, are as follows: House Aranathas (Ael Khalas); House Krytellin (Nalioka), House Amarellis (Lukisha), House Karaketh (Staria), House Belevora (Narraskath), House Kankeld (Draskatar), House Melreth (Ektar), House Pyrellis (Celavan), House Ankrina (Astrival), House Inimena (Isilkara), House Haraspar (Gennor), House Grengath (Nara), House Tarabesh (Marr), House Sarkas (Po), House Tela (Altana Hol), House Gnarageth (Kyrinia), Clan Telina (Argal States).

Political parties and the number of seats they hold in the Assembly are: Altanari Unity Party (AUP, a traditional and royalist party, 14 seats); Modern Democratic Party (MDP, a party widely seen as reformist and progressive, 13 seats); Akamian Self-Determination Party (ASP, a party which advocates greater autonomy for the Akamas region of Altanar, 1 seat); Green Altanar Movement (GAM, an environmentalist party, 5 seats); independent or no party (3 seats).

Under law, all Altanari citizens are required to vote in municipal, provincial and national elections once they reach age 18 (exemptions are available due to disability, age or other inability to properly make a decision). All elections are traditionally held on January 1st each year. Municipal elections typically occur yearly, while provincial and national ones occur every two years. Non-citizens may not vote, but have a special representative to the King to address their concerns.

Legal system

The Altanari legal system consists of civil and criminal court branches, with courts at the municipal and provincial levels. There is also a State Court that acts as the supreme court of the land, with the power to interpret the Altanari Constitution of 1936 and override lower courts' decisions. Altanari citizens and non-citizens alike also have the right to petition to be heard at the "King's Court", requesting an audience with the King to make a judgment. This is a right rarely used, however, as many citizens do not wish to violate the King's privacy or show disrespect to the courts by going around them.

Under Altanari law since 1938, citizens and non-citizens alike are entitled to a trial by jury and to state-provided legal representation if they cannot afford their own attorney.


The Altanari military is unique in that it is divided into two sections: the Altanari Defense Forces and the Altanari Offensive Forces. The Defense Forces consist of the Royal Air Defense Corps, the Royal Defense Fleet, the Provincial Guards forces in each province, the Royal Reserve and the Royal Home Guards. The Offensive Forces are much smaller than the Defense Forces, as Altanar does not routinely conduct military operations outside its borders. The Offensive Forces consist of the Royal Guards, the Royal Army, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy. While Altanar does not typically choose to act militarily except in its own defense, the nation reserves the right to do otherwise if deemed necessary, in accordance with the Altanari Constitution of 1936.

Military service for a term of one year is compulsory for all Altanari citizens once they reach the age of 18, although there are exceptions that allow for a different form of national service if someone is a conscientious objector or has a medical reason.

National symbolism

The Altanari flag consists of a golden sun, on a solid green backdrop. Legend has it that the design of the flag stems from when the first King of Altanar, Olen, was searching for a suitable site to build the Aerie, his royal palace. Olen was climbing up a rocky mountainside when he saw the sun rising over a lush, brilliant green field, standing in sharp contrast to the dry and rugged mountains around it. The sight inspired him to build his palace there, and make the sun rising from a green field the symbol of the new nation.

The national motto, "Audaces fortuna iuvat" (Fortune favors the bold), was chosen by King Olen upon final unification of the Altanari nation. It is meant to always remind the Altanari people to dare to strive for greater things.


The current population of Altanar is 91% indigenous Altanari, due to the long years of isolation under many of Altanar's previous rulers. The nation first began to open up to the outside world in 1974 under King Cianar, and this process has accelerated under the current ruler, who has declared his intention to make Altanar a haven for people persecuted or oppressed in other lands. Immigration to Altanar, once nonexistent, has begun to rise dramatically as a result.

Altanari culture has remained distinct and undisturbed (many Altanari would say "unspoiled") due to its previous isolation. Most Altanari believe in the concept of a cooperative society, where the greater good takes precedence over individual desire or gain. People who disregard this idea tend to be distrusted in Altanari society. Altanari are also extremely disdainful of people who treat other people differently based on factors such as gender, race, sexual orientation or religion. In fact, most of the words in the Altanari language that express prejudice against individuals for such reasons weren't even in the language before the Altanari encountered other peoples, and are typically bastardized versions of words from those languages as a result. Such discrimination is specifically banned in the Altanari Constitution. Altanari society functions on the principle that every member of society has a responsibility to help maintain the harmony of society, to respect the rights and needs of others, and to actively work to improve upon the world around them.

Altanari cuisine is notable for its heavy dependence upon beef (as that is the main national product), its fondness of tomatoes, and that it is often very spicy.


All Altanari citizens are required to attend school from grades 1 through 12. The public school system takes care of this; private schools are considered discriminatory and not allowed. Home schooling is likewise barred, on the basis that young people need to socialize with each other to be properly adjusted.

Higher education is likewise handled by public community colleges, colleges and universities; private schools are banned. The government pays for the higher education of those who cannot afford the tuition. The largest universities in Altanar are the Royal University of Ael Khalas and the University of the Akamas in Celavan.

Media and popular culture

Newspapers: Most of Altanar's major cities, as well as many of the smaller ones, produce daily and weekly newspapers in a variety of languages (although Altanari and English are the most common). Altanar's largest daily newspapers are the Ael Khalas Union-Sun and the Nalioka Daily Record.

Radio: While there is no nationwide radio network in Altanar, most cities have local radio stations that are more than happy to fill the void. Talk radio and news are popular. Many kinds of music are available as well, with the most popular kind being nikra, a fusion of techno-style dance music and traditional Altanari music.

Television: The larger cities in Altanar have local TV stations that serve the surrounding regions. In addition, there is one government-owned national network (ART, or Altanari Royal Television), and two private networks (Sun TV and ANTV).


Altanar has no issues with its neighbors or with other nations as of yet. However, a low-level separatist movement in the Akamas region of Altanar (Celavan, Gennor, Nara, Isilkara and Astrival provinces) has bedeviled the government ever since unification in 1871. The movement does not enjoy much popular support in the region or the greater nation, however, and is currently seen by the government more as an annoyance than as a major issue. In 1979, then-King Cianar lifted a ban his predecessors had placed on the Akamian Self-Determination Party, allowing them to hold office, in an attempt to appease this movement. However, it has had little effect.