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(The Beddgelen Internationale)
(Industry, agriculture, and trade)
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flag=http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/beth_gellert.jpg |
flag=http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/beth_gellert.jpg |
region=[[A Modern World]] |
region=[[A Modern World]] |
motto=The enraged will inherit the earth! |
motto=All Power to the Soviets! |
map=[http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v148/Chivtv/NS1/4mapbg.jpg] |
map= |
language=Welsh, English, Hindi |
language=Geletian , [[Wikipedia:Welsh_language|Welsh]] , [[English]] |
capital=Portmeirion |
capital=Portmeirion |
population=300million |
population=Over 8.2 billion |
currency=Withdrawn |
currency=Shilling |
leader=The Masses
leader=The Final Soviet
‘The whole race... is madly fond of war, high-spirited and quick to battle... and on whatever pretext you stir them up, you will have them ready to face danger, even if they have nothing on their side but their own strength and courage’
‘''The whole race... is madly fond of war, high-spirited and quick to battle... and on whatever pretext you stir them up, you will have them ready to face danger, even if they have nothing on their side but their own strength and courage''’
The Indian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert exists through role-play in two unrelated parts of the NS [[Multiverse]]. The first, which is the primary focus of this article, and a second more recent manifestation existing within the role-playing community [[A Modern World]].
Some aspects of Beth Gellert's political development and some of its major characters are common to both instances.
In AMW the Commonwealth exists with a realistic population size (almost 500 million citizens) based upon real-world figures for the part of the real-world map (Sri Lanka and part of India) that the Commonwealth inhabits.
It is important to note that the nations of Beth Gellert and Beddgelert are essentially analogous, the one being an Anglophone spelling and the other Celtic (specifically Geletian, the largely undefined fictional tongue of the Commonwealth's Celtic population). Both names are pronounced in the same manner. Due to problems in accessing the Jolt forums Beddgelert speaks there for Beth Gellert.
[reworking to reflect divergence re. Multiverse]
[In progress]
==The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth==
Counting itself a democratic communist confederation, the Igovian Soviet Commonwealth has finally established a stable direct democracy and supports -or rather is supported by- an extremely powerful and moral communist economy. Alongside Hindustan (AKA [[Lunatic Retard Robots]]), the ISCBG dominates the Indian peninsula and protects there what Igovians call the world's only "true" democracies.  
The Indian Soviet Commonwealth is located as its name suggests: upon the Indian sub-continent.  
The central contentions of the Igovian Revolution, as proclaimed by countless Beddgelens (pronounced Bethgelens), are that, in democracy, "representation is a denial of participation" and, in economics, "there is evolution from one system to the next, and there is potential for moral as well as immoral application of each one". It is further the Igovian belief that theirs is one of the world's few ture democracies, as opposed to the many representative democracies, which are considered false.  
As Beth Gellert rose -at the behest of the Indian National Army- from the body of colonial India and Ceylon the modern Commonwealth is a political entity uniting all of the territories of colonial India and of Sri Lanka.
Though often slandered by politically (representative) and economically (capitalist) less evolved nation states whose governments apparently fear (or encourage their citizens to fear) some creeping red menace, Igovians no longer seek to propagate their economic system by force of arms. In pursuit of freedom (that is to say, direct democracy), however, Beddgelens will take-up arms abroad as well as at home. It is, presumably, for this reason that the world's elected dictators and other false-democrats attempt to slander and contain the Igovian Soviet Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth's territorial extent covers some 4,301,140 square kilometres of land and water. It is easy to imagine, then, that the climate and terrain are greatly variable across a nation of such considerable size. Indeed, while the island of Salvador (known also as Sri Lanka, Ceylon, and Serendib, amongst other titles) endures tropical monsoons in its northeast from December to March and its southwest from June to October, and the south of the mainland also experiences monsoon seasons, much of the midnorth is quite temperate, and parts of the northwest -where Iansislian prisoners were once infamously detained- are sometimes described as arctic. Large parts of the west are dominated by hot, dry deserts in which on-going irrigation projects occupy a large part of national economic activity.
==The Beddgelen Internationale==
The southern mainland is dominated by upland plains, while the mighty Ganga runs through flat to rolling plains and the north of the country collides with the Himalayas and runs into the great Indus plain.
''Arise, you comrades, from oppression, arise, you wretched of the earth
Mountains such as Kanchenjunga (8,598 metres) and the famous K2 (Mt. Godwin-Austen) (8,611 metres) feature impressively upon the Soviet landscape.
''For justice thunders condemnation, for a better world's in birth.
''No more tradition's chains shall bind us, arise you slaves, no more in thrall"
''The earth shall rise on new foundation: we have been naught, we shall be all.  
''Tis the final conflict, let each stand in his place.
These vast and varied lands furnish the Indian Soviet Commonwealth with a bounty in coal and with some of the world's finest iron ore. There is oil and natural gas to be found, and the nation has significant hydropower potential. The Commonwealth counts its rich arable land very important, and also has a wealth of timber and of gemstones including diamonds. Further resources include titanium ore, copper, phosphates, mineral sands, graphite, mica, manganese, bauxite, and chromite. Limestone is widely found, and there are also clays and salt in useful quantities.
''The Igovian Soviet shall free the human race.
''Tis the final conflict, let each stand in his place.
''The Igovian Soviet shall free the human race.  
''We want no condescending saviours to rule us from a judgement hall
For all of its beauty and wonder, the Commonwealth also serves its people with challenges in the form of many natural hazards. Droughts afflict much of the nation, though modern Soviet technology and public works have drastically limited their impact, while other areas are subject to potentially destructive flash flooding. Earthquakes are severe in some regions, and the nation is quite often struck by cyclones.
''We workers ask not for their favours, let us consult with all.
''To make the thief disgorge his booty, to free the spirit from your cell
''We must ourselves decide our duty, we must decide and do it well!
''Tis the final conflict, let each stand in his place.
''The Igovian Soviet shall free the human race.
''Tis the final conflict, let each stand in his place.
''The Igovian Soviet shall free the human race.
===Demographics and People===
The Beddgelen version of the Internationale serves The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth as its national anthem. It is traditionally sung by choirs composed of comrades from Welsh backgrounds, of course!''
At time of writing there were over two thousand Indian Soviet Comrades to each square kilometre of the Commonwealth's territorial extent. This over-crowding, worsening daily, necessitates some societal upheaval, which is on-going.
==Industry, agriculture, and trade==
The bulk of the Soviet popuilation has traditionally dwelled in so-called Pantisocratic Phalansteries -democratic communes- averaging a population of sixteen-hundred a piece. These Phalansteries typically take one of two forms, the first styled after the ancient Celtic hillforts of Europe and the second in the manner of a vast palace such as Versailles. In both cases Indian and Celtic cultures have meshed and modern technology pervades.
Initial measures carried out following the defeat of the capitalists and their representative democracy were largely the halfway houses imagined by self-centred counter-revolutionaries sure that the revolution could not work. This unfortunate condition was necessary given the existing infrastructure and its composition as designed to support the old system and its society, and only in time could truly sweeping changes be implemented.  
Today a major issue facing the Soviets is how to house the expanding population -likely in towerblocks of some manner- in a sustainable fashion and without destroying a communal spirit essential to the survival of a revolutionary communist society. Lately there have begun experiments towards eventual construction of floating cities in pursuit of an idea forwarded to the Commonwealth by the once-great nation of Wazzu.
The true Igovian vision began in earnest just months ago with the state-wide and Civil Service-organised demolition of those structures deemed completely useless, the Mecca Masjid and the tomb of St.Thomas amongst them. Housing estates and apartment blocks too were brought down, while many former corporate headquarters and the like persist in use with the Commonwealth Professional Civil Service.  
The Soviet peoples currently living in the sub-continental Commonwealth are racially varied, and though recent generations show an increased willingness to inter-marry, distinct ethnic groups remain for now. The single largest such group claims descent from the Galatians and now self-identifies as Geletian.  
Taking shape across Beth Gellert is a society organised in Pantisocratic Phalansteries or Democratic Home Colonies thrown-out around old industrial centres.  
These, a Celtic people, are noted for their towering stature and firey temperament. Impressively, in some districts adult Geletian males average around two metres in height.
These home colonies generally house around three thousand comrades, and are erected by public works under CPCS supervision. Two main sorts are predominant; the square halls that contain an interior courtyard for communal education, recreation, and Local Senate meetings and are surrounded by farmland, and the traditional hill fort villages resembling ancient Beddgelen communities.  
The Indian population is young, life expectancy having only recently begun to seriously recover after years of inequality and exploitation. The communal nature of the Commonwealth means that elderly people continue to live connected to their community, and most continue limited economic contribution until they reach their deathbeds.
Cities persist as clusters of home colonies and more significantly as centres of industry.
==Industry, agriculture, and trade==
Home colonies contain their own workshops and light industry, some are even centres of excellence in specific sciences and crafts, and they are –when outside cities- surrounded by light agricultural concerns that provide staple and local speciality foods to the community.  
The Indian Soviet Commonwealth claims one of the largest and fastest-growing anti-capitalist economies in the world, and clings dearly to principles of equality, sustainability, and democracy. In fact, democracy in the work-place is considered central to the liberty of the Soviet revolution and essential to mass-empowerment.
Heavy industry and extremely high-tech concerns are centred in long-established cities born in the capitalist and even imperial or tribal eras, and workers travel from their home colonies to ply their trades in the cities. Surrounding the cities are usually vast agricultural concerns often referred to as commercial farms, which disperse unique regional products to the wider commonwealth and export them in exchange for equivalent foreign products. They also provide redundant food production to protect smaller subsistence farms attached to Phalansteries against the possibility of poor local harvests or environmental disasters. Excess production is assigned to festivals and feasts in celebration of the revolution and its achievements, and exported as food aid where there is confidence in a lack of domestic need.  
The rise of the Second Commonwealth, in which new elections to the Soviets broke the power of the Communist Party and removed the dictatorial Party Secretary and de-facto premier Sopworth Igo, saw the final abolition of capitalism and the removal from the workplace of all managers. Since 1989 all businesses in the Soviet Commonwealth have been run by their workers through membership in Soviets that meet regularly to discuss -and vote upon- workplace policy and business plans. A profit-sharing system -inclusive of democratic accountability- ensures to some degree the maximisation of effort on the part of those who are keen to profit.  
Igovian cities are twenty-four hour entities that tend to allow great flexibility regarding individuals’ working hours. Across the ISCBG there is essentially no unemployment, though some argue that a great deal of citizens are underemployed by local public works. It is generally argued that unused man-hours are needed as a sort of redundancy in the event of disaster, war, or some unforeseen opportunity.  
Unemployment is virtually unheard of in the Commonwealth, but workloads vary greatly and largely by personnal choice. Within their communes -the Pantisocratic Phalansteries- citizens generally contribute part-time labour to the upkeep of facilities and to the tending of crops sewn in the surrounding fields. Workshops within each Phalanstery turn out some necessities, help to maintain agricultural and defence equipment, and produce local commodities for barter with communes across the vast and eclectic Commonwealth. Cotton from one region is traded for silk from another, and worker-managed state farms between the communes and the cities ensure the common availability of essential staples while also mass-producing export commodities.
Under-employed comrades with sufficient training (and the vast majority of Beddgelert’s highly skilled, communally educated population has just that) are often commissioned to aid foreign states in establishing their own industries. Under the Principality, many of these states would have been exploited as clients for Beddgelen consumer goods, their industries encouraged to grow only far enough to provide cheap human labour for the finishing of products machined in Beth Gellert. As the Commonwealth, Beth Gellert encourages balanced trade in unique agricultural products and raw materials to be machined in their nation of final destination.
Some comrades survive merely on the product of their Phalanstery and their part-time work within it, but most engage also in job-sharing centred in the University Cities, where -as the name implied- great centres of learning and research pool the resources of comrades and communities across an expansive area for the betterment of all and the continued progress of the revolution. Here, former capitalist enterprises are taken-over by their workers and generally are improved by their self-management techniques, which, according to Soviet propaganda, have significantly improved moral, and as a consequence, also productivity. Since few Soviet citizens hold much respect for the efficiency of full-time managers or the equality of profit-distribution under capitalist systems they find that workers without these bosses can take a greater share of profit from fewer hours of work, and so job-sharing becomes practical and unemployment void.
Private transport no longer exists in the Igovian Soviet Commonwealth, though comrades have no trouble in getting from place to place. A wide range of transport vehicles does exist, including cars and cycles, though in smaller numbers than was the case in the capitalist era. These are generally fitted with electronic beacons that allow communities to check on the number of vehicles available to them and their proximity or condition of use at any time.  
Private transport no longer exists in the Indian Soviet Commonwealth, though comrades have no trouble in getting from place to place. A wide range of transport vehicles does exist, including cars and cycles, though in smaller numbers than was the case in the capitalist era. These are generally fitted with electronic beacons that allow communities to check on the number of vehicles available to them and their proximity or condition of use at any time.  
Comrades are free to make use of communally-held vehicles in short trips, and abuse of agreed terms of use can be monitored via the mentioned electronic system. Powered vehicles are built to strict CPCS specifications on safety and fuel efficiency, and are regulated to confirm with national speed limits. Most cars in Beth Gellert can not pass eighty kilometres per hour. There do exist high performance cars, but these are designated for recreational use within specially demarcated areas. They still must meet fuel efficiency and emissions regulations, but face no speed restrictions. Use of such vehicles beyond designated recreational zones is considered criminal.  
Comrades are free to make use of communally-held vehicles in short trips, and abuse of agreed terms of use can be monitored via the mentioned electronic system. Powered vehicles are built to strict specifications on safety and fuel efficiency, and are regulated to confirm with national speed limits. Most cars in Beth Gellert can not pass eighty kilometres per hour. There do exist high performance cars, but these are designated for recreational use within specially demarcated areas, and still must meet fuel efficiency and emissions regulations but face no speed restrictions. Use of such vehicles beyond designated recreational zones is considered criminally dangerous.  
That said, such personal forms of transport are not the most popular means of transit within Beth Gellert. That honour goes to the nation’s railways, considered some of the world’s finest. Using a wide gauge generations ago proven to be superior to more widely used narrow gauges, Beddgelen trains are fast and reliable, and provide exceptionally comfortable and safe rides. The rail network is extremely expansive, and its latest generation of engines increasingly fuel efficient and popular. If there is a problem, it lies in communication with the wider world. Portmeirion would like to encourage wider use of its wide-gauge, but the notion of over-hauling entire national rail grids is hard to stomach in most surrounding states.  
That said, such personal forms of transport are not the most popular means of transit within Beth Gellert. That honour goes to the nation’s railways, considered some of the world’s finest. Using a wide gauge generations ago proven to be superior to more widely used narrow gauges, Beddgelen trains are fast and reliable, and provide exceptionally comfortable and safe rides. The rail network is extremely expansive, and its latest generation of engines increasingly fuel efficient and popular. If there is a problem, it lies in communication with the wider world. Portmeirion would like to encourage wider use of its wide-gauge, but the notion of over-hauling entire national rail grids is hard to stomach in most surrounding states.  
Bus services, taxis, and trams are also widespread and run to some level around the clock.
Bus services, taxis, and trams are also widespread and run to some level around the clock. Recently becoming popular are electric, "share-cars" that are stored in so-called stacks at participating Phalansteries and in connected University Cities. The front car in any stack is always fully charged and may be driven along barricaded courseways between communes and cities and stacked at its destination.

Latest revision as of 00:12, 31 March 2007

Beth Gellert
Flag of Beth Gellert
Motto: All Power to the Soviets!
Region A Modern World
Capital Portmeirion
Official Language(s) Geletian , Welsh , English
Leader The Final Soviet
Population Over 8.2 billion
Currency Shilling 
NS Sunset XML

The whole race... is madly fond of war, high-spirited and quick to battle... and on whatever pretext you stir them up, you will have them ready to face danger, even if they have nothing on their side but their own strength and courage’ -Strabo


The Indian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert exists through role-play in two unrelated parts of the NS Multiverse. The first, which is the primary focus of this article, and a second more recent manifestation existing within the role-playing community A Modern World.

Some aspects of Beth Gellert's political development and some of its major characters are common to both instances.

In AMW the Commonwealth exists with a realistic population size (almost 500 million citizens) based upon real-world figures for the part of the real-world map (Sri Lanka and part of India) that the Commonwealth inhabits.

It is important to note that the nations of Beth Gellert and Beddgelert are essentially analogous, the one being an Anglophone spelling and the other Celtic (specifically Geletian, the largely undefined fictional tongue of the Commonwealth's Celtic population). Both names are pronounced in the same manner. Due to problems in accessing the Jolt forums Beddgelert speaks there for Beth Gellert.


[reworking to reflect divergence re. Multiverse]




The Indian Soviet Commonwealth is located as its name suggests: upon the Indian sub-continent.

As Beth Gellert rose -at the behest of the Indian National Army- from the body of colonial India and Ceylon the modern Commonwealth is a political entity uniting all of the territories of colonial India and of Sri Lanka.

The Commonwealth's territorial extent covers some 4,301,140 square kilometres of land and water. It is easy to imagine, then, that the climate and terrain are greatly variable across a nation of such considerable size. Indeed, while the island of Salvador (known also as Sri Lanka, Ceylon, and Serendib, amongst other titles) endures tropical monsoons in its northeast from December to March and its southwest from June to October, and the south of the mainland also experiences monsoon seasons, much of the midnorth is quite temperate, and parts of the northwest -where Iansislian prisoners were once infamously detained- are sometimes described as arctic. Large parts of the west are dominated by hot, dry deserts in which on-going irrigation projects occupy a large part of national economic activity.

The southern mainland is dominated by upland plains, while the mighty Ganga runs through flat to rolling plains and the north of the country collides with the Himalayas and runs into the great Indus plain.

Mountains such as Kanchenjunga (8,598 metres) and the famous K2 (Mt. Godwin-Austen) (8,611 metres) feature impressively upon the Soviet landscape.

These vast and varied lands furnish the Indian Soviet Commonwealth with a bounty in coal and with some of the world's finest iron ore. There is oil and natural gas to be found, and the nation has significant hydropower potential. The Commonwealth counts its rich arable land very important, and also has a wealth of timber and of gemstones including diamonds. Further resources include titanium ore, copper, phosphates, mineral sands, graphite, mica, manganese, bauxite, and chromite. Limestone is widely found, and there are also clays and salt in useful quantities.

For all of its beauty and wonder, the Commonwealth also serves its people with challenges in the form of many natural hazards. Droughts afflict much of the nation, though modern Soviet technology and public works have drastically limited their impact, while other areas are subject to potentially destructive flash flooding. Earthquakes are severe in some regions, and the nation is quite often struck by cyclones.


Demographics and People

At time of writing there were over two thousand Indian Soviet Comrades to each square kilometre of the Commonwealth's territorial extent. This over-crowding, worsening daily, necessitates some societal upheaval, which is on-going.

The bulk of the Soviet popuilation has traditionally dwelled in so-called Pantisocratic Phalansteries -democratic communes- averaging a population of sixteen-hundred a piece. These Phalansteries typically take one of two forms, the first styled after the ancient Celtic hillforts of Europe and the second in the manner of a vast palace such as Versailles. In both cases Indian and Celtic cultures have meshed and modern technology pervades.

Today a major issue facing the Soviets is how to house the expanding population -likely in towerblocks of some manner- in a sustainable fashion and without destroying a communal spirit essential to the survival of a revolutionary communist society. Lately there have begun experiments towards eventual construction of floating cities in pursuit of an idea forwarded to the Commonwealth by the once-great nation of Wazzu.

The Soviet peoples currently living in the sub-continental Commonwealth are racially varied, and though recent generations show an increased willingness to inter-marry, distinct ethnic groups remain for now. The single largest such group claims descent from the Galatians and now self-identifies as Geletian.

These, a Celtic people, are noted for their towering stature and firey temperament. Impressively, in some districts adult Geletian males average around two metres in height.

The Indian population is young, life expectancy having only recently begun to seriously recover after years of inequality and exploitation. The communal nature of the Commonwealth means that elderly people continue to live connected to their community, and most continue limited economic contribution until they reach their deathbeds.

Industry, agriculture, and trade

The Indian Soviet Commonwealth claims one of the largest and fastest-growing anti-capitalist economies in the world, and clings dearly to principles of equality, sustainability, and democracy. In fact, democracy in the work-place is considered central to the liberty of the Soviet revolution and essential to mass-empowerment.

The rise of the Second Commonwealth, in which new elections to the Soviets broke the power of the Communist Party and removed the dictatorial Party Secretary and de-facto premier Sopworth Igo, saw the final abolition of capitalism and the removal from the workplace of all managers. Since 1989 all businesses in the Soviet Commonwealth have been run by their workers through membership in Soviets that meet regularly to discuss -and vote upon- workplace policy and business plans. A profit-sharing system -inclusive of democratic accountability- ensures to some degree the maximisation of effort on the part of those who are keen to profit.

Unemployment is virtually unheard of in the Commonwealth, but workloads vary greatly and largely by personnal choice. Within their communes -the Pantisocratic Phalansteries- citizens generally contribute part-time labour to the upkeep of facilities and to the tending of crops sewn in the surrounding fields. Workshops within each Phalanstery turn out some necessities, help to maintain agricultural and defence equipment, and produce local commodities for barter with communes across the vast and eclectic Commonwealth. Cotton from one region is traded for silk from another, and worker-managed state farms between the communes and the cities ensure the common availability of essential staples while also mass-producing export commodities.

Some comrades survive merely on the product of their Phalanstery and their part-time work within it, but most engage also in job-sharing centred in the University Cities, where -as the name implied- great centres of learning and research pool the resources of comrades and communities across an expansive area for the betterment of all and the continued progress of the revolution. Here, former capitalist enterprises are taken-over by their workers and generally are improved by their self-management techniques, which, according to Soviet propaganda, have significantly improved moral, and as a consequence, also productivity. Since few Soviet citizens hold much respect for the efficiency of full-time managers or the equality of profit-distribution under capitalist systems they find that workers without these bosses can take a greater share of profit from fewer hours of work, and so job-sharing becomes practical and unemployment void.


Private transport no longer exists in the Indian Soviet Commonwealth, though comrades have no trouble in getting from place to place. A wide range of transport vehicles does exist, including cars and cycles, though in smaller numbers than was the case in the capitalist era. These are generally fitted with electronic beacons that allow communities to check on the number of vehicles available to them and their proximity or condition of use at any time.

Comrades are free to make use of communally-held vehicles in short trips, and abuse of agreed terms of use can be monitored via the mentioned electronic system. Powered vehicles are built to strict specifications on safety and fuel efficiency, and are regulated to confirm with national speed limits. Most cars in Beth Gellert can not pass eighty kilometres per hour. There do exist high performance cars, but these are designated for recreational use within specially demarcated areas, and still must meet fuel efficiency and emissions regulations but face no speed restrictions. Use of such vehicles beyond designated recreational zones is considered criminally dangerous.

That said, such personal forms of transport are not the most popular means of transit within Beth Gellert. That honour goes to the nation’s railways, considered some of the world’s finest. Using a wide gauge generations ago proven to be superior to more widely used narrow gauges, Beddgelen trains are fast and reliable, and provide exceptionally comfortable and safe rides. The rail network is extremely expansive, and its latest generation of engines increasingly fuel efficient and popular. If there is a problem, it lies in communication with the wider world. Portmeirion would like to encourage wider use of its wide-gauge, but the notion of over-hauling entire national rail grids is hard to stomach in most surrounding states.

Bus services, taxis, and trams are also widespread and run to some level around the clock. Recently becoming popular are electric, "share-cars" that are stored in so-called stacks at participating Phalansteries and in connected University Cities. The front car in any stack is always fully charged and may be driven along barricaded courseways between communes and cities and stacked at its destination.