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region=[[Asia]] |
region=[[Asia]] |
motto="Strength in Liberty, Prosperity in Freedom." |
motto="Strength in Liberty, Prosperity in Freedom." |
map=No Map Available Yet |
map=Unavailable |
language=Cielonian French, French, Katasi, Spanish |
language=Arceline Siloni, Siloni (Native) |
capital=Cielon |
capital=Arceline |
population=14,000,000 last census |
population=> 2,600,000,000 |
currency=derac |
currency=derac |
leader=Grand Duke Francis St. Marie
leader=Prime Minister Sana K.F. Alvaasar
The Grand Duchy of Cielonia is a nation of islands occupying an area of ocean in Asia. It is generally classified as a nation of liberal democrats and is known to support the ideals of personal freedom... to a point. Cielonia is a member of the United Nations.
The Democratic Federation of Cielonia is a nation of islands occupying part of the southern spread of islands in [[Asia]]. The nation is populated by generally compassionate people of mixed ancestry with a generally libertarian mentality; they value social freedoms and tend to frown upon social conservatism and religion. Cielonia is a former member of the United Nations.
==Geography, Climate, and Nature==
The Grand Duchy of Cielonia comprises three large islands, two moderately-sized islands, and several hundred tiny islets. In the west lies the main island, a landmass known as Cielamon that occupies a land area of about 350,000 square kilometers. Cielamon is covered in a verdant rainforest and tapers down to a peninsula in the south. In the north runs the  Catas River, which angles to the southeast. The capitol, Cielon, stands where the Catas meets the ocean, while the source of the river is home to the city of Avenlete. West of Cielamon is the moderately-sized island of Sunda, home to the city of Nolandia and the headquarters of Cielonia's mining industry. The second moderately-sized island, Nabros, lies northeast of Cielamon and is occupied only by private homes and tourist resorts. Farther to the east is the isle of Windland, a fairly large island marking Cielonia's northeastern corner; it arcs roughly around a bay on its western side and is occupied by a dead volcano, Mt. Eiji, in the south. At the northern foot of the mountain sits the town of Rainwater. Finally, Cielonia's second-largest island is known as Saidenland, which marks the Grand Duchy's southeastern boundary. The island is long on an east-west plane and is occupied by three major cities in Porto Negro, Chistian, and Piscilles, as well as the port of Ancien. Saidenland is also dominated by tropical forest, with the Stone Mountains rising in the west.
The people of Cielonia have their roots in the native Siloni civilization but have mingled heavily with foreigners, corrupting much of the original culture and language. Few Cielonians lack Siloni blood, but most have some foreign ancestry to offset it. A typical Cielonian is slim, with pale olive skin and hair that can range from pale blond to dark black. Their eyes tend to be almond-shaped and a bit angular. They tend to be a graceful, long-legged people. Cielonian women are famed for their elegant, exotic beauty.
Climate in Cielonia is tropical, owing to the islands' proximity to the Equator. It's not uncommon for the summer temperature to climb to over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, while anything below 50 is considered freezing. Warm rain is fairly common, and snowfall is completely unheard of. Because of its ocean location Cielonia is vulnerable to tsunamis and hurricanes, but the government has begun instituting measures to defend against such natural disasters, and limited systems of dykes and dams have been built to protect the nation from flooding. The warm climate provides an ideal habitat for many types of exotic flora and fauna. Various palms and tropical willows are common in the wilderness. Cielonia's national bird, the green-shouldered falcon, is common in forests on any of the nation's islands, while the crested goldfinch and the the black-capped whistling sparrow are common visitors to backyards across the country. Tigers and monkeys inhabit the forests in abundance, and there's hardly a seafarer in the country who hasn't caught sight of at least two brown-throated albatrosses in his or her lifetime. Perhaps Cielonia's most unusual animal, however, is the elusive black devildog, a man-eating, hyenalike creature with brown fur known to skulk around the deepest of jungles.
Much of Cielonian culture is based in the Sironi tradition of wisdom and honour. While the actual concept of honour is considered archaic these days, Cielonians tend to treat each other with respect. Impoliteness and intolerance are frowned upon. Cielonians place great value on intelligence, and the nation is full of universities and colleges of all sorts. They are a highly friendly people, and it is not uncommon to see complete strangers dining together in public cafes. Most Cielonians hold to a liberal or left-leaning frame of mind. Religion is a passing fad and considered primitive, and all marriages - gay, straight, transgendered, monogamous, polygamous, polygynous, or whatever else applies - are handled by the state. The government also runs brothels in all major cities. Cielonians are liberal about love and sex, and adultery is considered acceptable so long as all parties involved are kept informed of it.
==Ethnicity and Language==
Cielonians are highly respectful of nature and place great stock in the serenity of mother earth. Virtually all Cielonian cities feature numerous parks, and major thoroughfares are lined with greenery. Genetic alteration of foods is illegal. A favorite Cielonian dish is the ruby-backed salmon, a fish which inhabits the Catas River and the shores around the island of Cielamon; baked ruby-backed salmon in a light but salty red sauce known as taiko is considered a great delicacy. Also popular is a dish known as puuretoyama, which consists of white rice, chicken, and shredded cheese melted together and served in a bowl.
The people of Cielonia are a fairly curious group, mingling Western European traits with Eastern Asian traits to produce something entirely different. The vast majority of Cielonians are melangion - of mixed French and Katasi heritage hailing as far back as the original Bellemontaigne crew's interbreeding with the native Katasi. The average Cielonian is fairly short and slender, ranging from 4'10" to 5'10" with an average body weight of 140 pounds. Hair color ranges from blonde to black, though brown and auburn are most common, and typical eye colors are brown, hazel, and grey.
Cielonians are at home with high technology. Their society is heavily modernized, relying on the latest technologies, most of which they manufacture right at home. As space is at a premium, Cielonian cities are a bit crowded, and houses are often narrow but sporting several storeys, while homes and businesses span roadways or rest on artificial bases built out from the shoreline. Room is always made for greenery, which adds to the space problem.
Linguistically, most Cielonians speak a bastardized form of French that incorporates a heavy element of Katasi. This language is referred to as Cielonian French in that it's still a heavily French language, adopted over a more Katasi-heavy language because of its simpler grammar, smaller alphabet, and simpler lettering. In parts of Cielon there is a heavy French-speaking population, while more rural areas tend to have larger populations of native Katasi-speakers. There is a small Spanish minority in the city of Porto Negro, where Spanish has become recognized as one of the city's official municipal languages. Cielonian French is taught first and foremost in schools, while French and Katasi may be taken as second languages along with English and Spanish.
In terms of ethnic tension, there is some residual dislike of full-blooded French by native Katasi and the melangion stemming from the French Colonial period. As well, conservative Frenchmen are occasionally bitter over the end of the Colonial period through the April Fools' Rebellion. Because Cielonia is relatively new, residents of the old Splintering duchies occasionally feel more loyalty to their former duchies than to the Grand Duchy, but most of this bitterness has worn off due to frequent elections and greater political freedoms as instituted by St. Marie's ruling alliance.
Cielonia's ethnic demographics run as follows - melangion 52%, Katasi 23%, French 21%, Spanish 2%, Other 2%. The country's official language is Cielonian French, though English remains the language of international politics and business.
Intelligence and compassion are valued in Cielonia. Cielonians tend to treat each other with respect and dignity, taking great care not to wound the honor and dignity of those around them, a trait garnered from the honor-centric Katasi culture. A highly respected trait in Cielonia is intelligence, owing to the nation's excellent system of universities, and opposing viewpoints are respected and welcomed, often leading to good-natured debate over this or that issue in the least likely places. It's not uncommon to see strangers discussing the merits of political legislation at the bus stop or the supermarket.
Cielonians are respectful of nature and place great stock in the serenity of mother earth. Virtually all Cielonian households keep a garden and grow some form of fruit or vegetable, while hunting is extremely limited; meat for the populace is provided only through government-sanctioned farms or fisheries. Genetic alteration of foods is illegal. A favorite Cielonian dish is the ruby-backed salmon, a fish which inhabits the Catas River and the shores around the island of Cielamon; baked ruby-backed salmon in a light but salty red sauce known as taiko is considered a great delicacy. Also popular is a dish known as puuretoyama, which consists of white rice, chicken, and shredded cheese melted together and served in a bowl.
Music in Cielonia has a decidedly Eastern flavor, though with a definite Western twist. Favorite instruments are the reed flute, the daiko drum, and the harp. At the moment Cielonians favor a more classical type of music that's slow, soothing, and gentle, the type of music that provokes the mind and fuels the imagination. In terms of visual arts Cielonian painters are currently hung up on two forms of art: post-post-abstractionist paintings in which they paint a bunch of vague shapes on a canvas and pass it off as meaning something, and pop art in which the artist makes fun of images in pop culture in a fashion similar to the works of Andy Warhol. As well, more casual art tends to follow a style very similar to Japanese anime, and there is a huge market for the form of erotic animation known as hentai. Favorite forms of literature include books of existentialist philosophy, though forms of political and literary theory are popular alongside science fiction novels. Harry Potter books remain bestsellers.
==Commerce and Industry==
==Commerce and Industry==
Private enterprise in Cielonia can be fairly difficult. The government places heavy restrictions on business featuring a rather harsh system of taxation that places the most profitable entrepreneurs in the highest tax brackets in the nation, and laws requiring the cleanup of industrial pollutants and fair wages and hours for all workers make it hard for businesses to operate cheaply. Furthermore, the recently-passed Wilderness Protection Act places limits on how deeply industries may affect the environment. While these laws keep Cielonia's wilderness pristine, they also limit the nation's attractiveness to big industry and business. Thus the industrial capacity of Cielonia is hardly impressive, focusing mostly around the nation's manufacturing capitol of Porto Negro and the mining town of Nolandia, the latter of which is home to Cielonia's limited uranium mining business. Said industry has inflicted extensive damage on parts of the rainforests on the island of Sunda, but the Tenjou-Kawatashi Mining Group has thus far gone unchastised thanks to their extensive bribery of Conservative and Libertarian Barons, who simply filibuster any resolution to sanction their patrons.
Much of Cielonia's economy is supported by the automotive industry, which receives a significant amount of funding from the government in order to keep the nation's economy competitive. The industry's three main corporations are the Etsuya Motor Corporation, Cielonia Dynamics, and the Cabriolet Motor Company. Etsuya is renowned for manufacturing highly efficient cars running on more efficient, environmentally friendly fuel sources; their top brands are the popular Rakuda family sedan and the sleek Inuwashi sportscar. Cabriolet specializes more in burly vehicles such as trucks and jeeps, though they do produce standard cars as well; their most popular vehicle by far is the Yagyuu truck line, though the Atemi jeep is popular for military use. Finally, Cielonia Dynamics produces mostly military vehicles, including the KU44 attack motorcycle and the Marauder-5 model of HUMVEE, which is offered in a stripped-down civilian model, the Marauder.
The Cielonian economy relies heavily on the nation's booming tourist business. The islands' warm climate and bountiful flora and fauna draw in visitors from around the world to experience the rainforests on the islands of Cielamon and Saidenland. Beaches can be found almost everywhere, including a few popular nude beaches, while rock climbing has become a profitable business in the Dragon Back Mountains south of Inala. The main industry, however, is gambling. The city of Cielon is famed for an area known as the Shining Strip, a long, broad boulevarde lined with casinos and hotels. Easily the most prosperous gambling establishment is the Platinum Dragon Casino, the owner of which is rumored to have ties with the shadowy crime syndicate known as the House of Komodo. No legislation has been passed regarding a legal gambling age, and as a result young children can be seen gambling with adults - and often winning.
Despite the retention of archaic ranks, Cielonia is a modern democracy in every sense of the word. The country is ruled by a Grand Duke, elected by a majority of votes from Cielonian citizens. The Grand Duke serves the same function as the President in an American-style democracy, while the role of Vice President is filled by the Duke, who runs for office alongside the Grand Ducal candidate.
The Cielonian government is administered by a Western-style parliamentary government. The highest power in the nation is held by the Prime Minister, who heads up the House of Commons, made up of four hundred and thirty-eight elected members of parliament from ridings around the country. The second house of government is the Senate, a body of one hundred elected officials. While Cielonia has an Emperor, he is a figurehead.
The Grand Duke's power is held in check by two legislative bodies. The more significant of the two is the Grand Council, which consists of 100 Barons elected in various regions around Cielonia. Immediately below the Grand Council is the House of Counts, a body consisting of 253 elected Counts. These two bodies function in the same way as the American Senate and House of Representatives, submitting, debating, and voting on legislation to be passed to the other body and to the Grand Duke for further discussion. Most proposals, however, come from the Grand Duke himself. Typically the Grand Duke must approve all new laws and acts through the Grand Council and the House of Counts; however, the Emergency War Measures Act, adopted in 1967 in Cielon and carried over to the new constitution, allows the Council to vote the Grand Duke and his advisors dictatorial powers in time of war or national crisis.
Cielonia is a nation of multiple political parties. As such it is not uncommon for a Grand Duke to hold a minority of seats in the Council and the House, forcing him to ally his party with another. Minority Grand Dukes face the danger of a vote of nonconfidence, which may be called by the opposition in the event that the Grand Duke seems to make a colossal error. If a vote of nonconfidence is passed by the Grand Council, the Grand Duke must abdicate and a full election must be held.
The Grand Duke is assisted in running the nation by the Cabinet, a group of officials selected by the Grand Duke and approved by the Grand Council. Each cabinet minister is given the rank of Baron.
The current structure of Cielonian government is as follows.
Head of State: Grand Duke Francis St. Marie (Liberal)
Deputy Head of State: Kentaro Suzu
Minister of Defense: Baron Gaspard Sato
Minister of Education: Baron Aubrey Deluca
Minister of the Environment: Baron Ichiro Hyuga
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Baron Han Tenjou
Minister of Health: Baroness Mireille Jolie
Minister of Internal Security: Baron Leroy Mercer II
Minister of Social Services: Baron Taka Hyotaru
Minister of Trade: Baroness Hiromi Tsuruga
Minister of Transportation: Baron Masato Miyazaki
==International Relations and Military==
Following the wars during the Splintering, the Cielonian government has resolved to pursue peace at any cost, a policy which is evident in Cielonia's relations with other countries. Cielonia pursues a policy of friendship above ideology; the government attempts to remain on good terms with its neighbours and make as many friendships as possible while striving to achieve peace for Cielonia and the world through diplomacy. Recently the International Mediation Act has passed through the Grand Council, authorizing the Grand Duke to offer Cielonia as a mediator in an effort to smooth over international disputes through talks rather than war.
Militarily Cielonia is equipped with a small army, consisting of around 100000 men and women. Service in the army is voluntary. Cielonia's navy is fairly small, with the battleship HGCS Masamune serving as its flagship. The Air Force consists of sixty MiG-29 fighters painted in Cielonian colours as well as nearly two hundred Sea King helicopters and ten C-130 gunships. The main Cielonian cavalry unit is the J112 Ocelot light tank, manufactured by Cielonia General Dynamics in Porto Negro. As well, the Cielonian military features a group of 400 elite commandos under the name of STAF - Strategic Tactical Assault Force. STAF officers are roughly the equivalent of elite CIA officers and are often deployed for covert operations and counterterrorism missions.
===Bellemontaigne's Miracle - 1518-1519===
The history of Cielonia essentially began with an accident. In 1518 a French explorer named Jean-Jacques Bellemontaigne struck off for the west with a crew of intrepid adventurers, attempting to make a name for himself by claiming new land for France. Bellemontaigne and his crew boarded a flotilla of four ships, led by the majestic vessel Papillon, and set sail in short order. However, disaster struck when the Papillon's flotilla was caught in a fierce storm coming in off the coast of Britain, hurling them southward. Suffice it to say that the surviving ships tried to sail east back to France but instead wound up passing Africa, entering Asian waters, and sailing on until their ships could bear no more. The Frenchmen were forced to beach their ships at the nearest island. Bellemontaigne's log records this date as August 12, 1519. That even sixty-odd sailors survived is a miracle.
Haggard, exhausted, and cut off from their home, Bellemontaigne and his crew began to build a settlement for themselves, convinced that they'd never see France again. Popular legend states that the name of the settlement came about when Bellemontaigne observed the foot of a rainbow touching down amidst the crude wooden hovels of the encampment. Taking it as a sign from God, he named the settlement Arc-En-Cielon, which has since been shortened to simply Cielon.
===Early Period - 1519-1660===
The growth of Arc-En-Cielon early on was fairly slow. The castaways under Bellemontaigne had to deal with unfamiliar local foods and the fact that procreating would be pretty difficult with only five women among the survivors. Fortunately, solutions to many of the worst problems weren't that far away. Somewhere along the line the French survivors were approached by several representatives of the native population, known as the Katasi. The French and the Katasi soon agreed to coexist peacefully and to work with each other. Katasi assistance and experience allowed the French to survive their first winter, and many French sailors took wives from among the Katasi women. It is widely known that several of the surviving officers cycled the remaining French women between themselves in order to repeatedly impregnate them and ensure the survival of at least some sort of pure French strain.
The Prime Minister is not independently elected despite being the head of state. Rather, the position of Prime Minister is decided by the result of the House of Commons election and depends on which political party holds the most seats in the House. The leader of the majority party in the House is appointed Prime Minister by the Emperor. The Prime Minister may appoint his own Cabinet from members of the House and is the only member of the government capable of submitting the following types of measures to the House: Declarations of war, ratifications of treaties, foreign trade agreements, the federal budget, appointments of ambassadors and judges, and invocations of the Wartime Governance Act or Crisis Governance Act.  
Bellemontaigne drowned while fishing in 1526, but by that time Arc-En-Cielon had been built up fairly extensively, featuring stone houses rather than reed, mud, and wood. The rest of the 1500s marked a period of steady population growth as the population of French-blooded settlers increased. Interbreeding occurred fairly extensively between the French and Katasi, resulting in a majority of Arc-En-Cielon's residents bearing mixed blood. The colonists and the natives shared knowledge and technology, drawing in more natives, which in turn resulted in a substantial population boom for the colony. However, we know very little about the period from 1526 to 1655; Bellemontaigne's diary ended at his death, and most of the settlers were fairly uneducated, while the Katasi never kept personal logs or written histories. We do know from archaeological records that by 1655 there were around 2000 people living in Arc-En-Cielon.
The House is divided into several 28-member committees, generally consisting of proportional representation from each party. Committees include the Defense Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee, the Finance Committee, the Social Services Committee, the Health Committee, the Trade Committee, the Education Committee, the Environmental Committee, the Internal Security Committee, the Intelligence Committee, the Transportation Committee, the Business Committee, and the Judiciary Committee. Each Committee is chaired by a Cabinet Minister, generally a member of the majority party appointed by the Prime Minister. The ranking member, or vice-chair, is typically a senior member of the largest opposition party.  
Some preserved pottery etchings from 1655 onward implies that a plague occurred in that year; this is supported by archaeological evidence and the presence of mass graves, suggesting the burial en masse of plague victims. Our sources pick up around 1657. Hoping to escape the worst of the plague, a contingent of about 200 citizens left Arc-En-Cielon and trekked down the Catas River, founding the town of Tusca a few miles southeast of Arc-En-Cielon. The town was founded and administered by a fullblooded Katasi named Hiro Fubuki. Further written records tell us that the plague wiped out the ruling dynasty in Arc-En-Cielon, resulting in the ascension of mixed-blooded Rabican Petit as ruler in 1660. Petit immediately declared himself Duke Rabican I, shortened his town's name to Cielon, and began a full-fledged rebuilding program to repair the chaos from the plague.
The legislative system in effect operates entirely in the House of Commons. Legislation can only be introduced in the House. All bills are read three times. The First Reading occurs among the members of the appropriate House Committee and the chief sponsors of the legislation, ending in a majority vote to send the bill to the floor. The Second Reading occurs in the House in general, allowing all members to debate on the bill. There is no voting during the Second Reading. The Third Reading also occurs in the House and ends in a vote to send the legislation to the Senate. Generally votes in the Third Reading are matters of majority, requiring 220 votes in order to pass. The minority is permitted by parliamentary procedure to invoke a filibuster to force continuation of debate on legislation. A two-thirds majority vote of 292 members is required to break a filibuster. By law a vote may not be held up for more than three months, and votes on the budget are not permitted to be filibustered.  
===The Ducal Period - 1660-1858===
Should the bill survive the House of Commons it is sent on to the Senate for analysis. The Senate's function is to act as a check on the House by rereading the legislation and ensuring that it is in fact constitutional. This is generally not an issue, and as such the Senate tends to seem like a rubber stamp for the House, though should constitutional issues arise the Senate will file amendments with the House to be added on a simple majority vote. Once the bill passes through the Senate it is given to the Chancellor and ratified, and finally turned over to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to be implemented into law.
The ascension of Rabican I as Duke of Cielon marked the beginning of what is widely known as the Ducal Period. Rabican's building programs revitalized Cielon, and he introduced a standard currency, thus bringing actual commerce to Cielon to replace the barter economy that had sprung up. Mining and construction became major industries in the duchy. Rabican died in 1672 and was succeeded by his son Rabican II, who continued his father's programs as well as negotiating the annexation of Tusca as a subject town. Rabican II's reign lasted until March of 1677, when he was maimed to death by a wild boar while out hunting. His son Loyal succeeded him.
===Current leadership===
The reign of Duke Loyal I was especially remarkable in that the first constitution of Cielon was drafted under him, penned in 1678 in the grand hall of his moderately-sized stone manor. As well, Loyal I was a great patron of the arts and of lore. Under him the first printing company in Cielon was invented, armed with the basic printing press invented by Han Tsukino. In 1686 Loyal ordered the creation of the Great Library of Cielon, which still stands to this day. Also noteworthy is the creation of the Grand Council in 1693 - a group of ten men chosen by the population of Cielon to advise the Duke. All in all Loyal I's reign brought prosperity and education to Cielon. He died peacefully on August 11, 1700. His successor was his son John, who lasted until February 1701 before dying of food poisoning.
The current Prime Minister is Sana K.F. Alvaasar, an elegant, dark lady in her forties. She is the leader of the Alliance, a centrist party elected on a platform of accountability against corruption and on a stronger foreign policy. She replaces Alcion Carver Vicherie, a corrupt Social Democrat sent into exile after rigging the federal elections system in his party's favour.
As John I had died childless, the Grand Council took up the decision of whom to select as Duke. Ultimately a man named Jun Momotani was selected and appointed as Duke of Cielon. Though his reign lasted slightly less than three years, Jun I is noteworthy for founding the town of Avenlete at the source of the Catas River; this town rapidly prospered thanks to the strong trout farming industry. In 1704 Jun I died and was succeeded by his adopted son Shiro. Historical sources tell us that Shiro I was Cielon's first genuine tyrant in that he had critics killed and created a small secret police known as the Duke's Hands. As well, Shiro expanded the duchy's army and presided over the introduction of gunpowder. Shiro lasted until April 1716, when he died of a fever and was replaced by his brother Jun II. Jun II's first act was to restrict the power of the Duke's Hands... and as a result he was killed in June 1716 by the Captain of the Duke's Hands, Hiro Shinzaki.
The Alliance holds a narrow majority in parliament. The official opposition is the White Party of former Social Democratic PM Lucien LeBlanc, a party formed from various Liberal defectors, Independents, and many Social Democratic defectors who crossed the floor due to outrage at Vicherie's corruption. The party's formation so heavily raided the Liberals that they lost party status in the following election.
Hiro's reign was poorly documented, but we do know that he expanded the army a bit further and founded the town of Inala to the west of Cielon. He died childless in 1733, passing power on to his adopted son Latimer. Taking Loyal I as his role model, Latimer I promoted the arts and education and began the construction of roads between the four towns under his reign. Latimer II died of pneumonia in 1745, passing on power to his son Latimer II, who began construction on a port at Cielon. By this time the population of Cielon had surpassed 20000 thanks to immigration of natives and of widespread proliferation of the residents. Latimer II facilitated further population growth by creating federal birthing camps, in which otherwise poor women were recruited to serve as government-sanctioned breeding stock. Male clients were permitted to visit the camps and have their way with as many women as they could afford. While this form of government-sanctioned prostitution is considered by most to be distasteful it did ultimately boost the population and thicken the minority French strain in Cielon, as most of the clients were rich descendants of the original French settlers.
The death of Latimer II in 1752 brought his adopted son John II to the throne. John was more or less a caretaker, continuing Latimer II's policies before abdicating in favor of his brother Rabican III in 1756. Rabican III is most remarkable for his founding of the town of Dailore in 1763 and for opening soup kitchens in every city in the duchy to care for the poor. He died childless in 1780.
The current Empress is named Hiromi Arai. She's a young woman of twenty-three and is stunningly beautiful in a sophisticated sort of way, with thick dark hair and vivid blue eyes. An outspoken critic of former PM Vicherie, her speeches of support provided a moral bastion for the Alliance, White Party, and Social Democratic defectors in calling for new elections.
Rabican III's death sparked off a wave of military anarchy in the Duchy of Cielon. Candidates from across the duchy made claims to the throne, backing them up with force or bribery. Few candidates in this period lasted more than two years before they were assassinated. Remarkable emperors include Gennai I (1784-1789), who reclaimed Tusca after it revolted, Akira I (1790-1794), who ordered the construction of the Falcon Head Colosseum in Cielon and quelled an insurgency in Inala, and Miyuki (1798-1801), the first female Duchess in Cielonite history. The final Duke of the insurgency was Claude Deverts, a general who took power through a quick and bloodless coup only to be murdered by his own men in June of 1807.
===Political Parties===
After the murder of Deverts, another quick coup ensued in which power was seized by an admiral named Masamune Kunai. The anarchy ended in 1809 after Masamune strengthened his forces and crushed his two contenders to the throne, Luc Richarde and Mathieu Lariviere. By 1810 all conflict had been quelled through a series of treaties and defensive skirmishes, and by 1815 the nation had been restored to relative prosperity, earning the Masamune the title of 'The Restorer'. Masamune initiated massive building programs to employ the populace, prop up the economy, and repair the damage done by the anarchy. His policies led to the expansion of federal buildings and the expansion of the Grand Council to a body of 50 elected representatives. Masamune's reign was the longest in Cielonian history; he reigned from 1807 to 1841 before dying peacefully at the age of seventy-six. He was given a massive funeral by the people of Cielon, and his son Gan erected a monument in his honor that stands to this day in the courtyard of the Duca Palatia. The reign of Gan was fairly nondescript but very peaceful, lasting until 1858, a year which marked the beginning of a new era in Cielonian history.
The '''Alliance''' is the current majority party in Parliament, led by Sana Alvaasar. Elected on promises of corruption reform, the party has pushed strongly forward in establishing nonpartisan election watchdogs and a stronger ethics panel. They have also expanded the military, in particular the air force and army.
===The French Colonial Period - 1858-1948===
The '''White Party''' is the current opposition party. While founded by former PM Lucien LeBlanc, its leader is Abdilessis Rashad. It is a left-wing party advocating economic populism, increased humanitarian aid, and broader social assistance and civil rights legislation.
On September 18, 1858, a fleet of French ships made port at Cielon, led by one Duke Marcel Desmarais. On behalf of France he made contact with Duke Gan and attempted to negotiate the ceding of the Duchy of Cielon to France on the grounds that it was founded by a French national in Bellemontaigne. Gan refused to give up his sovereignty. He then mysteriously died on November 12, 1858. His successor was a conservative Councillor named Ronald Devries, who ruled for all of three days before formally ceding Cielon to the French. Desmarais was promptly proclaimed Duke.
Other parties include the old '''Conservative Party''' and the '''Libertarian Party'''.
Duke Desmarais oversaw the introduction of more advanced French technology into Cielon, as well as the settlement of pureblooded French colonists. With modern weapons in hand the new French Cielonite Army was able to quell native resistance to French rule, forcing many Cielonite nationals to retreat by ship to an island to the southeast of the main isle, Cielamon. There they founded the Duchy of Porto Negro, aided by a substantial population of escaped Spanish prisoners who had sailed into the region behind the French. For his part Desmarais didn't mind getting the dissenters out of his country. Under Desmarais the rights of non-French citizens were curtailed, and aid programs for the poor were cut off.
===Former Federal Prime Ministers===
In 1872 Desmarais died of hypothermia after falling off his boat; France sent Etienne Ficile to replace him as Duke. Ficile's reign was fairly lackluster save for the formation of the Cielon Colonial Navy and the drafting of natives as frontline troops (meat shields) for the more valuable French soldiers. After Ficile retired in 1897, the French appointed Florus Eliot as Duke. Eliot expanded the Grand Council to 60 handpicked members and moved in more French settlers, founding cities on the isle of Windland to the east as well as Nolandia on the isle of Sunda. In 1912, Eliot died of a stroke and was replaced by Gaston Belles-Oiseaux. Under Belles-Oiseaux Cielon devoted 3000 troops to the French force in World War I, mostly poor natives considered expendable by the colonial government. Belles-Oiseaux died under mysterious circumstances in 1921.
* His Grace the Grand Duke Francis St. Marie (Liberal)
* Lucien Sito LeBlanc (Social Democratic)
* Alcion Carver (Social Democratic)
* Sana Keirin Faris Alvaasar (Alliance)
The appointment of Emile Versailles as Duke in 1921 prompted a massive native revolt in Cielon - one which Versailles put down peacefully by making concessions to the people, promising to reinstate elections of the Grand Council and to hold himself accountable to them. He made good on his promise, and as a result Cielon prospered, with many rights returned to the native population. Versailles ruled until 1943, when a Japanese raid on Cielon destroyed the wing of the Duca Palatia in which he was sleeping. He was replaced by former general Vernon Croix, who instituted a draft of natives and basically crushed all of Versailles' reforms. The Cielonites were heavily oppressed until April 1, 1948, the date of what has come to be known as the April Fools Rebellion. When Croix stepped into the Grand Council Chamber, Councillor Gan Kukai presented him with a bill to look over. The text of it was a simple 'April Fools, you frog-eating bastard'. Before Croix could respond, Kukai drew a revolver and shot him six times in the chest. The councillors then cut off Croix's head and genitals, and hung his headless, mutilated corpse from a post in front of the Duca Palatia.
===The Strife and the Splintering - 1948-2005===
Cielonia maintains a massive standing combat force, collectively known as the Cielonian Federated Forces.
The murder of Duke Croix sparked a violent response from the French, who promptly declared war on Cielon. Kukai responded by having the Grand Council declare him Duke, at which point he organized an army and beat back the French at Inala in 1949, then at Nolandia in 1951. However, tensions in the Duchy led to several popular uprisings, and several cities split from Cielon to found their own nations. Of the four inhabited Cielonian isles there were seven duchies: the Duchies of Cielon, Dailore, Apios, Nolandia, Porto Negro, Rainwater, and Chistian. We will focus mostly on the wars involving Cielon at this point. In 1956 the Duchy of Dailore attempted to annex Cielon, but Kukai's troops beat them back in the Battle of Black Ridge.
By far Cielonia's largest combat body is the Cielonian Federated Naval Command. The Democratic Federation's navy is massive and well-equipped, fielding massive warships capable of carrying a devastating bombardment to distant targets. The flagship of the Cielonian navy is the CFWS Masamune the Unifier, a behemoth Kunai II-class citadel ship - practically a floating city in its own right, armed with banks of guns and missiles and several strike jets. The Masamune the Unifier typically docks at Aisun and serves mostly as a command ship.
When Kukai died in 1958, the Grand Council held a general election in Cielon for the position of Duke, creating a parliamentary party system for this and all elections. The people elected Ichiro Saito of the Liberal Party, a veteran who'd fought for the USA in World War II. Under Saito the Cielonians defeated Dailore in 1964 but were too weak to consolidate and were thus unable to reclaim Dailore. Saito passed the Voting Rights Act through the Grand Council, decreeing that all citizens had the right to vote, and legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. After two five-year terms Saito was defeated by Social Democratic candidate Tsuyoshi Kita, who served from 1968 to 1973 and was responsible for the creation of Social Security. In 1973 the people elected a Liberal candidate, Mathieu Onita, who promised sane foreign policy, only to have Rainwater declare war in 1975. A vote of no confidence resulted in a general election in 1976.
Cielonia's air force is large and well-equipped, working closely with the navy. The Cielonian Federated Air Command makes liberal use of VTOL aircraft. The main strike fighter of the CFAC is the NAK-84 "Storm Petrel", a versatile multirole fighter with VTOL capabilities. The O-4 "Albatross" fills the role of a main bomber.
The 1976 election brought to power Gunpei Tsuda, the only elected Conservative Duke in Cielonian history. Tsuda served from 1976 to 1986 - two terms - and defeated Rainwater in 1979, crushing them at the naval Battle of the Reefs. Tsuda's terms also saw the introduction of legislation banning euthanasia. In 1986 Tsuda was defeated by Liberal candidate Jean Rainier, who served a record three terms - 1986-2001. Rainier's charisma and popularity lead to peace treaties with Dailore, Apios, and Porto Negro, though war continued to rage between Rainwater and Chistian. As well, Rainier's sizable Liberal majority abolished bans on recreational drugs, instituted progressive education policies aimed at reducing crime and poverty, and opened shelters for the homeless.
Cielonia is known for its heavy use of long-range missiles in warfare. They dislike wasting lives and prefer to solve their military problems with a round of cruise missiles. The nation maintains a large supply of nuclear weapons but has never deployed them.
In 2001, Liberal candidate Atsushi Katou swept into office in a landslide and dedicated himself to ending the division between the various Cielonian duchies. His efforts bore fruit. On October 21, 2004, the Summit of Cielon was held in Cielon, and all seven Dukes agreed to unify into a single Grand Duchy, the ruler of which would be decided through an election in April 2005. This Grand Duke would be held in check by an elected Grand Council of 100 Barons and by a House of 253 elected Counts.
==General History==
===Cielonia - 2005-Present===
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On April 2, 2005, citizens in all seven duchies of Cielonia went to the polls to elect their new leaders. Candidates included the Conservative Party's John Trieste, the Liberal Party's Francis St. Marie, the Social Democratic Party's Otoshi Kawayama, the Cielonian Alliance's Hikaru Todou, and the Libertarian Party's Paul Vanier. On April 3 the election results came in: St. Marie 45%, Trieste 31%, Kawayama 18%, Todou 3%, Vanier 3%. Though hardly a stunning majority, St. Marie had won office with a landslide - yet with a mere 36 seats in the Grand Council and 91 in the House, his minority government was forced into an alliance with the Social Democratic Party.
Before the foundation of the Democratic Federation, the three islands of modern Cielonia were occupied by a number of feudal kingdoms. For centuries the various Sironi kingdoms did war upon each other. In the 19th century foreigners began to appear in the local conflicts, hired as mercenaries by the various warlords of the islands. Soon the mercenaries became nationalized, and foreigners began to marry among the Sironi. Over the years the various kingdoms modernized, and foreigners brought in new technologies.
Thus far St. Marie's term as Grand Duke of Cielonia has proven fruitful. Gambling has been legalized, limited uranium mining has begun on Sunda, and cloning research has garnered vast leaps in medical science. St. Marie enjoys approval ratings of 60% yes, 33% no, 7% undecided.
In 1871, however, one Masamune Kunai took power in the Kingdom of Aruserinu. A skilled tactician, Masamune used his abilities to fulfill his ambitions, leading his troops throughout the islands to swiftly conquer the nearby kingdoms. Gathering a larger and larger army as he conquered, he soon wrung loyalty from the other kingdoms and forged them into an agreement. On March 3, 1871, Emperor Masamune proclaimed himself sovereign ruler of the Empire of Silon. The islands remained unified thenceforth, with the title passing through Kunai's family until democratic reforms led to the Document of Federation being drafted and signed by Emperor Ban on October 11, 1934. This document founded the Democratic Federation of Cielonia.

Latest revision as of 22:12, 19 January 2007

Flag of Cielonia
Motto: "Strength in Liberty, Prosperity in Freedom."
Region Asia
Capital Arceline
Official Language(s) Arceline Siloni, Siloni (Native)
Leader Prime Minister Sana K.F. Alvaasar
Population > 2,600,000,000
Currency derac 
NS Sunset XML

The Democratic Federation of Cielonia is a nation of islands occupying part of the southern spread of islands in Asia. The nation is populated by generally compassionate people of mixed ancestry with a generally libertarian mentality; they value social freedoms and tend to frown upon social conservatism and religion. Cielonia is a former member of the United Nations.


The people of Cielonia have their roots in the native Siloni civilization but have mingled heavily with foreigners, corrupting much of the original culture and language. Few Cielonians lack Siloni blood, but most have some foreign ancestry to offset it. A typical Cielonian is slim, with pale olive skin and hair that can range from pale blond to dark black. Their eyes tend to be almond-shaped and a bit angular. They tend to be a graceful, long-legged people. Cielonian women are famed for their elegant, exotic beauty.

Much of Cielonian culture is based in the Sironi tradition of wisdom and honour. While the actual concept of honour is considered archaic these days, Cielonians tend to treat each other with respect. Impoliteness and intolerance are frowned upon. Cielonians place great value on intelligence, and the nation is full of universities and colleges of all sorts. They are a highly friendly people, and it is not uncommon to see complete strangers dining together in public cafes. Most Cielonians hold to a liberal or left-leaning frame of mind. Religion is a passing fad and considered primitive, and all marriages - gay, straight, transgendered, monogamous, polygamous, polygynous, or whatever else applies - are handled by the state. The government also runs brothels in all major cities. Cielonians are liberal about love and sex, and adultery is considered acceptable so long as all parties involved are kept informed of it.

Cielonians are highly respectful of nature and place great stock in the serenity of mother earth. Virtually all Cielonian cities feature numerous parks, and major thoroughfares are lined with greenery. Genetic alteration of foods is illegal. A favorite Cielonian dish is the ruby-backed salmon, a fish which inhabits the Catas River and the shores around the island of Cielamon; baked ruby-backed salmon in a light but salty red sauce known as taiko is considered a great delicacy. Also popular is a dish known as puuretoyama, which consists of white rice, chicken, and shredded cheese melted together and served in a bowl.

Cielonians are at home with high technology. Their society is heavily modernized, relying on the latest technologies, most of which they manufacture right at home. As space is at a premium, Cielonian cities are a bit crowded, and houses are often narrow but sporting several storeys, while homes and businesses span roadways or rest on artificial bases built out from the shoreline. Room is always made for greenery, which adds to the space problem.

Commerce and Industry

Much of Cielonia's economy is supported by the automotive industry, which receives a significant amount of funding from the government in order to keep the nation's economy competitive. The industry's three main corporations are the Etsuya Motor Corporation, Cielonia Dynamics, and the Cabriolet Motor Company. Etsuya is renowned for manufacturing highly efficient cars running on more efficient, environmentally friendly fuel sources; their top brands are the popular Rakuda family sedan and the sleek Inuwashi sportscar. Cabriolet specializes more in burly vehicles such as trucks and jeeps, though they do produce standard cars as well; their most popular vehicle by far is the Yagyuu truck line, though the Atemi jeep is popular for military use. Finally, Cielonia Dynamics produces mostly military vehicles, including the KU44 attack motorcycle and the Marauder-5 model of HUMVEE, which is offered in a stripped-down civilian model, the Marauder.


The Cielonian government is administered by a Western-style parliamentary government. The highest power in the nation is held by the Prime Minister, who heads up the House of Commons, made up of four hundred and thirty-eight elected members of parliament from ridings around the country. The second house of government is the Senate, a body of one hundred elected officials. While Cielonia has an Emperor, he is a figurehead.

The Prime Minister is not independently elected despite being the head of state. Rather, the position of Prime Minister is decided by the result of the House of Commons election and depends on which political party holds the most seats in the House. The leader of the majority party in the House is appointed Prime Minister by the Emperor. The Prime Minister may appoint his own Cabinet from members of the House and is the only member of the government capable of submitting the following types of measures to the House: Declarations of war, ratifications of treaties, foreign trade agreements, the federal budget, appointments of ambassadors and judges, and invocations of the Wartime Governance Act or Crisis Governance Act.

The House is divided into several 28-member committees, generally consisting of proportional representation from each party. Committees include the Defense Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee, the Finance Committee, the Social Services Committee, the Health Committee, the Trade Committee, the Education Committee, the Environmental Committee, the Internal Security Committee, the Intelligence Committee, the Transportation Committee, the Business Committee, and the Judiciary Committee. Each Committee is chaired by a Cabinet Minister, generally a member of the majority party appointed by the Prime Minister. The ranking member, or vice-chair, is typically a senior member of the largest opposition party.

The legislative system in effect operates entirely in the House of Commons. Legislation can only be introduced in the House. All bills are read three times. The First Reading occurs among the members of the appropriate House Committee and the chief sponsors of the legislation, ending in a majority vote to send the bill to the floor. The Second Reading occurs in the House in general, allowing all members to debate on the bill. There is no voting during the Second Reading. The Third Reading also occurs in the House and ends in a vote to send the legislation to the Senate. Generally votes in the Third Reading are matters of majority, requiring 220 votes in order to pass. The minority is permitted by parliamentary procedure to invoke a filibuster to force continuation of debate on legislation. A two-thirds majority vote of 292 members is required to break a filibuster. By law a vote may not be held up for more than three months, and votes on the budget are not permitted to be filibustered.

Should the bill survive the House of Commons it is sent on to the Senate for analysis. The Senate's function is to act as a check on the House by rereading the legislation and ensuring that it is in fact constitutional. This is generally not an issue, and as such the Senate tends to seem like a rubber stamp for the House, though should constitutional issues arise the Senate will file amendments with the House to be added on a simple majority vote. Once the bill passes through the Senate it is given to the Chancellor and ratified, and finally turned over to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to be implemented into law.

Current leadership

The current Prime Minister is Sana K.F. Alvaasar, an elegant, dark lady in her forties. She is the leader of the Alliance, a centrist party elected on a platform of accountability against corruption and on a stronger foreign policy. She replaces Alcion Carver Vicherie, a corrupt Social Democrat sent into exile after rigging the federal elections system in his party's favour.

The Alliance holds a narrow majority in parliament. The official opposition is the White Party of former Social Democratic PM Lucien LeBlanc, a party formed from various Liberal defectors, Independents, and many Social Democratic defectors who crossed the floor due to outrage at Vicherie's corruption. The party's formation so heavily raided the Liberals that they lost party status in the following election.


The current Empress is named Hiromi Arai. She's a young woman of twenty-three and is stunningly beautiful in a sophisticated sort of way, with thick dark hair and vivid blue eyes. An outspoken critic of former PM Vicherie, her speeches of support provided a moral bastion for the Alliance, White Party, and Social Democratic defectors in calling for new elections.

Political Parties

The Alliance is the current majority party in Parliament, led by Sana Alvaasar. Elected on promises of corruption reform, the party has pushed strongly forward in establishing nonpartisan election watchdogs and a stronger ethics panel. They have also expanded the military, in particular the air force and army.

The White Party is the current opposition party. While founded by former PM Lucien LeBlanc, its leader is Abdilessis Rashad. It is a left-wing party advocating economic populism, increased humanitarian aid, and broader social assistance and civil rights legislation.

Other parties include the old Conservative Party and the Libertarian Party.

Former Federal Prime Ministers

  • His Grace the Grand Duke Francis St. Marie (Liberal)
  • Lucien Sito LeBlanc (Social Democratic)
  • Alcion Carver (Social Democratic)
  • Sana Keirin Faris Alvaasar (Alliance)


Cielonia maintains a massive standing combat force, collectively known as the Cielonian Federated Forces.

By far Cielonia's largest combat body is the Cielonian Federated Naval Command. The Democratic Federation's navy is massive and well-equipped, fielding massive warships capable of carrying a devastating bombardment to distant targets. The flagship of the Cielonian navy is the CFWS Masamune the Unifier, a behemoth Kunai II-class citadel ship - practically a floating city in its own right, armed with banks of guns and missiles and several strike jets. The Masamune the Unifier typically docks at Aisun and serves mostly as a command ship.

Cielonia's air force is large and well-equipped, working closely with the navy. The Cielonian Federated Air Command makes liberal use of VTOL aircraft. The main strike fighter of the CFAC is the NAK-84 "Storm Petrel", a versatile multirole fighter with VTOL capabilities. The O-4 "Albatross" fills the role of a main bomber.

Cielonia is known for its heavy use of long-range missiles in warfare. They dislike wasting lives and prefer to solve their military problems with a round of cruise missiles. The nation maintains a large supply of nuclear weapons but has never deployed them.

General History

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Before the foundation of the Democratic Federation, the three islands of modern Cielonia were occupied by a number of feudal kingdoms. For centuries the various Sironi kingdoms did war upon each other. In the 19th century foreigners began to appear in the local conflicts, hired as mercenaries by the various warlords of the islands. Soon the mercenaries became nationalized, and foreigners began to marry among the Sironi. Over the years the various kingdoms modernized, and foreigners brought in new technologies.

In 1871, however, one Masamune Kunai took power in the Kingdom of Aruserinu. A skilled tactician, Masamune used his abilities to fulfill his ambitions, leading his troops throughout the islands to swiftly conquer the nearby kingdoms. Gathering a larger and larger army as he conquered, he soon wrung loyalty from the other kingdoms and forged them into an agreement. On March 3, 1871, Emperor Masamune proclaimed himself sovereign ruler of the Empire of Silon. The islands remained unified thenceforth, with the title passing through Kunai's family until democratic reforms led to the Document of Federation being drafted and signed by Emperor Ban on October 11, 1934. This document founded the Democratic Federation of Cielonia.